
Ascensões em Blue Mountains por Roger Austin

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 120 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade
Fri 10th Feb 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point East Faces Subliminal Wall
21 Castaway - with Hamish Kerr Sport 65m Very Good
Led the 3rd pitch, which felt quite pumpy and was fun enough bar the grovelling dirt mantleshelf finish. The first pitch had a hard, reachy crux - harder than any move on Subliminal - although perhaps we were just beefed at the end of a 37-degree day. Hamish took it into his head to combine pitches one and two - don't go there. Worthwhile, but with more than its fair share of crap bits for a route on such a good wall.

23 Subliminal - with Hamish Kerr Sport 92m, 33 Classic
Led the main pitch. Excellent, fun climbing but can't quite rate it as Mega-Classic because of the rather arbitrary first pitch and because it has just a bit too much of that boulder-problems-between-ledges style which can get rather tiresome. The belays and pitch combinations around here could do with a bit of rationalisation. Doing a 70m pitch from the Central (Castaway) belay, as recommended by others, makes good sense - those with shorter ropes can take the Sojourn belay option and still need do only one more pitch to the top. The Subliminal first pitch is a bit of a giggle but the only hard bit would make a good alternate start to Castaway.

Fri 10th Feb 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Iliad Buttress
16 The Iliad - with Hamish Kerr Trad 87m Classic
Very enjoyable outing, particularly via the Cynics United first pitch. Nicely sustained with a couple of intimidating-but-actually-ok sections at the start of the 2nd and 3rd pitches. Led the 1st and 3/4th pitches.

Fri 10th Feb 2017 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity - with Hamish Kerr Sport 22m, 9 Classic
I'm going to bump my rating to Classic, simply because it has consistent quality climbing that flows really nicely. Makes a great warm-up as it has nothing tweaky and raises a good flash pump.

Fri 27th Jan 2017 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Katoomba Cliffs Echo Point Echo Point Walls
25 Echo Crack - with Hamish Kerr Trad 190m Classic
Well, wasn't that just something! An impressive and compelling natural line to be sure. I found the climbing grueling rather than enjoyable, but that is probably just sour grapes, having taken several flyers off the greasy thin-hands crux, slipped out of a wide, wet section further up and finally run out of big gear well below the belay (despite leap-frogging for all I was worth) necessitating various shenanigans including lowering off a small spike to retrieve a suitably-sized cam. After taping my wounds from the lower pitch I struggled mightily to second the top pitch clean, only to topple ignominiously backwards off the final mantleshelf :-( For wimps like myself you could easily add another #1, #2 and 2*#3 cams to Paul's ideal rack. To follow up Paul's comparison with the 'other' multi-pitch gr25 trad classic, Samarkand, I would happily climb the latter again, but I think only a pair of crack gloves would lure me back for another round with the mighty Echo Crack

Sat 31st Dec 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Lunch Ledge
25 Samarkand - with Hamish Kerr Trad 150m Mega Classic
Seven shades of awesome! Bob McMahon's account of the first (aid) ascent had us fully psyched for an epic adventure but, as other commentators have said, the free version is now a well-protected and mostly solid exercise in steep, intimidating and superbly-positioned trad climbing. Led the even pitches with a rest at the P2 crux and seconded the odd pitches clean. Didn't bother with the top pitch. Thoroughly recommended.

Sun 4th Dec 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Lunch Ledge
24 Weaselburger - with Hamish Kerr Sport 190m Classic
This is really two excellent and independent routes that share a name and finish one above the other. Led the odd pitches (combining 5 & 6). The desperate little traverse on P2 just squeaks it to grade 24 overall and was quite unnerving to second with 30m of rope above and the ledge just below. There is an optional belay at 10m on this pitch which would suit a nervous second. Annoyed to fall on P3 when I misread a move and pumped off some crimps. Overall a stunning route with the first 3 pitches being the meat of it.

Sat 3rd Dec 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Mt Boyce Shock Wall/Fire Bug Mall
25 Bronze Orange Bug - with Hamish Kerr Sport 30m Very Good
Blew the onsight by trying to follow the guidebook crimp-dyno beta. A big rockover-reach did the trick on the second attempt, but only just. Lots of fun climbing before and after the hard bit.

Mon 28th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
19 Powerbra Rangers - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 23m, 8 Very Good
Nicely sustained. Harder than Nice Vice Baby. Good second warm-up.

Sun 27th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Thrustblock Area
23 The Mind Boggles - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 40m, 18 Classic
Lots and lots of thought-provoking quality climbing. I found the initial traverse a bit turf and it was pretty intense for the rest of the first 'pitch', easing to a gentle stroll before an exciting and entertaining finale.

Sun 27th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass La La Land Area
23 Legoland - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 25m, 9 Very Good
More like leg'o'lamb today - a bit hot and greasy but full of tasty goodness.

24 Escape Velocity - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 20m Very Good
The second stage boosters failed to fire and I dropped into parking orbit below the crux. After a brief pause to recalibrate the on-board attitude control system, I achieved geosynchronous orbit above La-La Land. With the solar radiation rising rapidly I decided to abort the mission for fear of burning up on re-entry. Will be back for another go if a suitable launch window presents itself.

Sun 27th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
26 Sail Away - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 25m, 9 Classic
Got to the crux with some juice still in the tank but then shut down completely. Even yarding past using the draw felt hard. In hindsight, I didn't apply Jamie's finger-lock beta correctly, but I doubt it would have made a difference. After that, I lost motivation and nerve and rested my way to the top. Will take a while to summon up enthusiasm for another shot.

Sun 27th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
19 20 Nice Vice Baby - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 20m, 9 Good
An ideal warm-up

Sat 5th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Sunnyside
22 Seamstress - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 22m, 10 Very Good
Got my EOD pump on and fell off on the last move before the anchors. Very good climbing, tricky and pumpy by turns. Should have worked the rests better.

25 The Dreaming Void - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 29m, 12 Very Good
Rushed the pumpy bit and fell off. Dogged the big undercut move. Grabbed the second bolt above the ledge to avoid a potential ankle-breaker. Did a few more moves with increasing rope drag caused by incompetent ropework. Threw in the towel. Would be much more enjoyable with a DBB at the ledge for re-threading or just doing the bottom half (preferably placed high enough to yard up and clip the next bolt to avoid the ankle-breaker). There are in-situ screwgates on the 2nd and 3rd bolts above the ledge that might have been left for this purpose (but then why not put them on the 1st and 2nd bolts?). Might try it again if I can work up enough enthusiasm.

25 The Reality Dysfunction - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 20m, 12 Mega Classic
Simply awesome. Milked the kneebar and handjam rests until they squeaked and managed to keep it together for the final few lunges to the anchors. Now I feel inspired to try The Way of All Flesh again

Sat 5th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Duck Wall
24 Pluck-a-Duck - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 22m, 10 Classic
Mantle? What mantle? Lots of other good climbing - the easy bit; the intense bit; the pumpy bit; the mantle-that-wasn't.

22 Daffy - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 20m Very Good
Varied and fun. Only the large ledge below the headwall prevents it being a Classic.

Sat 5th Nov 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Arrivals (Lower)
21 Jingle Bells - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 15m Good
A bit brutal for a warm-up.

Sun 25th Sep 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Birdsnest Area
21 20 Crow - with Hamish Kerr Sport 15m, 5 Good
I thought this was very worthwhile. Thin to start and sustained all the way up. Would have been "bold old skool 80's climbing" on carrots but speaking as a timid old skool 80's climber I felt pretty happy with 7 shiny ring bolts.

Sat 24th Sep 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Auntie Jack Area
21 Red Robbin Direct Start - with Matt Short, jonas Mixed trad 15m, 4 Good
Fun. Bolts and wire to lower off.

19 Zipper - with Matt Short Mixed trad 25m, 5 Very Good
Good, fingery climbing up a slightly eliminate line. Skipped the higher carrots in favour of a few of Matt's shiny new hexes to keep it real

17 Viparete - with Matt Short Trad 30m Classic
Matt demonstrated that you can protect this pretty well if you take the time to look around for placements.

Sun 17th Apr 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
23 Dictator in a Deerstalker - with Mark Sport 9m, 4 Very Good
Repeat to retrieve a tangled rope on War and Peace. Both better and harder than I remember.

Sun 17th Apr 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Gulf War Wall
25 War and Peace - with Mark Sport 10m, 5 Very Good
Good workout for the right arm and left leg, not to mention the fingers. Took a couple of rests placing the draws then first shot.

Sun 17th Apr 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
21 Friendly Fire - with Mark Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Nicely sustained with some interesting holds.

22 Vasco Pyjama - with Mark Sport 12m, 4 Average
Not a warm up. Climbed by mistake for the much better route next to it.

Sat 16th Apr 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Adults Only Cave
23 24 A Most Profligate Sinner - with Mark Sport 18m Very Good
Thought provoking. Arrived on the lip of the roof in a kneeling position which worked surprisingly well. Not 24 though.

Sat 16th Apr 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 It Beat A Circus - with Mark, Dan Sport 12m Very Good
One of the harder 24s here. The jugs came one move too late for the onsight

24 Cave Route - with Mark, Dan Sport 10m, 4 Good
Sun 28th Feb 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 Goosebumps - with thomas Sport 10m, 4 Very Good
Crimpy and powerful, then just powerful.Clipped the first bolt on lead for added value.

Sat 27th Feb 2016 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
24 Jaqueline Hyde - with Siderunner Sport 15m, 6 Very Good
26 Smoked Mussels - with Siderunner Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Not so much smoked as aged and cured.

25 Rubber Lover - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 20m, 5 Classic
Pretty pleased with this.

Sun 31st Jan 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Gulf War Wall
28 WMD - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 15m, 8
Dogged up hoping this might be Radio Baghdad but got shut down towards the top where the tick marks run out. Swung right onto the correct line to try the crux but no joy there either. A fun workout nevertheless.

Sun 31st Jan 2016 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd The Dam Cliffs Steep Wall
23 Dictator in a Deerstalker - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 9m, 4 Good
4a at the gym. Worthwhile.

Sat 30th Jan 2016 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Ashes to Ashes Area
25 Ashes to Ashes - with Andrew Stevenson Sport 18m, 7 Classic
Felt much easier fresh. And cooler. And the draws in. And the crux moves wired. 4th go overall via the original McDougal which is still a fair 25.

Sun 6th Dec 2015 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Ashes to Ashes Area
25 Ashes to Ashes - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 18m, 7 Classic
Great, bouldery climbing interspersed with good rests (except when it isn't). 3 attempts, all clean to the final moves (via the original line) but no cigar. Made the mistake of not getting the moves totally wired after the first attempt. One to come back for.

Sun 6th Dec 2015 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Masterplan Area
23 Royal Doulton - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 15m Very Good
Straightforward but fun.

Sat 5th Dec 2015 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Auntie Jack Area
17 Viparete - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Trad 30m Classic
Very enjoyable. Best not to fall off the first half.

Sat 5th Dec 2015 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Atomic Punk Area
14 The Obituary - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Trad 30m Classic
Classic tradness

Sat 5th Dec 2015 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount York Masterplan Area
20 Marooned - with Blue Mountains Orangutan Sport 12m Good
A bit stiff for a warm up.

Sat 4th Jul 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
25 Burning Bridges Sport 25m Very Good
3 shots. First stopped by poor footwork at the top crux. Fluffed the lower crux on the second. Not quite enough juice in the tank to do the top on the third. Good climbing with some funky moves. Next time...

Sat 4th Jul 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper War Babies Wall
24 No U-Turn - with Matt Short Sport 20m Good
Nice enough variant finish to Form One Line but the meat is the shared lower section.

Sat 4th Jul 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
18 The Answer is Obvious - with Matt Short Sport 20m Good
18 The Bandoline Grip - with Matt Short Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
Sat 13th Jun 2015 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County The 39 Steps
23 Gentlemens Drag (Gentleman's Drag) - with Niko Eltarenko Trad 28m Mega Classic
Awesome end to a great day. Been wanting to do this for years. Never felt close to getting pumped. The joys of a gritstone apprenticeship.

25 Toyland Direct - with Niko Eltarenko Sport 30m Classic
Pretty stoked to onsight this classic. It felt a bit of a gift for 25 but then (a) the conditions were absolutely perfect and (b) every hold was neatly outlined in white. Similar in style, quality and grade to Life of Riley.

Sat 13th Jun 2015 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
23 Walking Wounded - with Niko Eltarenko Mixed trad 20m, 4 Very Good
Finally nailed the old shibboleth at the 3rd attempt in twice as many years. Thanks to Niko for putting the clips in. Hardest route of the day.

18 The 80 Minute Hour - with Niko Eltarenko Mixed trad 30m, 4 Very Good
Traversed in from the right, just to be different. Fun.

Sat 30th May 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
19 Jack High Sport 20m Very Good
Never gets any easier. Still fun.

Sat 30th May 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
25 Silently Flying By Sport 25m Very Good
2nd shot. 4th overall. Too inflexible to use Will's beta (thanks Will) but eventually found holds (and conditions) that worked for me. Worth the effort.

23 Golliwog Grades (Golliwog Grading) Sport 25m, 13 Good
Some good climbing. Final move slightly pointless but fun.

Sun 24th May 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
21 Girly Germs Sport 15m Good
Not an ideal warm up as the hard bit is low down.

Sun 24th May 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
25 Silently Flying By Sport 25m Very Good
Getting to the crimps was one thing. Leaving them was another. Must be a better way.

Sat 9th May 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Pulpit Rock Bellbird Wall area
21 YAKs in Space - with Mike Arrell Sport 16m Classic
Must have missed something because the Rose move on a two finger pocket between bolts 1 and 2 felt as hard as anything on the Next Doctor. Great position - particularly the hanging belay at the top!

23 The Next Doctor - with Mike Arrell Sport 100m Very Good
Bah! Cruised the hard start to P2 then fluffed the blank bit higher up by trying to find better holds instead of just cranking on the ones I had. Great pitch. P1 is worthwhile but rather unbalanced and Yaks is the logical conclusion.

Sat 7th Feb 2015 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
18 17 Sweet Nightmare (Link-Up) - with Matt Short Mixed trad 130m, 12 Very Good
The 18 pitch is great but pretty tiring with a pack at EOTD.

Sat 7th Feb 2015 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
21 Flash Flood - with Matt Short Sport 18m, 7 Good
Good fun. More like 21 with some stiff moves past the underling.

25 Binary Neil - with Matt Short Sport 25m, 10 Very Good
2nd shot, this time with AJ's hat as a knee pad and a better hand sequence on the crux.

Sat 7th Feb 2015 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Theory of Negativity Wall
20 Theory of Negativity - with Matt Short Sport 22m, 9 Very Good
Sat 7th Feb 2015 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Choc Chip Chai Sector
19 20 Choc Chip Chai - with Matt Short Sport 15m, 7 Good
Fun warmup.

Sat 24th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
24 These Apples Must Be Jen's Sport 20m, 7 Very Good
Don't know what possessed me to think this would be a good idea after limping away from Wipe Out and with a storm rolling in. Rested at the second bolt and baled at the third to the accompaniment of peals of thunder.

Sat 24th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Sail Away Wall
25 Wipe Out Sport 30m, 8 Classic
A route of two halves. Pumped out at the top of the flake. Freaked out at the end of the runout (complete with classic finger-in-bolt grip-clip fumble). Tried for the red point (with long sling on the Sail Away bolt to reduce the grip factor) but my dodgy knee gave way at the mantleshelf move low down and that was that. IMHO would be far more enjoyable with one extra bolt. Hot and humid pre-storm spooginess didn't help (mutter, winge ...)

Sat 24th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Porters Pass Dogs, Cats & Apples Wall
23 Dragon's Egg - with Sean Sport 20m, 8 Very Good
Interesting climbing with a tricky crux sequence with clip mid crux. It would be good to clear up the confusion between this and Milo as there is clearly only one line with two finishes, this being the left. Right looks quite a bit easier but not on rings.

Sat 17th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Yesterday's Groove Area
24 Yesterday's Groove - with Siderunner
1 22 lead by Roger
2 23 lead by Andy/Roger
3 24 lead by Roger
Sport 110m
Enjoyable, engros(e)ing climbing on all pitches. Andy kindly split P2 at a convenient ledge so I could savour the technical corner crux without rope drag. Tricky finale which I lacked the willpower to avoid inspecting on the abseil in.

Sat 10th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper War Babies Wall
24 Form One Lane Sport 22m Very Good
Mostly on sight after misreading the first hard move and lowering off. Two sections of fingery and reachy climbing split by a good rest.

Sat 10th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
19 Country Special - with Danny Sport 18m Good
Sat 10th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Hot Flyer Wall
19 Jack High Sport 20m Very Good
Feels harder every time.

Sat 10th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grand Junction Wall
26 Supercallousfragileextradosage Sport 25m, 13 Classic
Yay! My first 26. Dogged up then got it first shot. Gotta love a route where you can stop for a nap after the crux.

Sat 10th Jan 2015 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
18 The Bandoline Grip - with Danny Sport 18m, 6 Very Good
Sat 6th Dec 2014 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Centennial Trev Arch area (the caverns) First cave
24 Dont mind the Tourists - with Hamish Sport 15m, 7
Defeated at the top by wetness and (mainly) lack of strength.

Sat 6th Dec 2014 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Centennial Trev Arch area (the caverns) The Arch walls
22 Fishing - with Hamish Sport 12m, 5 Good
Enjoyed the interesting moves and lack of sharp, snappy holds. Balancy yet still tiring.

25 Kung Fu Panda - with Hamish Sport 12m
This thing is nails. Either I'm missing something or its a full grade harder than Stockholm Syndrome.

Sat 6th Dec 2014 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Centennial Trev Arch area (the caverns) Stockholm Wall
25 Stockholm Syndrome - with Hamish Sport 15m Good
Pumpy with a couple of big moves. Blew the onsight by dithering on the penultimate jug. Ripped a hold off above the third bolt while cleaning the draws but don't think it will affect the grade.

22 Organised - with Hamish Sport 15m Average
Sat 29th Nov 2014 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Access Ledge
23 Uncooth Youth Sport 18m Good
Unfortunately at the crux I discovered someone had surgically removed my forearm muscles and replaced them with cotton wool. Not a good EOD warm-down.

Sat 29th Nov 2014 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Mr Wall
26 Super Weak - with Andy Sport 20m, 8 Classic
Reality check after the merely vertical climbs around the corner. French-freed the start and dogged the rest. Andy figured out the start (cool move) so might try it again some day.

Sat 29th Nov 2014 - Blue Mountains
Katoomba Area Narrow Neck Diamond Falls Access Ledge
26 Family Jewels Sport 25m, 8
The day went sharply downhill from here. Waved ineffectually in the direction of the undercut but lacked both power and commitment.

23 You Crazy Diamond - with Andy Sport 26m, 9 Classic
Sustained and thought-provoking right to the top.

25 WoW - with Andy Sport 30m Very Good
This is a little ripper. Harder, more sustained and dare I say better than DJ with some funky moves and only just enough holds. Can't claim the onsight as it was tick-marked to perfection and I got a birds eye view lowering off DJ. Two stars.

21 The Jewel Thief - with Andy Sport 28m Very Good
Thought this would be a doddle after warming up on DJ but far from it. Sustained and interesting in a good position with some tough moves.

24 25 Diamond Jack - with Andy Sport 60m Very Good
Climbed as a warm-up in mistake for The Jewel Thief. Tough for 21 but an absolute steal for 25.

Sat 15th Nov 2014 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Pierces Pass Yesterday's Groove Area
23 Mild Peril - with Andy
Sport 110m Very Good
Lots of good climbing in a great location. Lead P1 and P3. Long and pumpy P2. Fingery and balancy on P3 with an unlikely single-leg-squat manoeuvre in the middle.

Sat 8th Nov 2014 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Ben Trovato Wall
19 Colosseum Corner - with Danny and Tony Trad 78m Classic
Classic trad corner. No vegetation that matters. Take big gear (cam 4 and up) for the third pitch - I felt a bit silly with a single cam 3 as my biggest piece.

Fri 5th Sep 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Sandwiches Wall
24 Pallets of Pies Sport 12m, 4 Good
Jug, jug, jug, hmm, throw, jug, jug

Sun 25th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Perry's Lookdown
25 A Date with Density (A Date with Density Linkup Beggars Banquet) - with Dave Adams
1 25 lead by Dave
2 22 lead by me
3 24 linkup Beggars Banquet , lead by Dave
4 22 lead by me
5 21 lead by Dave
Sport 200m Classic
Dave wanted to do Date with Density but after 2 pitches realised he had done it before (d'oh) so swung onto Beggars Banquet. I was pleased to lead the easier pitches and scrabble cleanly up the others with the comfort of a rope from above. Big pitch on BB is stellar - nearly pumped after taking a poor line at the crux and reversing back to the better line.

Sat 24th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath The Sporting Complex
21 Like a Cut Snake - with Sean Sport 35m Classic
Fantastic exposure on the second pitch and plenty of good rock and climbing. Very photogenic (from the top, opposite the route).

25 The Life of Riley - with Gavin Sport 35m Classic
Great moves and great location. Looked very blank in parts but its all there and not hard for the grade.

Sun 18th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Adults Only Cave
26 26 M0 The Way of All Flesh M0 Sport 22m
Dogged up a few times now but never further than the end of the traverse in one push. Can't see it happening unless I get a lot fitter or find some sort of rest.

Sun 18th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
22 Hunky Dory - with Dave Adams Sport 20m Average
21 22 Hang onto Yourself - with Jess Sport 20m Good
Sun 18th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 Jean Genie - with Dave Adams Sport 18m Average
Glad to get this out of the way after floundering on the final mantleshelf a few years ago. Still took 2 attempts. Awkward and hard to read with poorly located bolts.

Sun 4th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area New York East (Right) Side Upper Tier
19 Nudity - with various Rockies Sport 25m, 7 Classic
Nicely sustained and enjoyable (again)

Sun 4th May 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area New York East (Right) Side
19 Silence of the Cams - with various Rockies Sport 15m, 5 Good
Always feel a bit wobbly on this. Too many footholds

22 Moan Groan Dial Tone - with various Rockies Sport 15m Classic
Delicate, pumpy goodness. It ain't over 'til it's over. Must be about my fourth time up this.

24 Libby the Lick - with various Rockies Sport 15m Good
Good, bouldery climbing unfortunately marred by a big dirty ledge.

21 20 Satanic Nuns - with various Rockies Sport 15m Good
Cruxy start and quite sustained thereafter. Fun.

Sat 19th Apr 2014 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Adults Only Cave
25 George, King of the Jungle - with Roger B Sport 20m Very Good
Fun dynos. Finished on the lower anchors which is a bit of a cop-out but my oomph was all used up.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 120 ascensões.

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