
Ascensões em Big Pine Towers

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Mostrando os 8 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Tue 31st Mar 2020 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Big Pine Towers Northwest Side
5.10a 5.9 Recovery Room Sport 15m Good
Emma Ayling
Typical tricky Lemmon.

Tue 31st Mar 2020 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Big Pine Towers Souteast Side
5.11b Coronary Bypass Sport
Emma Ayling
Warm up. Felt a little tentative

5.11b Coronary Bypass Sport
Emma Ayling
Fell going for the chains.

Sat 12th Jan 2019 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Big Pine Towers Souteast Side
5.12c Honker - with Ethan Sport 23m Very Good
Gabe Grayum
Exceptional rock quality on this route. Super fun to the 6th bolt or so and then it's just an endurance game with a couple cruxy sections. Not my style. The upper 2/3 of the route bakes in the sun all day while the belayer freezes in the shade, which makes it an untenable project.

2000 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Big Pine Towers Northwest Side
5.9 Recovery Room Sport 15m Good
James Higginson
Somewhat height-dependant... Felt harder for me, 5.10- (in 'Squeezing the Lemmon II')

Sat 8th Apr 1989 - Mount Lemmon
Windy Point Big Pine Towers Souteast Side
5.12a Prowess Unknown 12m
uh_oh burt
5.11d Catclaw Sport 15m
uh_oh burt
5.12c Crashing by Design Unknown 23m Very Good
uh_oh burt

Mostrando os 8 ascensões.

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