
Noeuds dans 鸡窝渡 Chicken Cave

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鸡窝渡 Chicken Cave

As the name suggests this crag is large open cave located behind a village. The crag faces North West providing all day shade for most climbs. All routes and belay areas are sheltered from rain. Climbs on offer range from 5.4 to 5.13b.

5.8 Left Wing

Nice and easy. starts outside the wall left side.

Inside 墙内
5.5 Juicy Lucy

starts inside and on top of the wall. merges with Left Wing.

5.10b Weekend Warriors

shared start with SUBARU.

5.12a See You At The Party Richter!

This climb starts at the top of Weekend Warriors.

5.11b Subaru

Excellent climbing and a great photo opportunity! Steep climbing on big holds ends with a tricky balancy crux on small holds. Possibly harder then the grade suggests.

5.12c Snowden's Disco Ball

Extension of Subaru.

5.12a/b Calamity Jane

Feels like 12b/12c for some people. but many have confirmed that it is around 12a. just very unusual.

Starting with easy climbing, coming into the steep part with good holds followed by a bouldery part with small edges and a foothook to accelerate dynamically to a big jug. Topping out is not that difficult any more. (Martin)

5.12a Lily

easy run out start into a steep roof.

5.12d Grievous Bodily Harm

The gem of the cave...

5.13a 深渊凝视 Abyss Gaze

线路在洞穴最深的地方起步(菜鸟左边),和菜鸟拱顶。 The route starts in the depth of the cave, on the left side of Weakened warriors. It also shares the same anchor.

5.12c Weakened Warriors

The horizontal crack in the roof deep in the cave. right to left.

5.13a Rooster

The link up of Weakened Warriors and Grievous Bodily Harm.

5.13b Funky Chicken

Be aware, this crag often has an unruly older lady at the parking area asking for money. So either: 1) pay her the asking price, not recommended 2)talk your way through it and pay her a small amount 2 to 5RMB, or 3) go somewhere else to climb.

5.12d White Tiger (1st anchor)

Finishes before final boulder

5.13b White Tiger

Be aware, this crag often has an unruly older lady at the parking area asking for money. So either: 1) pay her the asking price, not recommended 2)talk your way through it and pay her a small amount 2 to 5RMB, or 3) go somewhere else to climb.

5.4 Dirty Annie

on the cave's right side, it's the big ramp.

5.10a 西游记Journey to the West

Be aware, this crag often has an unruly older lady at the parking area asking for money. So either: 1) pay her the asking price, not recommended 2)talk your way through it and pay her a small amount 2 to 5RMB, or 3) go somewhere else to climb.

5.11c Achterlijke Malloten

Short, steep boulder problem on dusty holds

Outside 墙外
5.11b Scary Mary

climb either Dirty Annie or Clean Jean to access this fun traverse. climbs right to left.

5.10d Clean Jean

Be aware, this crag often has an unruly older lady at the parking area asking for money. So either: 1) pay her the asking price, not recommended 2)talk your way through it and pay her a small amount 2 to 5RMB, or 3) go somewhere else to climb.

5.10a Team Sweden


5.11a Frank's Flake

Careful with the height and rope length..seriously. Also, just above the ledge at 10m some of the rock is loose with a high bolt.

5.9 Turd Burglar

One tricky move at the start ends with two possible variations to reach the anchor.

5.10c Tufa Rufa

A steep start leads to beautiful easy stalactite climbing. Beware the big block with the big X on it. It could kill a water buffalo or anything else that might be in the way at the bottom of the hill.

5.10d Jugtastic

Steep and pumpy. This route is called "Jugtastic" for its plentiful large juggy holds.

Affichant les 28 noeuds total.

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