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Affichage de 401 - 500 sur 633 voies.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South West Tweedledee
V3 Keller's Remorse

Start as for Eat Me, moving up to two edges and mantling left over the bulge. Continuing through the undercling and topping out to the right.

FA: Dan Berry, 27 Déc 2021

Bloc 5m
V4 Mad Hatters Tea Party

Sit start on sloping edges move through face on small edges to top out on good holds.

Bloc 5m
V4 Control

Stand start to 'Ground Control'. Standing start holding the pocket (LH) and the slopey diagonal sidepull just before the arête. Make a hard move RH to a crimp in the horizontal weakness, then gain adjacent crimp LH. Bust a move to a flat edge on the summit, and mantle to top out.

Bloc 5m
V3 Directly Possible

Sit-start on a small, horizontal R-hand edge and a LH on arete pinch. Grab the hanging slab and move onto it (using a number of different methods), pulling up to a crimp in the horizontal seam and then to the top for an easy mantle. Edit due to broken Hold.

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South West Tweedledum
V3 Bad Alice

Stand start left of Alice using RH sidepull and LH high edge. Pull on, then LH to gaston and RH to another crimp. A couple more moves (crux) lead to the 'good hold' at the end of the Jam & Bread With Alice traverse. Traverse off right to finish.

FA: Redanon

Bloc 4m
V3 I'm Late Stand Start

Stand start matched in vertical sidepull. Head up using vertical fault lines and crimps to top out on good holds.

Bloc 6m
V4 I'm Late Sit Start

Sit start as for 'Jabberwocky'. Make the first big move of this problem and head into the start hold for 'I'm Late Stand Start' and up this.

Bloc 6m
V3 Caterpillar Arete

Stand start with right hand on good pinch and left hand just above it. Follow trending horizontal slopers out left and continue to trend left to top out on high left hand side of flake. Most will probably finish direct though!

Bloc 6m
V4 Off With Her Head

Sit start in crack and follow the crack slightly left to top out.

Bloc 6m
V3 The Caucus Race

Start matched on side pull heading up to another side pull and top out.

Bloc 6m
V4 Resign to the Fact

You will if you fall off it. Straight up via big moves to gain the horizontal cracks and top out directly.

FA: Redanon, 2014

BlocProjet 7m
V4 Painting The Roses Red

Start on good crimps on horizontal seam traversing left for 2 metres then up over black bulge horn and top out.

Bloc 6m
V3 Queen of Hearts

Same start as for 'Painting The Roses Red' traverse left and commit to big left hand throw to jug then top out.

Bloc 6m
V3 Jam and Bread With Alice

Stand start then big move to jug under break then hand traverse right along fist jam horizontal crack to finish up the arete of Alice.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Incognito Boulder
V2/3 Detour

Start as for Tunnel Vision but move out right to good edge on lower part of lip. Traverse right to shallow jug before the tree, then top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Juil 2023

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Calm Boulder
V4 Keep Calm

Ascends the very overhung left arête of the tall block several metres down from Danielsun. Stand start with LH on a slopey crimp and RH on a high thin crimp in the middle of the face. Make a big move to a good edge on the arête then bust RH straight to the top (sloper) then again to a sidepull further right (on the summit). Mantle to finish.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Plate Glass Wall
V4 Plate Glass

Stand start utilizing poor LH sloper crimp and razor RH crimp. R foot on good detached flake, then up. Mantle to top out.

Has now been done from a sit matched on the flake by Heath. V4/5.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Capture The Flag
V3 The Doormouse Problem

Very low sit start 4m around right from Slap & Tickle using a slopey sidepull (RH) near ground level and a good LH sidepull/jug. RH straight up for the slopey lip of the boulder, then LH onto the slab and mantle to top out via a very thin and sharp RH crimper.

V4 Farhad Dyno

Start with hands matched on underling on low flake and jump to the top. An eliminate.

FA: Farhad

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Struggle Boulder
V3 Struggle Town

Start off two adjacent crimps on rim of boulder left side, then traverse right along sloping lip to a tricky mantle around arete onto slab.

Bloc 2m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Wolf Spider
V4 Sleepy Lizards

Sit start on obvious left side jug. Trend right to a powerful mantle to top out.

FA: Shota, 9 Avr 2015

Bloc 2m
V3 Howl

Sit start with left and right hands on horizontal ledges. Move up to left and right side pulls and mantle to top out.

V3 The Mock Turtle Graze

Sit start on left hand side with left hand in low jug and right hand on sloping edge. Make a few moves right along sloping edge and mantle out.

FA: Robert Brooks, 15 Août 2015

Bloc 1m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest UFO Boulder
V3 UFO Traverse

Sit start on right hand side of gigantic edge and traverse left on sloppers and mantle out on left hand side of boulder.

Équip.: Thananthorn Suriyasenee

FA: Ed Heddle, 9 Août 2015

Bloc 1m
V3 Spanking Alice

A left to right traverse taking a journey through the four tiers. Start on the shelf, make a big move to the second tier. Traverse it right before making another big move to the third tier. Keep traversing right to gain the fourth and final tier and mantel.

FA: pamelalansbury, 13 Jan 2021

Bloc 4m
V3 Eat My Dirt!

A hidden gem on the hill. Lay down in the back of overhang with hands matched on the slopey crack. Pull on and traverse the crack left and mantel out.

FA: pamelalansbury, 13 Jan 2021

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Bulls Ball Boulder
V4 Wax On, Wax Off

Sit start at the base of the downward sloping block approx 4m left (facing the wall) of White Belt highball problem. Make a hard pull off opposing sidepulls to hit the slopey top then mantle it out.

FA: Redanon

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest The Slabs
V3 A cat without a grin

Stand start on tiny right hand crimp and even smaller left pocket, head up directly to slopey rail on very small feet, then up to a decent crimp, then trend right and top out.

FA: Eben Edwards, 29 Avr 2015

Bloc 4m
V4 Vegemite Chocolate

Gain the in-cut foot rail then up the slab using tiny edges and slopers, head towards a solid crimp, then another, top out on good holds.

FA: Eben Edwards & Ivan Mcburnie, 6 Juin 2015

Bloc 5m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Razor Boulder
V3 Arêtes Can Dance

Sit start matched on good side pull and head up arete. Mantle out.

FA: 7 Août 2015

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Tree Lover Boulder
V3 Exit Stage Right

Stand start with left hand in low undercling and right hand in high side pull. Gain the left hand side of the slab. Once on head directly up on smears and a not so trusting left footer.

FA: Jordan Grant, 20 Août 2015

Bloc 3m
V3 Aeroplane Jelly

Stand start with right hand on small edge and gain the slab whatever way possible. Top out above.

FA: Eben Edwards, 20 Août 2015

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland South Hill Forest Afternoon Boulder
V3 Dizzy Daffodil

Sit start matched on the sloper under the flake. Make a big move to a very sharp sloper to the right and mantle the slab. A committing mantle given you have a tree behind you.

FA: Peter Arcidiaco, 4 Jan 2020

Bloc 2m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field Blade Boulder
V3 Down The Tang

Stand start on good edge in centre and dyno to the top!

Bloc 3m
V4 Don't Run With Knives

Sit start using good right hand side pull, small left hand low crimp. Move through features on face to gain good edge and make a big move to the top. Right hand arête is out!

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field Three's A Crowd Boulder
V3 The Door Man

Sit start with LH on jug at bottom of weakness on arete and RH in undercling. Pull off the floor and follow the weakness up the arete to good holds in the break and top out.

FA: 2013

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field Mantle Boulder
V3 Mana's Mantle

Sit start on good edges 1m left of the Mantle Project. First Ascentionists used Left Foot Heel hook on incut to start. Make a big move up to a good sloper on the lip. Continue up on better holds to mantle.

FA: 2013

Bloc 3m
V3 Acro Arete

Sit start on average sloper/edges on arete. Move up to small edge on higher boulder, then up to tufa feature over the bulge and mantle.

FA: 2013

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field Wretching
V4/5 Horse On The Force

If you think you've got what it takes then climb the left arete to the very top. Techincal and high!

FA: pamelalansbury, 20 Jan 2020

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field The Clam
V3 Elena's Clam

Start Matched on Huge Dish at the base of the clam. Boost up to the opening and move your way up the opening. Top out using RH edges and LH Slopers or just keep using the crack.

FA: Rhett Hamilton-Smith, 1 Fév 2021

Bloc 3m
V4 Lungomare

a rather different line. Sit start with hands matched on the good sloper on the arete. Climb the slab then mantle it out. A rather delicate sequence.

FA: pamelalansbury, 2021

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Siesta Boulder
V3 Siesta

Stand start matched on large edge under overhang. Move out to overhang and head slightly left to top out.

Bloc 2m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Mankini Boulder
V4 Hard On

Sit start with hand on obvious edge and head straight up on tiny side pull crimps and slopers to obvious jug at the top then top out. Tops out directly over the top, not around the side!

FA: Petey Pete, 2014

Bloc 2m
V4 Scomo's Mankini

Sit start matched on the jug just right of the right arete. Traverse left through the start of 'Hard on' and make a big move to good slot of 'Mankini'. Finish as for this line.

FA: Petey Pete, 2022

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Inconclusive Boulder
V4 Conclusive Evidence

Sit start as for 'Inconclusive Evidence' and head directly up. Powerful.

FA: pamelalansbury, 14 Août 2021

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Treevenge Boulder
V4 Treevenge

Stand start on right hand side pull and low right foot. Moon kick to high left crimp and head up arête using small sidepulls and crimps to gain access to slab. Top out slightly right of left arête. A badly positioned tree is placed under your fall hence the name.


V4 Moves Like Johnny

Sit start with hands in crack. Pull on and follow it to the top!

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Wildfire Boulder
V3 Toxic Avenger
V3 Wildfire

Sit start as for 'Ridin' Kangaroo' and make your way left via a bad sloper undercling and into 'Campfire'.


Bloc 2m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Jigsaw Boulder
V3 Jigsaw

Sit start matched on lowest right sloper. Move up and left through the bulging slopers and top out on the left.

FA: pamelalansbury, 2013

Bloc 3m
V3 Missing Piece

An extension of 'Jigsaw'. Sit start around the corner on the low sloping rail. Make a move to a slightly higher sloping rail, match and move around the corner joining 'Jigsaw'. Climb this and top out. Adds a bit more pump but no harder than 'Jigsaw'.

FA: pamelalansbury, 20 Jan 2020

V3 Puzzled

Sit Start LH as for 'Jigsaw' and RH on open hand pinch on arete. Head straight up arete via 2 good edges to an easy top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Fév 2023

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Angelina's Boulder
V3 Flex Ability

Right of Angelina's favourite. Stand start on slopey ledge adjacent to the arete. High left pinch and high right hand crimp. Use side pull and smears to top out.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Froggies Pulp Boulder
V3 Pulp Friction

Sit start on small edges and very low nothing feet. Pull on and hit the first slopery ledge. Continue up to the slopery top via a side pull and top out.

Bloc 3m
V4 Fighting Brad Pit

sit start matched on the polished sloper on the furthest right hand side of the bolder. Traverse left via slopers and top out as for 'Pulp'.

FA: Petey Pete, 2022

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest The Roost Spanked Boulder
V3 Spanked Arete

Sit start on good right and left side pulls. Pull on to arête and traverse it left to top out at the boulders high point. An exposed finish!

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest The Roost Fontainebleau Boulder
V3 French Acrobatics

Stand Start LH in sidepull crimp and RH in good sidepull of 'FD' Head up and right via crimps of 'FD' and continue right on spaced out holds to finish as for 'Cirque du Mousie'

FA: Laurence Judd, Juin 2022

Bloc 4m
V3 Cirque Du Mousie

Stand start on small edges. Make a big move to another small edge and head directly up arete to top out.

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest The Roost The Hideaway
V3 Condor

The proud compression arete. Crouch start with left hand on good edge and right hand on the right arete. Spaney compression climbing leads to a committing slap to the high sloper. A few more slaps and mantle. Boulder eliminate.

FA: Rhett, 2021

Bloc 4m
V3 Prelude to Oporto Feast

Start matched on the flat jug. Make a big move to the horizontal edges to the left. Traverse around the arete then up. Mantle.

FA: Rhett, 2021

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden North Basic Boulder
V3 Basics Of Bouldering

Sit Start on good edges. Head straight up the arete to top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Mars 2022

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden North Heysen Boulder
V3 Commitment Issues

Stand start on ledge with LH on decent sloping edge and RH either matched or on sloping side pull. Head straight up on small features to good jug at the top and top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Mars 2022

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden North Boy Fury Boulder
V4 Boy Fury

Boulder located just south of One Year A Slave. Sit start with left hand sloper and sharp right hand undercling side pull. Trend left through slopers before hitting good edges and underclings to mantle directly above arête.

FA: Thananthorn Suriyasenee, 10 Sept 2015

Bloc 2m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden North
V3 Fun Arete

Sit start with left hand on undercling and right hand on wide sloper edge. Head up arête using whatever features you can and top out at the top.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Mo'ai
V4 Mo'ai

Tricky double undercling sit start. Use obvious left jug and small left and right side pulls to climb directly up. Top out on moderate holds.

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Penitence Boulder
V3 Penitence

Sit Start in sidepulls in vertical seam, move up side pulls to a stand then reach out right to the big ledge. Mantle and top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Août 2023

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Goliath Boulder
V3 Go With the Flow

Sit start on blocky sidepull 1m left of the large sloping feature of 'stone's throw'. Head up and right via crimp features and grippy slopers. This is the pure varient to 'TN'

Bloc 4m
V4 Technique Nazi

[Eliminate] Start matched on big blocky side pull edge, trend slightly right via crimp edges along seam, then further right to sloping hold of 'stone's throw' then head directly up to top-out.

FA: Ed Heddle, 2015

Bloc 4m
V4 A Stone's Throw

Sit start matched on the slopey edge between TN/AN and the Hung Lo crack. Bust up left to rounded edge and then back right through the intermediate crimp to the jugs and top out through the centre of the crack. Large chad step is out.

FA: Connor Fagan

Équip.: Ben Kaldi, 13 Juin 2022

Bloc 4m
V4 Point Of No Return

Takes the prominent line on the right arête of the Goliath block (as approached from the track). Sit start from a low jug just right of a short slab and face climb up to the small roof. Gain the obvious crack weakness leading to the summit via whatever trickery you can muster and blast to the top past the PONR (Point Of No Return).

V4 Earnest Croissant

Sit start on low flake/block and move through crimps to gain the high right horizontal break. Traverse right and top out as for ‘Calling All Beanpoles’.

Bloc 5m
V3 Testicular Trauma

Sit start as for ‘Earnest Croissant’ then make reachy moves to the low right horizontal break and top out as for ‘Calling All Beanpoles’.

V3 Calling All Beanpoles

Sit start on the leaning edge and gain the good holds at the horizontal break. Finish up the crack.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central David Boulder
V3 Lego Skyfall

Sit start on high right and left hand pinches. Commit to the loose lego block and top out.

The lego block is now gone. The line is still there but harder.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Taboo Boulder
V2/3 Forbidden Fruit

Stand Start RH on good crescent shaped crimp and LH on jug hidden under boulder. Head up arete using ramp of boulder below before mounting the slab and following the seam above to top out on good holds at the lip.

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Wicker Basket Boulder
V2/3 The Intricacies of Insecurity

Sit start matches on large sidepull. Head straight up the raised section with hand holds on either side to eventually reach an incut near the top for a sign of relief to top out.

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Mini Slave Boulder
V4/5 Shadow Walk

Start left hand on start hold of minislave project, right hand on diagonal seam. Stand right foot onto diagonal seam and work up to right hand crack. Find marginal feet to gain sloper crimp then pucker up for a spicey top out.

FA: Heath Dalziel, Oct. 2022

Bloc 4m
V3/4 Petey Pete's Fun Arete

Sit start with left hand on under-cling and right hand on wide sloper edge. Compress your way up the arete and top out. Can be topped out either on the right or the left.

FA: pamelalansbury, 2014

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central Skull Boulder
V3 The Spine

Sit start with LH on gaston edge and RH on sloping arete. Climb just the left of the arete utilizing a very sharp crimp and a series of slopers. Mantle to finish. Boulder has the sharpest crimp in the whole forest!

FA: Pete, 2021

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden Central
V3 The Shield

Start on good left undercling, and right sidepull. Head directly up, then trend left, to mantle on good slopers.

FA: Ed Heddle

Bloc 2m
V3 Sex After Dark

Sit start with hands on vertical small edge and make a committing move to the high flake to top out on easy holds.

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Eden South Pim's Boulder
V3 Pim's Line

Stand start with right hand on arete and left hand edge. Traverse left and head left hand side of boulder on obvious slopers. Top out.

Équip.: Pim

FA: Petey Pete

Bloc 4m
V3 Monopebble

The slab on the larger of the two knife-blade like boulders half-way up the hill. Stand start, using the good sloping ledge and/or in-cut ledge. Stand up onto the in-cut ledge, make a reachy move to a tiny sharp pebble hold, and use this to make committing crux weight transfer onto the starting sloper ledge, topping out easily onto the left side of the boulder.

FA: Ben Dickson, 5 Jan 2019

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Trotters Bottom Whale Boulder
V4 I'm Done Being Human, Wish I Was A Whale!

Start under the block on two sloper edges. Move to the block and make a big move to the right to another sloper. Match this and keep traversing right to join 'Extraterrestrial'. Top out as for this line.

FA: Pete

Bloc 4m
V4 Exploding Whale Extension

Joins 'Exploding Whale' into 'I wish I Had a Whale'. Packs in quite a few moves.

FA: Pete, 2021

Bloc 5m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Whomping Willow Granite Track Boulder
V3 The Traverse With No Name

Sit Start Matched on big Sidepull. Move Up and left slopers and incuts to a good edge to the left and a crack towards the top. Top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Juil 2021

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Whomping Willow Booty Boulder
V3 Apricot Booty

Climb the layback finger crack to the very top. Mantle. Spicy exit given the fall zone.

FA: Pete, 2015

Bloc 4m
V3 Big D

Stand Start with LH on sloping arete and RH on average undercling under lip or the lip itself. Bust out right to the juggy top side of the D feature and head up and left to top out.

FA: Laurence Judd, Juil 2021

Bloc 3m
V4 Only God Can Judd Me

Sit start to Big D. Good LH crimp and RH low low undercling -V4. If you want a contrived harder variant start with same left hand crimp and same right undercling of the stand- goes at 5 points.

Équip.: Laurence Judd

FA: Thananthorn Suriyasenee, 15 Août 2021

BlocProjet 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Whomping Willow Panic Boulder
V3 Jugless Adams

Sit-start on the sloping edge where a jug once lived. Reach your way up the seam on right-side of the arete. A pad on the boulder to the right is advisable.

FA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct. 2020

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Whomping Willow Demolition Boulder
V3 Walking Demolishion Service

Sit start with hands on the left-most flat ledge. Head directly upwards via the poor sloper.

FA: Ben Dickson, 25 Oct. 2020

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Whomping Willow Turtle Boulder
V4 Turtle Traverse

Start laying down under the boulder matched on the poor sloper. Make a hard move to the top then traverse it right and around the corner. Keep traversing and when you are at the good sidepull manntle the boulder. A lowball in every sense of the word but packs in quite a few moves!

FA: pamelalansbury, 2021

Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Fermé Last Outpost Dragon sector
V4 The Way of the Dragon
Bloc 5m
Mt Crawford Area Para Wirra Devils Nose Boulders
V3 The Sickness

Stand start matched on big edge. Head left to obvious edge, then up to under-cling before making a big move to the arête. Use the arête and face to top out at the boulders highest point.

FA: 2013

Bloc 5m
V4 Higher Learning

Stand start with hand in high edge and head directly up face on thin features.

FA: 2013

Bloc 6m
V3 The Da Vinci Code

An obvious link up. Start as for Mona Lisa, heading right into Vitruvian Man via small edges and finish up this.

FA: 2013

Bloc 2m
V4 Out Of Sight

Just right of Figurehead on the huge stone platform near the approach path. Stand start with left hand in the small 1-2 finger pocket, fumble around on the sloping edges, and mantle out. Could possibly be extended starting from the low jugs on right-hand aréte (probably grade harder), or from the crimp edges below (probably at least double the grade)

FA: Ben Dickson, 18 Mai 2019

Bloc 4m
Mt Crawford Area Para Wirra The Lake
V3 Emu, Come Out To Play!

Sit start with left hand on edge and right hand smear sloper on arête. Head straigh up and top out.

FA: Hung Nguyen, 27 Juil 2015

Bloc 3m
Mt Crawford Area Para Wirra Lizard Rock
V3 This Is Sandstone

Sit start on a good edge. Head out to an unlikely two finger crimp and straight up.

FA: Daniel Gensemer, 3 Mai 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 Questionable Rock Facts

Start as for This Is Sandstone, but adds a few committing moves to finish at the right as for The Layback

FA: Ben Dickson, 3 Mai 2020

Bloc 3m

Affichage de 401 - 500 sur 633 voies.

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