
Ascensões em Middle Cathedral Rock tendo Beta

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Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Stuart McElroy
Sat 11th May 2002
Bloody brilliant

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Patrick Paul
Wed 1st Jun 1988
Of course you should, but watch for rocks.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Tue 17th Jun 2003
aided the bolt ladder.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park
Sun 1st Jun 2003
completely kicked my ass

5.10c Stoner's Highway Unknown Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Tony Williams
Fri 18th Oct 2002
awesome and a scary

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Luke Goldston

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Joseph Timothy Myers
Tue 13th Apr 2010
fun route, had some great quality pitches...remember the 10c section to be quite hard.

5.10c Stoner's Highway Unknown Yosemite National Park Very Good
Heath McCrossin
Mon 1st May 2006
Thin traverses between cracks for 200 m. Scary as hell!

5.10c Stoner's Highway Unknown Yosemite National Park Very Good
first pitch only

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Dario "Mars" Mofardin
Tue 23rd Sep 2008
Led pitch 7 & 9, all day adventure

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
several subsequent ascents

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Gareth Llewellin
Sat 1st Apr 2000
Like april fools we got benighted majorly when someone dropped the giude and we couldn't find the descent. Got back to the car at 3.45 am

5.10c Ho Chi Minh Trail Trad 600m Yosemite National Park Classic
Gareth Llewellin
Mon 6th Oct 2008
with Josh. We got down just at dark

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Marten Blumen
Wed 1st May 2002
A long line following cracks.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Scott Godwin
Sat 8th Jun 2013
With Laura. 1st five pitches went well and were done in 2 or 3 hours, then my upset guts started to get the better of me. Climbed the next five pitches in blazingly hot conditions while carrying a reeking poo bag and getting increasingly sick and dehydrated. Pulled on a lot of gear in the final pitches. Pitch 10 looks awesome, but by that stage I was reduced to aiding almost everything, so I didn't get to find out what the free moves were like. I'll be back to climb this again in better style.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Nick Le Baut
Thu 10th Sep 2009
What an awesome route! the 5.10c crux is quite short, bolt protected and face climbing. The rest is about 5.9 / 5.10 crack. Mega Classic!

5.10c East Buttress - with sritchie Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Mon 2nd Dec 2013
Had a tough time locating the catwalk decent, lost an iPhone at the summit and did not bring enough water for a summer-in-the-valley day. Otherwise, an amazing climb!

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Vanessa Wills
Mon 20th Oct 2014
Did crowded hour variation. And some others. Do the new rappel descent from top of 10 th pitch. An hour of simul rapping.

5.10a 5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Josh Worley
Tue 9th Oct 2018
Climbed in 5 pitches with the 10a variation

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Miles Mason Winther
Sun 12th Apr 2015
Pulled on the bolt ladder through the slab, otherwise all onsight and free

5.9 A0 5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Sat 8th Jun 2019
Swinging leads and linked 1-2 & 3-4. Aided the bolt ladder for speed (and because it’s a hard polished slab)

5.10c East Buttress - with Lisa Flink
1 5.6 120ft Second
2 5.8 40ft Trad
3 5.8 100ft Trad
4 5.7 100ft Trad
5 5.10c 100ft Trad
6 5.8 100ft Trad
7 5.7 120ft Trad
8 5.8 130ft Trad
9 5.7 100ft Trad
10 5.8 140ft Trad
11 5.7 120ft Trad
Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park
Thomas Weber
Thu 17th Sep 1998
Just made it down East ledges descent before it got dark

5.10c East Buttress - with Ian Rapp Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Tue 24th Sep 2019
Lead every pitch. The squeeze chimney really gives it to you.

5.10c East Buttress - with Dominik Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Thu 1st Aug 2019
Absolute classic!

5.10c East Buttress - with Nick Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Fri 8th Oct 2021
Led every single pitch on this route, I almost got sick of leading after topping it out. It took us 2 hours to find the repel station and I did the run repel which made me climb up again almost in darkness.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Classic
Christian K
Oct 2018
First route, first classic in Yosemite Had a minor epic on the rappel missing the new rappel route and ending up on the old one which required double ropes ...

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park
Anton Korsun
Tue 16th May 2023
Up was fine. But Sloan-bagged once again, we simulrapped straight down the wrong gully (apparently marked “NO!” on mountainproject).

What was meant to be easy raps with a 60 became absolute ropestretchers with our 70m, mostly off little shrubs and requiring exposed down-aiding, unbelayed because the shrubs would probably rip.

When the trees were bomber we would simulrap again, comically running across the wall in search of further non-existent anchors for the “easy raps with a 60”.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park
Dylan Tubaro
Wed 17th May 2023
5.9 A0. Fucked the last move on the 10c slab.ill Blame the sun for that one

5.10c Stoner's Highway Unknown Yosemite National Park Classic
Jack Seawright
Thu 1st Jun 2023
'Stoners highway is the best 5.10 in the valley' say all the 5.13 climbers in the valley. Maybe its the only one that makes them feel something. I could believe that. I had mixed feelings originally when gen wanted to take the 5.7 bail out of the reputation opening pitch, but it turned out to be the right move because i had a right coniption on the 2nd. Gr 20 slab sequence 3m above a .2 stuffed in a pin scar 4m above the next piece. I was 10/10 scared for 20 minutes of up and downing the sequence. I tried to recall vague images of the product disclosure on my travel insurance but i couldnt even read the crimps right before my eyes. Finally pulled it, trapsed up the ramp to the chains swearing and brushing sweat from everywhere. From there it didnt let up too much either. Gen had a 5.10 crux 5m above the chains with no gear. I extended by petzl adjust and prepared for a dive to the side. Impressively (impressively?) bold for a classic.

5.10c East Buttress - with Simon Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Ronja Lantzsch
Sun 10th Sep 2023
Did the nice 10a face variation. Good route with some loose rock. Make sure you finde the rappel route.

5.10c East Buttress - with cameron Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Mon 9th Oct 2023
The flake after the bolt ladder and pitch ten were may favorite bits but nearly every pitch was fantastic.

5.10c East Buttress - with Neil Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Peter Melouney
Sun 8th Oct 2023
So good!! P1/2 & 3/4 link nicely. Stoked to onsight the 10c slab and be rewarded with fun roof moves and beautiful flake to the anchor. Rapped down. Great day out.

5.10c East Buttress
1 5.6 120ft Second
2 5.8 40ft Second
3 5.8 100ft Trad
4 5.7 100ft Trad
5 5.10c 100ft Aid
6 5.8 100ft Trad
7 5.7 120ft Second
8 5.8 130ft Second
9 5.7 100ft Trad
10 5.8 140ft Second
11 5.7 120ft Trad
Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Very Good
Fri 13th Oct 2023
Very good Route!

Heaps of chossy rock to look out for though

Made me feal a bit that I was climbing in the mountains...

We linked 3-4 easy

And 7-8 in a mega 70m long pitch

I would suggest not linking 1 with 2

The start of 2 can be a bit commiting, Nicer to have the belayer next to you, to stop you for decking

We aided the bolted pitch

Could have been fun to try climb it, but not fun if we wasted that time and got caught out in the dark for the last couple of pitches

Especially when you need to do 12Raps to get out Rumor has it to better Rap that do the walk off..

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park
Will West
Sat 11th May 2024
Does it count as a clean send if you undergrip on mega jugs on a 5.8 then fall 2m onto a ledge standing and your belayer doesn't even notice?

Sick Yosemite intro - p6 was the scariest thing I've ever led, 2 pitons and one worthwhile cam placement over 30m of traversing while still not totally trusting the granite smears - the handholds were the equivalent of pulling on a stale arnotts lemon crisp at points.

Felt like I went through a footwork class over 10 pitches and it finally started to click by the end. Shit's rough in the valley.

Linked 1/2, 3/4, 7-8.5 then ran out of rope.

5.10c East Buttress Mixed trad 360m, 9 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Julian Roffman
Fri 27th Jul 2018
Awesome Yosemite intro, fun and definitely worth it

5.10b V
5.10b Direct North Buttress (aka DNB) Alpine Yosemite National Park
Lee Cujes
Fri 10th May 2002
got frozen off 7 pitches up

5.10b 5.10b V Direct North Buttress (aka DNB) Alpine Yosemite National Park Very Good
Patrick Paul
Sat 1st Jul 1995
Wonderful, but avoid if you hate wide chimneys.

5.10b Freewheelin' Unknown Yosemite National Park Very Good
Patrick Paul
Thu 1st Jul 1999
Totally trad!

5.10a R
5.10a 5.10a R Paradise Lost Trad Yosemite National Park Very Good
great route

5.10a Fifty Crowded Variation Mixed trad 30m, 4 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Gareth Llewellin
Sat 1st Apr 2000
runout and great

5.10a Fifty Crowded Variation Mixed trad 30m, 4 Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Scott Godwin
Sat 8th Jun 2013
Fantastic climbing. One of the best pitches I did in the valley.

5.10a R
5.10a 5.10a R Paradise Lost Trad Yosemite National Park Good
Vanessa Wills
Mon 20th Oct 2014
Just first pitch which is 5.8 or so

5.10a Pee Pee Pillar Trad Yosemite National Park Very Good
Vanessa Wills
Mon 20th Oct 2014
Waiting for coif queue to abate

5.10a Pee Pee Pillar Trad Yosemite National Park
David Jefferson
Sun 14th May 2017
Another slick line. Decided not to get on Central Pillar due to the 10+ meters of snow at the base. Decent consolation prize.

5.10a Pee Pee Pillar - with Andrew Banks Trad Yosemite National Park Classic
Josh Worley
Sat 7th Oct 2023
Classic fun

5.9 Kor-Beck Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Classic
VLAdimir NIna
Sat 1st May 2004
Did it two times

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Mon 1st Jul 2002
Climbed with Bill

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park
ben reardon
Sun 18th Nov 2007
first 5 pitches, led 1,3,5

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Good
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
Mon 15th Sep 2003
very nice cracks, with Paddy

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Fri 1st Aug 2003
Stays in the shade

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Scott Davis
Fri 1st Sep 1978
Excellent Route

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Tony Williams
Mon 9th Oct 2000
5 pitches

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Mark Hateley
Mon 1st Sep 2003
Amazing route. every pitch rocks.

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Heath McCrossin
Mon 1st May 2006
Good fun.

5.10a Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Marc Roussel
Tue 13th Apr 2010
1st5 pitches

5.9 Kor-Beck Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Dario "Mars" Mofardin
Sun 28th Sep 2008
Led pitch 3, sustained line

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Dario "Mars" Mofardin
Sun 21st Sep 2008
Led pitch 2, awesome climbing

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
VLAdimir NIna
First 5 pitches only

5.10a 5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Rod Smith
Tue 23rd Aug 2011
Onsighted P1-3 (5.9/5.9/5.8). Awesome cracks - chimney, fingerlocks, roof, offwidths. Ran out of light. Very busy route, many parties.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Vanessa Wills
Sat 18th Oct 2014
Alt leads with dave, great except p1.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy
1 lead by jason
2 lead by jenna
3 lead by jason
4 lead by jenna
5 lead by jason
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Jason McCarthy
Tue 24th Sep 2013
Awesome route. 1st pitch was a bit horrible but the rest was classic

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Jason Antin Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Sam Ritchie
Fri 31st Oct 2014
This route is fucking amazing. All sorts of cracks, perfect all the way up. Only one four needed for the wide part, really.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Stephen Varney Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Mon 28th Sep 2015
O/S P1, P3 and P5; 2nd Clean P3 & P4. Consistently brilliant and varied crack climbing the whole way. Possibly the best value for money i've found in The Valley so far. Sure P1 is the worst of the pitches by comparison but anywhere else it would still be a classic in its own right.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Dan, Alex H Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Gee Rad
Fri 22nd May 2015
Some guy called Alex was downclimbing it ropeless.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Jaz Morris
1 5.9 550'
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Josh Worley
Thu 27th Sep 2018
Such a fantastic route. Every pitch offers something fantastic. The 2nd pitch is up there with my best trad onsight.

5.9 Kor-Beck Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Josh Worley
Mon 22nd Oct 2018
Last pitch is tough! I slipped on a slick layback move on pitch 3 otherwise clean climbing Quite enjoyable. Need double ropes to reach rap stations however can do with a single rapping off a nest of nuts halfway down the first pitch.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Nick Baggaley
Thu 19th Oct 2017
Surprisingly quiet. Fun climbing on my last day in Yosemite for the time being.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Nathanael Hinton Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Scott Godwin
Wed 9th Oct 2019
Awesome, fun varied crack climbing. We were third on the route but it took all day due to a very slow party in front.

5.9 Kor-Beck - with Andrew Godwin Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Good
Scott Godwin
Mon 23rd Sep 2019
Jumped on this because the Central pillar of frenzy was super crowded. Not very enjoyable. First pitch is loose and dirty. Accidentally did the 5.10 variation past the manky fixed wires, which was pretty pretty demanding. Second pitch was also a bit loose, and third pitch had good rock but was full of dirt and leaves. Had enough by then and rapped from top of the third.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with 远哥 Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Fri 8th Oct 2021
Nothing is better than climbing on this route.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Henry Burt Trad 170m Yosemite National Park
Anton Korsun
Mon 8th May 2023
The snow cut the first pitch in half - so good!

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Jack Seawright
Sun 28th May 2023
Doesnt get better than this. 4 ultra classic grade 17s stacked on top of eachother. No boring moves, directly across from el cap. Good way to send tony off. There was still a snow pack at the base with a 6m+ shrund to step over onto the climb which tony led so i was bracing for it being a really bad way to send him off.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Simon Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Ronja Lantzsch
Tue 29th Aug 2023
Really nice route! In the shade after 10/11 am.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy
1 Trad
2 Second
3 Trad
4 Second
5 Trad
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park
Sat 16th Sep 2023
Amazing route, every pitch a blast

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad
4 Trad
5 Trad
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park
Colton Van Dorpe
Mon 17th May 2021
led all 5 pitches. onsighted 2nd and 4th, took on 1st, 3rd, and 5th

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Neil
1 Trad lead by Peter Melouney
2 Second lead by Neil
3 Trad lead by Peter Melouney
4 Second lead by Neil
5 Trad lead by Peter Melouney
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Peter Melouney
Fri 6th Oct 2023
What a climb! Yosemite keeps on delivering. Every pitch is fantastic. P2 fingers was 👌 P3 roof was amazing and P4 double crack 🤤 Shade from mid morning. Another must do.

5.9 Hard Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Kelsie Wamer
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Trad
4 Trad
5 Second lead by Kelsie Wamer
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Classic
Wed 11th Oct 2023
Fair for the grade in Yosemite, but in squamish this could easily be a 10b/c!

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Andrew Banks Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Josh Worley
Sat 14th Oct 2023
Such a fun route! Got to lead every pitch except the last which Andy did. Between wet rock and crowds it took us 4 attempts to get on this thing however I am glad we persisted as it's worth it.

5.9 Kor-Beck - with Gwen Trad 190m Yosemite National Park Very Good
Will Vidler
Sat 22nd Oct 2022
It rained and we got very wet.

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy
1 Second
2 Trad
3 Second
4 Trad
5 Second
Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Bob Green
Wed 24th Apr 2024
Snow covering the first 3m. Started on top of the snow bank

5.9 Central Pillar of Frenzy - with Sascha Trad 170m Yosemite National Park Mega Classic
Aidan Sarginson
Mon 13th May 2024
A great last route of the trip. I'll be back


Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

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