
Noeuds dans West Central

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West Central
Holy Saturday/Foreign Territory
Holy Saturday/Foreign Territory
5.11c Hume-Annoyed From Dixie
5.11a Route of All Evil
5.11b Passover
5.11b Zealot
5.5 Hide-A-Way Chimney
5.8 Flake
5.10a Altar
5.11a It's OK To Be Humbled
5.10b Sorority Girl
5.10a Who The Devil is Charlie Creese?
5.10b Wild Thing
5.10d Japan Club
5.11d London Calling
5.12a Nasty Crack
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park
5.6 Prologue
5.7 Recombination Mutation
5.10a First Iteration
5.8 Sore-O-Pod
5.9 CC Left
5.11c Crichton's Crack
5.8 Get Up That Tree
5.8 A Lawyer on the Toilet
5.9 Slot-A-Saurus
5.10d Lichen Lung
5.11b Mud In Your Eye
5.11b A1 Velociraptor's Revenge
5.10c Tri-cera-tops I
5.10c Tri-cera-tops II
5.10c Tri-cera-tops III
5.10a Digripper Raptoris
5.7 Epilog
Walt's Wall Area
Walt's Wall Area
5.9 Five Sleazy Creases
5.4 Tourist Trap
5.4 Foolishness
5.7 Edward's Crack

This is the obvious crack up the middle of the wall left of the coke bottle. Crux is the start and finish -- the rest of the climb is pretty mellow.

  1. 5.7 30m Climb the offwidth between the block and the face, or layback the crack in the face, or some combination until you have stance to place gear. Continue up to the obvious ledge, do a couple friction moves to the main crack, then up this easily to another ledge and belay.

  2. 5.7 30m Up the crack above, with a bit of work pulling out of pods to the steep off-width finish. Pull this, then up and left to a pine tree to belay.

Descent: rappel Walt's Wall Route

5.4 Edward's Crack, Left Exit
5.5 Edward's Crack, Right Exit
5.7 Jacquot's Face
5.5 Sisca Face
5.8 Friction Slide
5.9 Mantle Route
5.4 Walt's Wall Route

Starts just left of the coke bottle.

  1. 5.5 Crux is the start -- establish yourself on the wall and climb up a crack that heads rightwards and slowly curves leftwards. Belay on a ledge with a bolted anchor.

  2. Traverse easily left on the ledge until at the base of the blunt right-rising arete. Climb up this arete past a couple bolts to another bolted anchor.

  3. Step right from this anchor and climb the slab and corner for a bit, then strike out up and left across the slab to a bolted anchor.

Descent: rap the route.

5.5 Jake's Variation
5.7 5.7 Cracks
5.9 Water Streak II
5.10a Kopischka Finish
5.8 Satterfield's Crack
Coke Bottle
Coke Bottle
5.12a Fourth of July Crack
5.11a Horn's Mother
5.13b Silver Salute
5.10c The 12th of Never
5.11b Boardwalk
5.11c Light From Blue Horses
5.11a Bell Crack
5.13a Panther of the Weak
5.10a Mainstreet
5.11b The Never Ending Story
5.12a Space Oddity
5.13a Young Guns
5.7 TM Chimney
Fall Wall Area
Fall Wall Area
5.9 Fallout
5.10a Neon Madman
5.10c Mickey Mantle
5.11a Krypton Sociopath
5.11a Argon Depressive
5.11b Spider God
5.10a Fall Wall Route
5.11a Last of the Elfin Boltmen
5.8 Upper Fall Wall Route
5.10a Middle Road
5.9 Fear and Loathing
5.9 5.11 Crack
5.11a Colonial Rule
5.11a Gunga Din
5.5 Clam Shell
5.5 E.O. Lieback
5.8 Easy Overhang Traverse
5.5 E.O. Friction
5.7 Cold Finger
5.7 Hole
5.12b Whistling Jupiter
5.12a Veda-Voodoo
Master Blaster Area
Master Blaster Area
5.10a Blaster Junior
5.8 Dirty Pictures From the Prom
5.12b Trip Master Monkey
5.9 Homecoming
5.6 Left Femur
5.12a The Tragically Hip
5.7 Right Femur
5.10c Master Blaster
5.9 Drip Drop
Hassler's Hatbox
Hassler's Hatbox
5.9 Strained Tendons

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 110 noeuds.

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