
Voies dans West Face

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Affichant les 4 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
10 Felp
Trad 200m
13 Felp II

FA: 2004

Trad 300m
3 West Track (Tourist Track)

Tourist Track. Slippery and well worn. From the carpark, follow the NP signage:

up the increasingly steep track, to the intimidating start (colloquially called "Chicken Rock", because many day-trippers choose to turn back at this point). In the V groove, top left corner, the steep start is about a grade 5 or 6 and access here is slightly overhanging:

but an easier start can be found down right, about 15m right of a large tree:

up the sloping face, on good holds, about grade 3. Once this hurdle has been overcome, the remainder of the climbing then becomes an easy scramble at about grade 0-2, to the summit.

Trad 340m
14 Microtome

The first known technical route on the south west corner of Tibro. This corner is bisected by a scrubby ramp that traverses diagonally up from right to left, starting under a vertical section of the cliff on the south face proper. Below this ramp, a buttress comprised of relatively clean and smooth slabs can be found, and this route takes a direct line up those slabs to end on the scrubby ramp. To find the start of the route, take the usual access track to Slider gully and bushbash around the base of the mountain. Alternatively, it is fairly easy to follow the Trachyte Circuit around the mountain until a low point on the trail with an abundance of ferns. The buttress can vaguely be seen through the shrubbery, so make a beeline through moderately dense bush to the base of the wall.

  1. Up an easy, low-angled slab with abundant lichen but no gear. Tree belay.

  2. Up steeper, cleaner terrain with quite decent protection. Belay from a large horizontal crack.

  3. Terrain continues to steepen and gear becomes poor and sparse when it matters most. A small overlap is surmounted near the top of the pitch, after which some loose rock must be navigated to reach the ramp above.

Descent: One can scramble down to the right, although it is quite vegetated. A faint path also leads up and left, eventually connecting with the Tourist Track and a short descent to ground level.

FA: 1973

Trad 100m, 3

Affichant les 4 voies total.

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