
Greater Carne Creek

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Fotos: 4
  • Ascensões: 10

Access: Glow Worm Tunnel Road roadwork closures until April 2024

Glow Worm Tunnel Road closed at junction with Old Coach Road due to Nat Parks road and tunnel work. Due to reopen April 2024. Check Nat Parks website for updates. https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/things-to-do/walking-tracks/glow-worm-tunnel-walking-track/local-alerts

See warning details and discuss

Created 6 months ago - Edited 10 weeks ago




Scattered climbs along the Eastern and Western escarpments of Carne Creek not already included in the GOS NP


Alguns conteúdos foram fornecidos sob licença de: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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First pitch (35m approx) is great crack with good gear which might feel spaced at times (crux). Most climbing involves various techniques as opposed to pure splitters. Lots of face climbing and the jamming isn't totally straight forward. Very cruxy, most climbing is around grade 20ish apart from two short sections. Second pitch (20m) can definitely go straight up (slightly left) at grade 20ish but be warned that rock quality is nowhere as good as first pitch and the gear is mostly rattly tricam type of thing with only few ok cams. It seems like there might an escape pitch(es?)to the left involving fairly unprotected traverse on easy ground. Grades, FA, FA 2nd pitch, name are unknown and will be updated.

Superb crack of various sizes with some steep sections. Rock and pro is bomber up to the last 10m. Last 10m section is much easier but on questionable rock. Can be easily accessed from top using trees and a 80m static rope. Route name, FA and grade unknown and temporary ones have been given

Exceptional chimney with good gear. Approach pitch is rather ordinary but you soon forget about it when starting bridging this old school style classic. Fantastic climb. Name, FA and grade unknown and temporary ones have been given. Approach from top using trees and 80m static rope.


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