
Le site d'escalade est fermé.


To the North of the main cliff of Bob's Hollow sits a smaller cave with 2 bolted lines along its lip (Lay No Waste 24 and Tiger In The Cave 23). These are not part of the area of Bob's where climbing is allowed and should not be climbed (This restriction extends to all Limestone walls in the area - inc. Golgotha).

"For all other areas, prohibiting climbing on limestone other than Bob‘s Hollow. Climbing at Bob‘s Hollow will be restricted to the southern section of the cliff and will be subject to regular geotechnical assessment. If conditions change in the future, the site may be closed to climbing. Use of Bob‘s Hollow by organised groups or groups with dependant participants will not be permitted."

Historique de la voie

There is no known route history.



Lat/Lon: -34.06421, 115.00076

Citation de la cotation

23 Cotation(s) agréée(s) par la communauté

Limitations de l'accès

The crag is in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park. Whilst park rangers seem to be quite unsure if climbing is allowed without a permit, it may be wise to contact the DPAW office in Busselton. This is a national park so the rules are no fires, no camping and no dogs. The climbing of this crag is tolerated but not sanctioned so it’s vital that all climbers do the right thing: take out what you take in; stick to the paths (most are marked with rocks) and don’t make new paths (this helps the plants to survive and they give the crag some shade too). There are no toilets so if you need to go and want to do the right thing... 1) go at least 25m from common areas; 2) dig a hole and bury your deposit and toilet paper.

The current Management Plan states that in view of the fragile nature of the local limestone environments, climbing is permitted but not encouraged at the southern end of Bob's Hollow. However climbing is not permitted on other limestone cliffs in the park. This includes the Northern Section of Bob's Hollow (Lay No Waste, Tiger in the Cave) and Golgotha.

hérité de Bob's Hollow


Bob's Hollow is a sports crag with only a handful of routes requiring trad gear. Some routes were rebolted between 2010 - 2013. Chalk seems to be widely used.

hérité de Bob's Hollow


Super classique
Dans la moyenne
Pas la peine

Sur base d'évaluations 0.

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