
Ascensões de Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup

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Mostrando os 12 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Thu 14th Mar 2024 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Just Linder
Mon 16th May 2022 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6 Mega Classic
Harry O'Brien
What a day out! great route for hot conditions. Sees a lot of shade during afternoon

Mon 31st Jan 2022 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup - with Michael Lehmann Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Harrie Van de Linde
Awesome stuff, loved it. The 21 at the top is quite short but the moves are really nice. About a metre of pure exposure on the arete which is classic!!

Tue 25th Jan 2022 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6
Alex Mougenot
What a line! Great climbing the whole way, and so cool to climb on multiple aspects of the pillar! The position on that final arete is sick. Nicely lead Ryan.

Wed 24th Feb 2021 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup - with paddy
1 21 45m lead by paddy
Mixed trad 45m, 6 Very Good
Alec Landstra
Thu 4th Feb 2021 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6
Hunter Cole
Idk if we did this exactly but whatever it was it was siiick!

Wed 14th Mar 2018 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Linkup North Pole - with Squib
1 21 10m linkup North Pole
2 15 linkup Pole Axed
3 15
Mixed trad 40m, 6 Classic
Gee Rad
We got a bit confused here, consulting both thesarvo and out-of-focus photos of Climb Tasmania, and did the probable FA of the Disaster Master-North Pole-Pole Axed link-up

Fri 19th Jan 2018 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup - with Harry Kadi, Dave Cook Mixed trad 45m, 6 Very Good
Will Vidler
Led this as one giant pitch from the ground to the top which resulted in hilariously horrific rope drag on the final section. Not as good as Pole Dancer but still a great route and topping out the other pillar is super rad too. If you are you mega-pitch-mega-rope-drag enthusiast definitely climb it from the ground for the full experience.

21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Harry Kadi
Not as good as pole dancer, and because we linked it from the ground, rope drag was a serious issue, clipping the draws on the upper section was like doing max weight bicep curls and became the crux of the route! Still a lot of fun and nice and exposed climbing above the seal colony 100m below!!

Thu 28th Dec 2017 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Mon 19th Sep 2011 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Gareth Llewellin
with Liz

Mon 14th Jan 2013 - Cape Raoul
21 Disaster Master-Pole Axed Linkup Mixed trad 45m, 6 Classic
Simon Young
Best way to climb pillar!


Mostrando os 12 ascensões.

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