
Voies dans The Alley

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Affichant les 18 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
5.10d Look Moe, a poifect coicle

Starts outside the south end of the alleyway, on the mainwall under some overhanging rock. Crux is on the bottom, stick clip the first bolt, and be ready to swing if you fall.

Sportive 15m, 5
5.7 Who's That Change Guy

Located behind the pinnacle inside the "Alley". Starts on the 2m "step". Follow the right set of bolts.

FFA: Randy Kielbasiewicz/ Melissa Armstrong, 2013

Équip.: Randy Kielbasiewicz/ Melissa Armstrong, 2013

Sportive 15m, 10
5.6 Sneakers and Roids

Located behind the pinnacle inside the "Alley" Starts on the 2m "step" (stack of boulders). This route takes the left line of bolts.

Sportive 15m, 10
5.9 Gridlock

Located behind the pinnacle inside the "Alley". Start 2m left of Sneakers and Roids. Stay to the right at the top to gain the anchor jugs, harder to climb the face.

Sportive 15m, 7
5.10c Indigo Girl
Sportive 14m
5.10b Optical Delusion
Sportive 14m
5.10d Neo Nautilus
Sportive 14m
5.11b Undomesticated
5.10c Split Leggings
Sportive 14m
5.8 Troglodyte’s Delight
Trad 18m
5.12b Labour Pains
5.11c Amadeus Rocks

FA: Martin Seidenschmid

5.11a Salieri's Revenge
5.10c Jagged Edge
5.10a Pins and Needles

Acurately named route due to the sharp pockets on the route. Located directly opposite of 'Gridlock'. Beware of a potential ground fall potential before clipping the second bolt.

Sportive 15m, 5
5.6 Why does Sara's butt hurt?

Located to the right of 'Pins and Needles', start by the large rock near the north end of the alley. Some big moves for a 5.6, but easy climbing.

Équip.: Wade Meade, 2013

FA: Wade Meade, 2013

Sportive 14m, 4
5.6 Return of the Jingoid

A retro-bolted trad line (originally a 5.6), this is the last bolted line to the north on the inside of the pinnacle.

Sportive 14m, 6
5.11d A Shot Across the Bow

Affichant les 18 voies total.

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