
Noeuds dans Stěna nad zvonicí

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Stěna nad zvonicí

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

V Pilíř

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

VIIb Rolničky

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

VIIc První zvonění

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

VIIa Břízkovej nářez

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

VIIc Hudy Cup

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

VIIIb Alergická smrt

Wall behind the bell (3 bolts) to anchor. / Vlevo od Zvonice stěnou (3 Bh) n. t.

IXb Zvonění počasí

Topo. Left behind teh bell slightly overhanging wall (4 bolts) to anchor.


From 1st bolt "Slunecni Hrob" wall (2 bolts) and probably left to "Slunecni Hrob".

VIIIa Sluneční hrob

Kóta 40 to Jelení skála CLOSED every spring due to bird nesting (March to end of June). Do not drive into the forest even if it seems convenient. You will get reported and fined.

Affichant les 10 noeuds total.

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