
Ascensões em Mount Banks

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 205 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Tue 4th Jun 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks
20 The Camel - with Ross Butcher
1 Trad
2 Trad
3 Second
4 Trad
5 Trad
6 Second
7 Second
8 Trad
9 Trad
10 Second
11 Trad
12 Second
13 Second
14 Trad
15 Second
16 Trad
17 Trad
18 Second
19 Trad
Trad 500m Good
Danny Burton
3 weeks ago, a proposition was laid down to climb the biggest route the mountains could offer us. Yesterday, that proposition inevitably led to a certain will-never-forget outing. Due to our lack of two cars allowing for the traditional Mt Banks approach from Perry’s lookdown, we opted to camp at the Pierces Pass Carpark. It was here that we left the car at 4.35am and walked down through the pass into the Grose Valley. We made good time, arriving at the presumed river crossing for the uphill bush slog by about 6am. Despite not being able to find any form of a track, the faint morning glow allowed us to admire Mt Banks and determine a direction to head for. This uphill battle for the ridge was anything but enjoyable, although morale was boosted when we surprisingly stumbled perfectly onto the base of the climb, albeit feeling critically juiced.

A quick break saw us setting off on the climb by 7.40am, with smooth sailing up into the eighth pitch. As I made the traverse to the start of the ninth pitch, it was looking like we’d breeze into the 11’o’clock pitch by the time target. But disaster struck when Ross dropped his only belay device. Although ‘skillfully’ he’d directed it straight onto a ledge somewhere on pitch 7. After lowering him down to retrieve it, we were back on track, departing the eighth belay at 11am on the dot. Less than an hour later, I’d say I experienced the finest moment of the day. This was watching Ross step off the edge of the world from the ninth belay and power up the choss scoop, with class, to our designated lunch spot.

The climbing proceeded and the sun joined us momentarily for some sandy slab and grovel. Pitch 14 saw me softly deck onto the ledge from ‘the move’. Upon pulling past this, it became apparent that I hadn’t brought any more carrot plates or even the set of wires up on this pitch. So, I wrapped a sling around a carrot and gingerly continued. Every pitch so far had seen both of us breaking ironstone footers left, right and centre… a fact that I reflected on as I saw the sling subsequently fall off the carrot below me. Willing myself to avoid yet another intimate encounter with the ledge below (only this time from more than twice as high up), I gained the final fixed hanger and gave a belay.

At this stage, we were well and truly marvelling at our height in the valley, soaring way above the rather small Pierces Pass in comparison. However, the wonder soon turned to gassing-out after choosing to link the offwidth pitch 16 and the seeping jungle bash of pitch 17. After, Ross set off on pitch 18, for which the face section had turned a little waterfallish. Pitching it out, he brought me up to the most horrid frozen, windy belay I think I have ever been on. Trying to get us off as fast as possible, I found I couldn’t climb the slab directly above. Confused and slightly concerned, I opted to step out over the void for the hanging crack of which is most definitely the route. It just looked too outrageous to comprehend at first. Freeing the initial moves up the crack on a blindly placed cam was an interesting experience. We topped out just before total darkness at 5:30pm… frozen, bloodied and sore.

At the top we discovered no track whatsoever and set off into extremely thick bush. This. Was. Horrendous. Eveeentually, we came upon the Mt Banks summit walking track and took a breather. From here, we pumped the Valley Uprising soundtrack and Led Zepplin, hitting somewhat of a walking flow state. Made it back to the car at 7:45pm. What a hell of a day!

Mon 3rd Jun 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks
20 The Camel - with Danny Burton
1 14 30 Second lead by Danny Burton
2 10 20 Second lead by Danny Burton
3 18 30 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
4 15 40 Second lead by Danny Burton
5 2 50 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
6 17 25 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
7 17 25 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
8 5 20 Second lead by Danny Burton
9 18 50 Second lead by Danny Burton
10 18 25 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
11 16 20 Second lead by Danny Burton
12 16 25 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
13 16 15 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
14 20 30 Second lead by Danny Burton

Super heinous for grade!!!

15 5 15 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
16 18 25 Second lead by Danny Burton
17 10 20 Second lead by Danny Burton
18 18 25 Trad lead by Ross Butcher
19 18 20 Second lead by Danny Burton
Trad 510m Good
Ross Butcher
An absolutely epic route! Climbed with Danny who has already posted a detailed account of our accent, so won't repeat what he has already said. Would thoroughly recommend to anyone who wants an epic and unforgettable day out, however, due to the length and nature of this route this probbaly isn't the best route to do you if don't have much multipitch trad experience! In terms of gear we took double set of cams (.3 to 4), set of nuts (although defiantly didn't need them as only placed about 3 including one over a carrot) and 18 draws + extenders and anchor gear. We went with a twin ropes as wasn't to sure how much choss there would be, and also helped to reduce drag when linking pitches. Apart from dropping my ATC and a bit of wind and water at top of climb we didn't encounter too many difficulties. Most of the gear we placed was bomber, however had many foot and hand holds pop throughout the route! Overall the climb was fairly easy to navigate and anchors were obvious. My favourite pitch was pitch 10 which had some insane exposer! Pitch 6 and 7 (which we linked) were also great. The whole climb took us about 10 hours and the whole day from car to car was just over 15 hours, however, our approach was definitely prolonged by getting lost. Cheers to everyone that helped bolt and open this epic route! Definitely not a climb that I am going to forget!

Mon 27th May 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
22 Pebble Pundits - with rickau
1 20 20 Trad lead by Aaron Wong
2 21 35 Second lead by rickau
3 20 20 Trad lead by Aaron Wong
4 22 35 Second lead by rickau

Pulled on draws, ropes, jugged up. Just wanted to get out of there after that rock incident.

Trad 110m Classic
Aaron Wong
A nice line up the corner of an amazing climbing location. Good gear pretty much whenever you need it, but not a crack climb.

The 3 trad pitches were excellent quality.

The sport exit pitch nearly killed us.

Rick pulled on a microwave-and-a-half-sized boulder as he was topping out, felt it move and instinctively let go.

The block was dislodged and we think it fell onto his lead rope below and sandwiched it between the two rock surfaces.

He then fell and the force on the rope causes the boulder to fall the rest of the way off the cliff and the forces at play shred (and what looks like melts!) the sheath between the two rocks. There's about 50 cm of exposed core. But, impressively, none of the strands have broken!

I hear "ROCK!" and faceplant against the cliff face and the rock magically falls past me and none of us are dead.

Sun 14th Apr 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks
24 Groseness
1 35m Sport
2 35m Sport
3 45m Sport
4 45m Sport
5 35m Sport
6 10m Sport
Sport 210m
Tom Payton
Mon 1st Apr 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
22 Lulu - with Jeh C Sport 30m, 14
james ritchie
Had to aid through just after the roof.

21 Pebble Pundits - with Jeh C Trad 110m
james ritchie
22 ~23 Lulu - with james ritchie Sport 30m, 14
Jeh C
The moves to gain the face below the roof, and the moves out of the roof, felt quite hard for the grade.

We climbed it as an exit pitch to Pebble Pundits. It was less than ideal to be on this in full sun with a double rack of gear on the waist.

That aside, it earns the stars for the very techy, crimpy, sequence dependent arete climbing. It was sick!

21 Pebble Pundits - with james ritchie Trad 110m
Jeh C
A spectacular line on the outmost edge of the ampitheatre, one of the best locations in the Grose.

I led P1 and P3, James led P2. Occasionally mixed rock quality in places (I blew a hold at the top of P2), but pretty good gear all the way. You can jam, layback, or jug haul up the steepness.

Mega day out.

Tue 26th Mar 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
25 Charlie Don't Surf P2
2 Sport
Sport 70m, 18 Very Good
Aaron Jones
It is what it is. Pretty sustained, just hung in there for the os.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Classic
Aaron Jones
What a line. Excellent climbing in a stunning location, with the most stonking gear I've placed in the 'Mountains.

We bailed onto Charlie Don't Surf instead of continuing up the dripping second pitch.

25 Charlie Don't Surf - with Aaron Jones
2 25 28m Second lead by Aaron Jones
Sport 28m, 18
Lee Cujes
p2 only as exit to Thin Line. Harder than the crack pitch.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve P1 - with Aaron Jones
1 Trad
Trad 38m Mega Classic
Lee Cujes
Accessed via 80m rap and swing. p1 onsight, then rapped and stripped the gear for Azza's flash. Really fantastic pitch of climbing. Rather than p2 which was wet and vegetated, climbed p2 of Charlie Don't Surf which was actually harder than p1.

Fri 1st Mar 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
26 Charlie Don't Surf Sport 70m, 18 Good
Brendan Coulter
Some crazy French-free climbing going on to get up this with a pulley injury whilst it’s dripping all over.

Not much to say about the route, seemed like some fun sequences, But I’m disgusted with the amount of glue on this route. Apparently we’re now manufacturing climbs on the rock

24 ~23 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Brendan Coulter
Lives up to the hype, and now takes first place for best gear route I’ve done. The movement, the position, the gear, the rock. It’s all perfect (1st pitch only, T&Cs apply).

Seth took the lead so that I wasn’t tempted to push myself on the injured finger, but I think I almost preferred the toprope lap (please don’t hold it against me). It meant that I could just cruise up the perfect line, enjoying the movement without having to think about what might come next, and without stopping constantly for gear.

There’s no way it goes at 24, and I think it might also go entirely on passive gear, so might give it a crack next time I’m out here. Top pitch was absolutely drippingly soaked, so we topped out on the bolted line adjacent (also wet).

10/10, do this route.

21 ~22 Pebble Pundits Trad 110m Very Good
Brendan Coulter
Did it in 2 pitches, which meant I got to climb the entire length of the thing without stopping!

Crux is definitely the top pitch. The money pitch is awesome, but only 20, maybe 21.

Mon 26th Feb 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Lord of the Balrogs
1 Trad
2 Second

Unexpectedly broke a footer while in a comfortable stem and fell through the splits!

Trad 55m
Hannah Kennedy
Definitely chosen rock and some vegetation to fight but cool climbing and heaps of gear options

Mon 29th Jan 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
21 ~20 Pebble Pundits - with Lewis Foster
1 Trad
2 Second
3 Trad
4 Second
Trad 110m Classic
nathaniel glavurdic
Lews birthday adventure, swinging leads. Phyced that there is a very unlikely crack that runs up the arete, really enjoyed this one from bottom to top. I think the grade on this will scare alot of people away. Gear was great imo and rock was also quite good. Lulu was the surprise! Crack fu turns into arete hugging pretty quick!

Sun 14th Jan 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture Trad 95m
James Hockey
Rad line, lil bitta choss here and there but the trad flowz and airy position make up for it. Linked with upper south bowens canyon for a full day of bushbashing and onsighting

Sat 13th Jan 2024 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture - with james hockey
1 16 15 Trad
2 18 45 Trad
3 19 35 Second lead by james hockey
Trad 95m Very Good
Hannah Kennedy
Sat 23rd Dec 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
21 ~20 Pebble Pundits Trad 110m Classic
Cameron Brown
A great fun route. Very cruisy for 23, the grade might scare some people off. Super unique wih a crack on arete. Highly recommended! Go learn what crack-fu is.

21 ~20 Pebble Pundits Trad 110m Classic
Anzhela Malysheva
My stoke meter was going off the scale on the second pitch. A unique line dissecting the arete with a series of thin flakes scoops and cracks. This geomorphological masterpiece deserves its place the blue mountains trad renaissance gallery. Climbs comfortably on a double rack, the position and the line are excellent and the rap-in is quite well described. I’ve definitely climbed a few 20’s harder than this . Go do it!

Sun 10th Dec 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture
1 19 50 Trad
2 19 30 Trad
3 0 Trad
Trad 80m
Anzhela Malysheva
Excellent route, a bit chossy at the start( I broke a footer after first few meters) but well protected. Pretty comfortably climbed on a standard rack. With some creative nut placements big cams are not necessary, extenders are a must. Did it as 2 pitches, belaying at the bolts. Both pitches felt of similar difficulty

Mon 20th Nov 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with james ritchie Trad 75m Mega Classic
Ben Taylor
Great climb with quite hard cruxy sections for me , but then I don’t get in the mountains that much at the moment. Good gear all the way.

Sat 18th Nov 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Ben Taylor Trad 75m
james ritchie
Excellent route. Managed to get all the moves but had a fall after burning out on the first crux. Then needed to take a rest before heading out under the main roof (a few hand puddles up there).

23 Monteith Memorial Traverse - with Ben Taylor Sport 12m
james ritchie
Just aided through - to access Thin Line of Reprieve.

26 Charlie Don't Surf - with Ben Taylor Sport 70m, 18
james ritchie
2nd pitch only as a finish to Thin Line of Reprieve. Started off ok but quickly realised I didn't have enough energy left.

Fri 15th Sep 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Dialectic - Best Forgotten Art P2 - with Hamish Kerr
2 Sport
Sport 70m Average
oliver kerr
I thought I was on Hornet but I found myself unknowingly on the top half of the top pitch of this. It's currently dirty, unchalked and thin. Not the cruisy end to the day we were seeking.

22 The Hornet - with Hamish Kerr Sport 45m Good
oliver kerr
Cool hollow flake but also scary hollow flake. The roof pull seemed a bit tough for 22 but I squeaked through. The rest just got harder and harder until I rested on the rope as I was red lining. It turns out I was actually on the top pitch of Dialectic - which was why it felt way hard for 22.

26 Charlie Don't Surf P2 - with Hamish Kerr
2 Sport
Sport 70m, 18 Very Good
oliver kerr
Second pitch only as an exit to Thin Line of Reprieve. Another great pitch of climbing! Cool sequences between rests.

24 ~23 The Thin Line of Reprieve P1 - with Hamish Kerr
1 Trad
Trad 75m Mega Classic
oliver kerr
What a fucking route. The 24 pitch only - mega well protected climbing the whole way! Way excellent and pretty stoked for the onsight (if you don't count not being blindfolded for the abseil in).

If you're looking for beta - it's not that hard. Plenty of bridging - my right calf was pretty pumped half way up. I took the full suggested rack plus 15 draws. I was left with 12 draws, almost all my nuts, and a single each of 0.3 to 2 by the anchor. Take a couple of sling draws, a couple of regular draws and leave the rest at home.

Tue 29th Aug 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
21 ~21 Pebble Pundits - with Lachlan Anderson
1 Second
2 Second
3 Trad
4 Trad
Trad 110m Good
Was ok, gear was the hardest part, rock quality a bit low

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve — 4 attempts - with Lachlan Anderson
1 Trad
2 Trad
Trad 75m Mega Classic
In running with evolution for the best 24 in Australia! Same quality as conquistador but with mega location!

Mon 28th Aug 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
22 Lulu - with Dave Cook, Sausage Sport 30m, 14 Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
One fall at the roof again, then took it to the top and sat in the beautiful sunshine! Note: mind your temper tantrums dropping onsights, it doesn’t actually matter

22 Lulu - with Dave Cook, Sausage Sport 30m, 14 Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
Found a great zone after the 2nd bolt, felt great going for the roof then broke a hold out right and lost the onsight with the jug in view 😩 I lost all confidence after a few more falls and lowered down

22 Pebble Pundits - with Dave Cook, Sausage
1 Trad
2 Second
3 Second
Trad 110m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Great route, cool movement in an amazing location! Although I didn’t lead the crux, I found it no harder than Janicepts! Perfectly built in seat below Lulu

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve P1 - with Dave Cook, Sausage
1 Trad
Trad 75m Mega Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Just an incredible experience, what a crazy place! Coming back from injury, I wasn’t in the best form, happy to just spend time with friends (2-3sits?) Keen to come back and lead this thing soon

Sat 20th May 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Sam Strong
Highlight of the day was watching Kelly dig deep for the pink point! We both fought for it. Such an awesome route

Sat 6th May 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Sam Strong
Mega mega mega mega. Will be back for the ground up!

Sun 19th Mar 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks
23 Pestosterone - with Maria LC Sport 190m
Anzhela Malysheva
Seconded pitch 1/2/5 clean and led the two long pitches. Really good quality climbing and some questionable rock on lower pitches. We only had 12 bolt plates and had to do so much back cleaning on long pitches it almost felt like I climbed the pitches twice. In the sun after 1pm . Hopefully it can get a face lift some time soon. Those carrots are not exactly confidence inspiring or calling for whips. Great half day out with great views and amazing exposure. Would recommend riding bikes in

Sun 5th Mar 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Rollacoasta Trad 75m
Dmitry Linkov
Sent it on my third trip to the area and on the fourth go overall. Very inspiring line and one of the best trad climbs in the blue mountains (probably best corner climb) very happy to break into the grade on this one.

Sun 19th Feb 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m
Greg Blachon
Sat 18th Feb 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
26 Charlie Don't Surf - with Simmo, alyssa smirnov, Jared Anderson Sport 70m, 18 Very Good
Paul Frothy Thomson
Decided to try linking the Monteith Memorial Traverse (L-R 24) into P1 of this for a 50m enduro-monster (belayed from the cozy ledge). Turns out it's okay with some rope management, but quite the undertaking!

I found P1 of this very tough placing the draws, and absent chalk, though all of the moves went okay (ableit with a few exciting falls to piece them together).

If I'm back here belaying people on Thin Line, I'll probably try for this linkup as an arbitrary challenge.

23 ~24 Monteith Memorial Traverse - with Simmo, alyssa smirnov, Jared Anderson Sport 12m Good
Paul Frothy Thomson
Decided to try linking this traverse into P1 of Charlie Don't Surf (26) for a 50m enduro-monster (belayed from the cozy ledge). Turns out it's okay with some rope management, but quite the undertaking!

This traverse is super techo and balancy, and quite hard when unchalked and absent beta.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Simmo, alyssa smirnov, Jared Anderson Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Clean repeat. So much fun! A great warmup, and just what the doc ordered after a rather trying week.

Wed 11th Jan 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with adam demmert Trad 75m Classic
Ashlee Hendy
Felt really comfortable with the rope above me, but probably would have failed an onsight attempt given I just haven’t switched on my trad brain for months. Hopefully will get back to lead it soon. Props to Ella for waiting patiently in the cave

Sat 19th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
26 Charlie Don't Surf - with Rollacoasta, Dmitry Linkov
2 Sport

Pitch 2 only. Found it hard for 24 but what do I know 😊 Enjoyed a lot those desperate but sweet moves. What a place and exposure!

Sport 70m, 18 Very Good
Sat 12th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve (The Thin Line of Reprieve P1) - with Anton Korsun
1 24 75m
Trad 75m Mega Classic
Patrick Chambers
Had a great time on this - such a beautiful location and more funky climbing than it initially let on. Lead through Anton's gear on my first try since I wasn't game enough to hop on the hardest trad climb I'd tried and pump myself off the wall fumbling with gear. Stoked that I got the redpoint on the next shot - thanks Anton for all the gear beta. And a lot of the climb beta. And the approach beta. Was sick to see Anton send this on his final shot after barely recovering from the day's worth of pump

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Patrick Chambers Trad 75m
Anton Korsun
Absolutely emptied the tank on this one. Last shot of the day, climbing into wild pump followed by foot slip after foot slip. Haven’t tried that hard in a while, and it’s the longest I’ve taken to do a 24 this year, but happy to get it done.

Also got to watch Pat double-icecream in much better style, which was rad.

Sun 6th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Name Changers - with Tim M-S Sport 80m Classic
Lisa Vitaris
Stellar first pitch. Second pitch marred by grey rock that doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence. Surely some of the crucial holds will break.

19 Call Out Culture - with Tim M-S Trad 95m Classic
Lisa Vitaris
The rock is mostly good despite the description. Really enjoyable climbing.

Sat 5th Nov 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture - with Jeh Trad 95m Very Good
james ritchie
Awesome but also scary. Still a fair amount of crumbly rock. Can do without #5's but take triples of .75, 1, 2. At least 12 slings. I led pitch 2 and 3.

Sat 15th Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m
Anton Korsun
Literally fell out of a rest. Pretty embarrassing. Almost hands free, one sequence from victory… then feet free as well 😢

Thu 6th Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 38m
Anton Korsun
Fantastic! A bit gripping on the first lap without gear beta.

Sun 2nd Oct 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Anzhela Malysheva
1st go it went 🤓

Mon 14th Feb 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Anzhela Malysheva
What a route!! Definitely got suspanked and loved it too. Beautiful piece of adventure between good quality placements. Keen to come back for another go. Top pitch was soaked so we jugged out

Wed 26th Jan 2022 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Paul Frothy Thomson
1 24 75m
Trad 75m Mega Classic
Jacques Beaudoin
I was longing to get back on this one since my failed onsight attempt few years ago. This is an amazing line with great climbing set in a stunning area. World class. Thanks to Paul for a great day out

Sun 26th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Martin Cankov Sport 80m Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Repeat attempt lap for EOD training - Not clean today. Still spooge on this as well, but at least this is more fun and less sketchy when its bad connies.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Martin Cankov Mixed trad 45m, 13 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
2 Redpoint burns. Worst conditions I've had here yet, and probably my worst laps on this in months. Quite frustrating. Slimed off at the worst point and took the scariest fall possible on this route. After that, I didn't have much psyche for another lap.

Fri 24th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) Sport 80m
Nathan Kenny
Mon 20th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Michael Moore, Nathan Kenny, Matt King, Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 80m Classic
Day 5 - I never thought I would have to queue for a line at Banks Ampitheatre For some reason there was a christmas party and a bunch of punters on the ledge hogging the classics! ahaha

Thanks legends for coming to checkout the beer garden! A highlight was watching Michael Moore rip a block off thin line and take a big old whip.

Also in the heat I got a high point!

Sat 18th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Matt King, Match, Nathan Kenny, Michael Moore Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Clean repeat. Climbed on Michael's gear to exit the crag (and strip the route) at the end of the day.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Match, Nathan Kenny, Matt King, Michael Moore Mixed trad 45m, 13 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 4: 3 more shots, but apparently 30 degree weather isn't ideal for climbing the hardest you've climbed. Probably had my 2nd best effort so far, despite this.

Still haven't managed to link the entire upper section in one, though

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Paul Frothy Thomson, Match, Nathan Kenny, Matt King Sport 80m Classic
Michael Moore
Just having a play on the lower crux sequences, really awesome moves.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Paul Frothy Thomson, Match, Nathan Kenny, Matt King Trad 75m Mega Classic
Michael Moore
Man oh man what a journey. Just decided to rack up and go for it. Worked out the moves, took a big winger, so rad. Keen to come back and work it

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing)
1 27 25m
Sport 25m
Matt King
Bolt to bolt figuring out all the moves

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing)
1 27 25m
Sport 25m
Matt King
Fell at the crux, maybe 3-4 sits total. Pretty freakin awesome, absolutely no filler climbing.

Tue 14th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Luke Hef Sport 80m Classic
Day 4 on this project.

Paul was nowhere to be seen however my Knight in shining armour Luke Hef was there to catch me!

Considerable links today! Nearly sent the v6 17 hand move Crux Then just links all over the top section

Sun 12th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Classic
Took one fall at my redpoint crux, moving above the tricam. Must remember to place the left foot properly in the crack. Still a good hard shot at it. Guess it will need one more.

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) Sport 80m Very Good
Bolt to bolt dogging. Hard. But hey, its above my pay grade at this point. Interesting to try hard things

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Gavin Mixed trad 45m, 13 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
3 more shots. No new highpoint, but made it through the crux of Life Without Meaning all 3 times (best ratio yet), and refined the moves on the Two Nobodies traverse.

Last week I thought I fell off from the top bolt on link cause I was tired at the end of a long day... Today I learned that I fell off because its hard to have much oomph for those final moves at the end of such intense climbing, regardless of how fit you're feeling. Linking that top move will be haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

Sat 11th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
19 Call Out Culture - with Lucy Trad 95m Very Good
Paul Frothy Thomson
Seconding Lucy on her Birthday multipitch. Linked Pitches 1 and 2 into a MegaPitch™ at about 45m in length, and to a more obvious belay.

We felt that an abundance of Large Cams was overkill (more #1's and lots of slings seemed a better option), but we wished we'd brought more Micros for the top of the 3rd pitch (we had 3).

A fun adventure, with lots of Old Skool moves, but some major sections of rubbish rock. Pitch 2 and the top of Pitch 3 were the highlights.

NOTE: Even after multiple weeks of torrential rain, only the top 8m or so of this get wet!

Sun 5th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 80m Classic
x4 shots with great linkage!

I guess I will be back here next weekend as it is so daym good.

Sat 4th Dec 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Match Mixed trad 45m, 13 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
3 more shots. On my last shot of the day, in spoogy conditions, I managed to link all the way to the last bolt before falling off... Took a 12m fall as a result, but damn it was awesome fun!

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Match Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Repeat. Only to half height to retrieve a stuck cam from last weekend, but I then downclimbed on lead all the way through the bottom crux clean as well, so I'm logging an ascent

Sun 28th Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Jared Anderson Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Clean repeat - EOD Pinkpoint lap to facilitate retrieving Marty Doolan 's in situ gear.

Man, sport trad is fun.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Jared Anderson, Marty Doolan Mixed trad 45m, 13 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
2 shots. Refamiliarising with the top half of One Somebody, and sussing how this will go with rope drag and associated shenanigans.

Maybe the best pure resistance route of this grade in the Blueys? Unrelenting.

Sun 21st Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m
Marty Doolan
Sat 20th Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Match, Gavin Sport 80m Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
P1 Clean repeat. Great to retick this in only a day, and some less-than-ideal conditions. x3 laps to score the retick. Really fun technical power-endurance climbing.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Match, Gavin Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Another clean repeat, this time seconding Gavin on his successful pink-point. Dreeeeeeeamy

27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) Sport 80m Classic
X3 shots today.

All moves free! And some great linkage

It's all about the Gamey Egyptian 🇪🇬

Proper outrageous climbing.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Classic
Not as desperate as i worried, and nice movement all the way. Took some nerves and dogging to get up it in the first place. But went quite alright on the pink point shot. Will have to come back for the proper redpoint.

Wed 17th Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Stephen Varney Sport 80m Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
EOD cool-down lap over a year since I was last on it. Bloody great climbing, and was psyched to get quite a bit of linkage despite the lack of chalk, and half-remembered beta.

28 Life Without Meaning - with Stephen Varney Mixed trad 40m, 11 Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 12, sent 2nd redpoint shot today. Finally, after struggling with conditions, weather, injuries, belayer mutinies ( ), and some hideously unlucky throw-away laps, I managed to keep it together despite a really inopportune foot slip, and score the FA. At the top I started shaking, and and had to RAWR the rock into submission for the final moves. This is one of only a handful of times I've ever celebrated on a Send. One of my top 3 lines I've ever put up for sure.

Sat 13th Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 11: Just the one redpoint burn before bailing from the worst conditions I'e ever had. After all the rain the waterfall was pumping, but the 80kmph gusting winds were blowing said waterfall all over the route, and the belay.

On my one burn I powered through the crux like a boss, only to have an epic clipping at the end of the sideways runout due to clipping hold being proper wet. After this I went from below this sequence to the anchor. I just seriously need a bit of luck out here.

Sat 6th Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Paul Frothy Thomson Mixed trad 40m, 11 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Three goes with Paul. Best effort nearly took me to the lie down slot. Has probably the best jump in the mountains, or at least the best one at a moderate grade. Psyched to come back!

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 10 - 4 more redpoint burns, new highpoint on the jug one move from the no hands rest, on my last shot of the day, pumped to oblivion and unable to finish it off. Got unlucky on the first 2 burns (one fall I ended up BELOW Will after falling off), and had a dry slip while crushing on my 3rd.

2 more days of good connies and I reckon I can get this done.

Wed 3rd Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Jared Anderson Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 9. Equalled my 2nd best highpoint 3 times (out of 4 redpoint burns) but still didn't push any higher. This still makes it my best ratio going through the low crux. More epic beta refinement until I was so tired I could barely jumar out. Forgetting my brush did NOT help things today.

Tue 2nd Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
27 Two Nobodies in the Middle of Nowhere (Arguing over Nothing) - with Paul Frothy Thomson Sport 80m Classic
x3 laps to get the draws on this really tested me! I have found my summer project!

Mon 1st Nov 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 8. No new highpoint, though I came up with more reliable (though burlier) beta for the first boulder crux, and totally new beta for the move I fell off on my highpoint (which means I should never do THAT again... assuming I ever get there again).

Mon 25th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Paul Frothy Thomson, Luke Hef Trad 75m Mega Classic
X3 top rope laps. Then it went down first shot on lead.

First 24 on gear!

This is perfect example of why the Blue Mountains Climbing is so special! It's not just the rock or how hard the moves are.

It's about the stunning landscape, the utterly ludicrous exposure and somehow ending up in the thick of it with good friends. 😀

Sun 24th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match, Luke Hef Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 7 - The closest I've come yet. Now including the bottom boulder problem into the rest of the pitch, I fell off on the final moves of the lower half before the no-hands rest. Then on the "one-sit" attempt, I actually stuck the move I normally fall off at the tippy top, but bungled a footer and didn't make the easier moves... But at the end of a big day, I was wrecked.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Match, Luke Hef Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Clean repeat. Seconding Luke at the end of a double-send (of this route) day. Awesome!

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Luke Hef
Sat 16th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 5. 3 more laps, and twice more the final move gets me. Groundhog day, much?

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with davedave, Paul Frothy Thomson Trad 75m Mega Classic
Just inspecting the moves and all that jazz. Also the weather today was terrible high winds and the waterfall raining down on the belay ledge.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with davedave, Paul Frothy Thomson Trad 75m Mega Classic
So much quality climbing!! Will be back shortly for more 😍

Sun 10th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 Charlie Don't Surf - with Vicky Chen
2 24 25m
Sport 25m, 18 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Repeat attempt, not clean today. After 160m over 4 pitches (the easiest of which was gr24), trying to lead out this was not one of my smarter ideas. I battled hard, but linking it was never really going to be possible. Great, steep-ish face climbing, though.

24 The Thin Line of Reprieve - with Vicky Chen Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Seconding Vicky to exit the crag. Clocking up frequent climber miles on this mega classic.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Vicky Chen Mixed trad 40m, 11 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Day 4, 3 more laps. Falling off the final moves at the top of this is fast becoming a theme, here. The sequence is hard in isolation, but after 35m climbing it's hard to have the internal discipline to boulder it out. I put in a lot of effort to refining the sequence, and I think I have finally sorted it out (albeit with the loss of a LOT of skin). The biggest concerns now are exhausting all my (wonderful) belayers, or it getting too hot this season.

Wed 6th Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Mount Banks Banks Gully Amphitheater
24 The Thin Line of Reprieve Trad 75m Mega Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Clean Repeat. Seconding Dave on his successful Red Point of this route. Sweeeeet. Felt pretty gnarly today after all my time on the proj, but fun fun fun.


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