
Noeuds dans Penyghent

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Affichant les 19 noeuds total.

21 Weeks Today

Straight up the front of the lone buttress 300m north of the Main Crag

Little Mahia
Ai Caramba!
D Meddler's Crack
VS Agnostic's Arete
S Red Pencil
S Red Pencil Direct
VS Gladiator
HS Damocles Groove
HVS Brass Monkey
HVS Christian's Crux
VS Pagan's Purgatory
VS Bilberry Wall
MVS Main Buttress Girdle
HVS Pitchfork Crack
D Shepherd's Chimney
HS Flying Buttress
VD Nose Cracks

Affichant les 19 noeuds total.

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