
Voies dans Jebel Rum Massif

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Affichant les 83 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Jebel Asad
6b Divers-Tissement

6b or 5c A1.

Descent: Rappel "Boules Brunes".

FA: 1986

Trad 7
5c Boules Brunes
Trad 7
Jebel el Mayeen
2 South Ridge

From the car park follow the Jebal with lots of cairns from the south ridge all the way to the peak. Nice V2 boulder at the peak to reach the very top point.

Descent: Reverse the way or better continue down the north ridge to the shoulder above the col between Wadi Es-Sid and Wadi Sbakh (Rakabat Es-sid), then go back through Sbakh.

2-3 hours.

FA: D. Taylor & A. Howard, 1985

Trad 100m
5b Jack Daniels

Topo: Howard guidebook #5.

FA: 1986

Trad 180m, 6
4c Voie Laurianne

FA: 1987

Trad 150m
3c Scots on the Rocks

FA: 1990

Trad 100m
Jebel Fara Ranayim
4c East Ridge

Topo: Howard guidebook #10.

FA: 1988

Trad 200m, 5
Vulcanics Tower
4c East Face Route

Topo: Howard guidebook #11.

FA: 1988

Trad 300m, 9
5a South Cracks

Topo: Howard guidebook #12.

FA: 1988

Trad 300m, 13
5c First Road

Topo: Howard guidebook #13.

FA: 1990

Trad 300m, 13
Al Thalamiyyah
5c Captain Morgan

Topo: Howard guidebook #18.

FA: 1986

Trad 9
5a Al Thalamiyyah

Topo: Howard guidebook #19.

FA: 1985

Trad 500m
The Dark Tower
5+ Black Magic
1 5
2 2
3 5
4 5+
5 5
6 5+
7 5
8 4
9 3

Approach up Wadi S. Bach Pitch numbers a bit different than the TH guide book

  1. f5 - 50m Start between the block and the wall, head right to the flake and gain the ramp. Belay on big ledge, there is a bolt about 5m to the right.

  2. Walk to the right about 20m, stop at the red wall just before the small roof system starts, still on the main face. You can see some features of P4

  3. f5 - Slab a bit run out, belay on a big ledge. (possible to link with P4 stopping just short of the tree ledge). Variation pitch: The wall just 8m right of the bolt-belay (along a fixed sling which you can see from the belay) to the big ledge. Same grade (f5), better belay.

  4. f5+ - Vertical crack, this might also be broken up into 2 pitches. Big abseil tree is to the right can end here or carry on. Ropes on tree look a bit old, but okay (tested 02/2023).

  5. f5 - The grey slab in front of the big tree. Other topos say no gear but marginal cams can be placed, BD4 used.

  6. (A short walk to the left before the start of this pitch.) f5, up the crack, physical, laybacks and jams

  7. f5+ up the crack, physical, a mantel, slopey laybacks and jams, tough for the grade (possible option to swing out left on the face rather than direct

  8. f3

  9. f3


Rappel Down the route, then either - repel to the big tree and repels into couloir. - or repels down the main face to the start (one being 60m to the bolt at the top of the 1st pitch).

Topos: Howard guidebook #25.

FA: Tony Howard, Wilfried Colonna, di taylor, a baker, M Shaw, A Baker & Di Taylor, 1985

Trad 300m, 9
7a No Teacher, No Gum, No Melihoul
1 5+
2 6a
3 5+
4 5+
5 7a
6 6a
7 5+
8 5
9 4

FA: Arnaud Guillaume & Christian Ravier, 2006

Trad 300m, 9
6c Abu Rami Dans la Nuit
1 6a+ 30m
2 5+ 40m
3 6a+ 45m
4 6b 35m
5 6a 15m
6 6c 50m
7 4 40m

FA: remi laborde & christian ravier, Déc 2014

Trad 260m, 6
5b Mira Khoury

Topo: Howard guidebook #26.

Trad 300m, 11
6c The flying Guide
1 5
2 5
3 6c
4 5
5 6a

FA: Piene Yves Gibellr, 1995

Trad 150m, 5
Abu Maileh Tower
5c Salim
1 3b
2 5c
3 5a
4 5b

The obvious crack in the north face of Abu Maileh Tower. Approach up Wadi S.Bach. A little harder than the guidebook grades.

  1. Scramble up to a ledge with big boulders.

  2. Awkward moves into a cave, pull through overhang with good holds.

  3. Two grovely corners.

  4. Slab then layback on sandy open holds.

Descent: 2 rappels, 50m each, down the right side of the route. 1st from big boulder on the right. 2nd from belay at the top of pitch 2.

Topo: Howard guidebook #28.

FA: C. Remy & Y. Remy, 1986

Trad 100m, 4
7b Rammler

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

6c Pfefferminztraum

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

6b Meck Meck

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

6b+ Ziegenstall

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

6c Ziegenstall Direct

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

6a+ Ziegenstall Easy Go

Right hand variation.

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

5b Kamelkopf

West face of the little tower.

FA: Bernd Arnold, 2002

Jebel Rum North East Domes
8a+ Fatal Attraction

Above the Champs-Élysées ledge, they joined Ramedame (Remy-Remy, 1986) and followed this route for another six pitches (up to 6b) to the top. They placed 11 protection bolts on the new pitches and outfitted the belays with anchor bolts.

Article. Video. AAC article with topo.

FA: Martin Krasnansky & Jozef Kristoffy, 2014

Trad 420m, 6
6a - b Ramedame


Trad 300m
6a - b King Hussein

#32. Crazy exit.

Trad 5
5c Renee Van Hasselt


FA: 1986

Trad 300m
6c Expect no Mercy

#30. 6c or 6a A1.

Trad 300m
5b Grey Poupon


Trad 300m
Jebel Rum East Dome
5 The Eye of Allah
1 5a
2 5a
3 5a
4 4
5 3
6 5

Timing: Allow for a long day, more if you get lost, which you probably might, more if you want to take it easy and have a break or two. If you are a super-duper mountain guide then perhaps the guide book time of 3-4 hours is achievable.

Sun / Temperature: In August it was bearable with shady belays, but starting in the dark could help.

Gear: Expect rope drag, Cams up to Camalot 3. Some belay stations are bolted. The abseil from the plateau (Hammads ridge) back down to the traverse is about 50m.


  • From the village head towards Jebel Rum and take the steps up to Lawrence’s well. Turn right in the minty area and head up the gully.
  • After passing between large boulders, towards the top of the gully on the right hand side there will be a rock ramp heading up but facing down the gully (grade 3/4). Someone has also scratched an arrow into the face at the bottom. (Between 40 mins and 1 hour from the village.)
  • Traverse the ledge and scramble up

    1. f5- large diagonal crack in the wall, 50m.
  • From the shelf traverse a little bit to the right and then head up the plateau (Hammads ridge),look out for a repel station on your right as you climb.
  • On the plateau, head left
  • find a straight, long and narrow walled chimney/gully that heads to the great siq floor and descend.
  • Go east through the great siq with a rappel and two short problems, 2nd being about f5 6m and unprotectable.
  • After the 2nd problem you will be at the base of the eye (3 - 4 hours from the village).

    1. f5- wide crack about 50m.

    2. 50m, f5- starts with a tricky chimney

    3. 40m f4 climb the ramp

    4. traverse across to the base of the eye, f3.

    5. Pitch 5 of the main route, climb the slab (and or crack / chimney), in the guide book it is f3 however there are some very tricky sections, with maybe the hardest move of the route, 40m. You are now in the eye.


Reverse route about 6 repels to the base, back up through the siq and back up the chimney to hammads ridge. Two options exist from here.

Descent alt. Alternative abseil descent, down jebel rum east face and route mumkin. Somewhat complicated and easy to make mistakes. - 50m From the eye rap diagonally back to below the start of the final pitch. - 25m, hidden. - 50m, heading more east to big ledge at the side of the big black slab - 50m, down big black slab - 50m, - 15m, traversing climbers right, don't go down the gully. - Easy walk through sand to Mumkin abseils.

For more details see

Topo: Howard guidebook #57.

FA: 1984

Trad 400m, 6
7a First kiss
1 6c
2 6a
3 6b
4 7a
5 5+
6 6a

Topo The crux maybe easier than 7a.

FA: Š. Janošec & M. Švacha, Mars 2023

Sportive 220m, 6


7a+ Queen of the Desert
1 6a 40m
2 6b 40m
3 7a+ 35m
4 7a 25m
5 7a 35m
6 6c 50m
7 6b 40m
8 7a+ 45m
9 6b 45m
10 7a 45m
11 7a+ 30m
12 5c 40m

Probably the best rock on Jebel Rum. Starts some meter left of 'Towering Inferno'


Phototopo by Tobias Wolf


  • 2x 60m Rope
  • 14 Quickdraws
  • 3x 1,20m Slings
  • 3x BD Cams 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 or Metolius Mastercams 1, 2, 3

Source Arnaud Petit

FA: Chris Stiller, Jan Stiller & Tobias Wolf, 15 Fév 2020

FFA: Chris Stiller, Jan Stiller & Tobias Wolf, 17 Fév 2020

Trad mixte 470m, 12, 89
7a Towering Inferno

#39. Extends Inferno all the way to the summit, finishing up the final huge chimney of 'Inshallah factor'.

FA: Tony Howard & Wilf Colonna, 1986

Trad 300m, 13
Revienta o Burila


Trad 300m
7c+ The Heart Route
1 7a 45m
2 7a+ 30m
3 7c+ 45m
4 7a+ 30m
5 7c+ 40m
6 7c+ 35m
7 7b 35m
8 6b 50m
9 6b 25m
10 7b+ 40m
11 6b+ 25m
12 6c 30m

Independent line to the right of 'Revienta o barilla' and crosses 'Insh’Allah Factor' at about half-height. Source

Photo Topo shared by Tobias Wolf

FA: Arnaud Petit, Jonathan Crison, Eline Le Menestrel, Solène Amoros, Eloi Peretti, Romaric Geffroy, Guillaume Colin & Thoma Meignan, Fév 2020

Sportive 430m, 12
6c The Inshallah Factor


Trad 450m, 15
8a Rock Empire

mainly sport but trad finish with raid mit the camel

FA: Ondra Benes, Michal Rosecky & Tomas Sobotka

Trad mixte 15, 10
7a Raid Mit The Camel
1 6a+
2 6c
3 7a
4 6c+
5 5+
6 5+
7 5+
8 4
9 6a+
10 6b+
11 6b
12 6a

Bolts in difficult sections, making the first 4 pitches sport climbing-like. Need to protect in others.

FA: Claus Obrist & Hainz Cristoph, 1995

Trad 450m, 12
8b+ Sultan ul-Mujahidin
1 5c
2 7b
3 8a
4 8b+
5 8b+
6 7a
7 6b+
8 6b
9 6b
10 7a
11 6a
12 6c
13 7a
14 7a

A glue on critical holds, featured in the reel rock movie "Valley of the Moon". Mainly bolted. Article and topo.

Équip.: Eliav Nissan, Elad Omer & Madaleine Sorkin, Jan 2017

FA: Jachym Srb & Matej Svotjka, Fév 2017

Sportive 500m, 14
6b A2 The Red Sea


6a - b Atalla


6b Aquarius


East Face Towers
5+ The Great Siq Route
1 5
2 5+
3 5

FA: Tony Howard & di taylor, 1988

Trad 120m, 3
5+ Mumkin
1 5 15m
2 5+ 25m
3 5 25m
4 5+ 25m
5 5 35m

Nice short route at left end of the magnificent East Face of East Dome. Pleasant climbing in cracks and good rock with satisfactory protection. Descent by abseil on the route, take care ropes are jamming.

P1: Start the rip left of the little cave. 2-bolt-belay at ledge or combine with next pitch.

P2: Follow the corner crack sytem. Sling belay left of the ledge (for abseiling) or more comfortable gear belay at the ledge.

P3: Follow the crack, sling belay.

P4: Crux pitch, hard for 5+. Sling belay.

P5: Left leaning corner to the end.

FA: Claude Remy & Yves Remy, 1986

Trad 130m, 5
6b+ Flight or Fancy

A nice corner just left from Inferno. Ends with traverse right to the Inferno bolt and abseils via it. Few bolts included.

Trad 6
6a - b Mad Frogs and Englishman
Trad 4
6b Inferno
1 5+
2 6b
3 5
4 5
5 6a

Topos: Howard guidebook #45. First 5 pitches of "Towering Inferno"

FA: Di Taylor, Wilf Colonna & Tony Howard, 1986

Trad 130m, 5
5c Walk like an Egyptian
1 5c
2 5b
3 5b
  1. 5c wide crack to your right, and a hidden crack to your left, committing, with a slight overhang move at the end.

  2. Climb straight up left wide crack, a bit hard to protect, chimney on the edges, use left face and body jam finding protection inside, good news ! you reach a station of 4 bolt!!

  3. Same style a bit easier

  4. The crux (Or not !) a traverse left to get to inferno line, that can be easy if you find the right line.

Form here you can try the 6a inferno pitch or just go down on inferno stations

Trad 100m, 4
6b The Mummy
6b Troubador
1 5
2 6b

Powerful archetypal laybackig and jamming.

FA: 1986

Trad 2
5b Wall of Lace
1 3b
2 3b
3 5b
4 2b

FA: 1987

Trad 4
6a Live and Let Die
1 3
2 4
3 5+
4 4
5 6a
Trad 5
5c Goldfinger
1 4c
2 5c
3 5b

Goldfinger goes up the small pillar that resembles a hand giving the finger, in the middle of the east face of Jebel Rum.

No belays are bolted.

P1: Start up the cracks up and right along to a belay below the obvious crack and chimney (5a, 55m), Build your own anchor.

P2: Climb the finger crack to a big ledge (6a, 35m) (5+ if you know how to finger jam), build your own anchor.

P3: Climb up and left in a corner and proceed further to the very top of the Goldfinger pillar(5b, 20m).

Descent in four rappels down the left (Troubadour) side of the pillar. Rapps on this side are bolted

FA: Wilfried Colonna & G. Claye, 1986

Trad 150m, 3
6b Inshallah
1 6b
2 4c
3 6a

First 4 pitches of "The Inshallah Factor".

Trad 4
6c+ A1 Arthurs Hammmer
1 5b
2 6c+
3 6b+ A1
4 6b
5 6c

FA: 1992

Trad 5
7a Ziggurat
1 6a
2 7a
3 7a
4 5c

FA: 1986

Trad 4
6c Henngrint

Home made hangers on dark rock.

FA: R. Botte, G. Egger, H.Gargitter, Ch. Hainz & C. Obrist, 1995

7b Petting

Homemade hangers.

FA: R., R. Botte, Botte, G. Egger, H. Gargitter, Ch. Hainz & C. Obrist, 1995

7a+/b La Mano Negra
1 7a+/b
2 6b
3 6a
4 6b

P1: Big glue in bolts, few cams and nuts would be needed along the way.

P2-4 trad/sport?

Équip.: Wilfried Colonna & E.Lançon, 1992

Sportive 4
7b NN

Homemade hangers, sling on the small roof.

7a+ Chicken Heat

Slabish climb with very technical moves.

FA: R. Botte, G. Egger, H. Gargitter, Ch. Hainz & C. Obrist, 1995

6b Rainbow Warrior
1 6a
2 6b
3 5c
4 6a

First 4 pitches of "Aquarius".

FA: 1986

Trad 4
7a Ride Mit Camel

Soft rock that comes out in chunks! Not great quality and SCARY we bailed after 2 pitches.

Hammads Domes
Hammads Route

Bedouin Route. Howard guidebook #60. Summitpost route description with satellite picture. Topo.

6b The Pillar of Wisdom
1 4+
2 5
3 5
4 5+
5 5
6 4
7 5+
8 4
9 4+
10 4+
11 6b

350m in Total

It is possible to climb the first 5 pitches (100m) of 'Coup Par Coup' as an alternative to the final section of the approach, and then start 'The Pillar of Wisdom'

Topos: Howard guidebook #65. & Verticalpirate.

Trad 250m, 11
5+ Coup Par Coup
1 4+
2 4
3 4
4 4
5 2
6 5
7 5
8 5+
9 5+
10 3
11 4+
12 5+
13 5
14 4
15 5

Topos: Howard guidebook #66 Graded TD: Tres Difficile/very difficult (Alpine grade)

Trad 350m, 15
Wadi Shellali
6a Le Grec
1 3
2 4c
3 6a
4 5c
5 2
6 5
7 5
8 5+
9 6a
10 5+

FA: C. Remy & Y. Remy, 1986

Trad 250m, 10
5b Rum doodle Trad 250m, 9
West side
PD Sabbah's Route

Bedouin route up the canyon to the summit. Takes the right side of the canyon.

PD Thamudic route

Bedouin route up the canyon to the summit. 2000 years old. Takes the left side of the canyon.

FA: Atieq Auda with J McIntosh, J Shand, Atieq Auda & J McIntosh, 1994

PD Sheikh Hamdan's Route

The first recorded route in Rum, by wife and daughter of Tom Longstaff. Ascends the W side of Jebel Rum, Jordan. About 2km

FA: Hamdan Amad, Sylvia Branford & Charmian Longstaff, 1952

6a Silver fox

finish on the shoulder of Frustration Dome, north of Sheikh Hamdan’s Siq

FA: Walter Haupolter & Albert Precht, 2006

Trad 250m
6a+ Pensioners Tango

finish on the shoulder of Frustration Dome, north of Sheikh Hamdan’s Siq

FA: Walter Haupolter & Albert Precht, 2006

Trad 250m
6b Jordan Express

finish on the shoulder of Frustration Dome, north of Sheikh Hamdan’s Siq

FA: Walter Haupolter & Albert Precht, 2006

Trad 250m
6b Ivictus

Ivictus (Alema?n-Coll-Sort,) Catalan group climbers, see

Non-défini 250m
6c Deliri

Deliri (Bonsom-Gibert-Mas-Vale?) Catalan group climbers see

Non-défini 260m
Abu Aina Towers
6b+ Lionheart
1 6a 48m
2 6b+ 35m
3 6a 25m
4 6a+ 50m
5 6b+ 50m
6 6a 40m
7 4a 30m

Direct line up the main crack system. Classic of the area, sustained climbing with scrambly finish.

FA: R., M. Edwards & R. Edwards, 1987

Trad 280m, 8
East Face Approach Boulders
6b Ritter der Kokosnuss

on Abu Aina Towers finished with lion heart

FA: Thomas Senf & Rolf Weber, 2006

Trad 7

Affichant les 83 voies total.

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