
Ascensões de Roarke's Rift

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Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Thu 20th Apr 2023 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Sat 1st Oct 2022 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Alex Mougenot
In one pitch. One of two great days out climbing with Scott, Shawn, Sandra, Toby, Kyle, and Dan! Did this route as a re-introduction, as well as a handful of other slabs, cracks, and faces around the second pyramid. A great couple days out!

14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Just as good second time round. Led as one long pitch which is the way to go

Sun 24th Apr 2022 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Angie Trad 55m Very Good
Ben Day
14 Roarke's Rift - with Ben Day Trad 55m
Had a lot of fun on this one. 1st pitch a bit thin on gear but manageable, 2nd pitch way more comfortable (at least if one follows the flake instead of going straight up ) Takes a lot of small gear.

Fri 22nd Apr 2022 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with , Jack Seawright Trad 55m Very Good
Rachel Rollo
First time seconding on trad gear.slid down half the rock trying to get to the start. First pitch was nice, second pitch I followed Yim’s sketchy runout and ended up laying flat for a minute before finding feet again. Great fun!

14 Roarke's Rift - with , Jack Seawright Trad 55m Very Good
Rachel Rollo
First time seconding on trad gear.slid down half the rock trying to get to the start. First pitch was nice, second pitch I followed Yim’s sketchy runout and ended up laying flat for a minute before finding feet again. Great fun!

Sun 10th Oct 2021 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Steffen & Saskia Bollmann
14 Roarke's Rift - with Steffen & Saskia Bollmann
1 14 55m lead by Dave OS
2 lead by Dave OS
Trad 55m Good
Dave OS
I was very nearly filling my pants on this. Largely my fault for doing it in a single pitch with a single rack, but also very committing.

Sat 22nd May 2021 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Max Koebrugge Trad 55m Mega Classic
Jack Seawright
Great fun!! Slab at the start gets a bit run out. Would have been pretty insane without the v small micro cam (green dmm). Really nice 2nd pyramid style smearing small footers and hauling on the big flake through the first pitch. Good small gear in thin crack. Engaging climbing but not necessarily a pant-filler. Max led 2nd pitch up more stellar flakes. Better gear on this one. We both belayed at trees (youll know if you do the route) and we found this is probably the way to go. I think best 14 in QLD is probably accurate, this was an absolute stellar climb, and no harder than 14. In saying that I would recommend being solid on slab at higher grades in order to lead the first pitch.

Thu 21st Jan 2021 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Grace Curtis, Peter
1 14 55m
Trad 55m Very Good
Lee Prescott
Solid climb. Unique start up the sloping slab of granite, felt like Spiderman!

Mon 18th Jan 2021 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Josiah Hess, Issy Jukes
1 14 55m
Trad 55m Mega Classic
Dylan Glavas
classic slab

Wed 13th Jan 2021 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Josiah Hess, Dylan Glavas
1 14 55m
Trad 55m
Issy Jukes
14 Roarke's Rift - with Issy Jukes, Dylan Glavas Trad 55m Mega Classic
Josiah Hess
Sun 4th Oct 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with DXplorer Trad 55m Very Good
Very run out at times. I need to get quicker at placing gear. Linked both pitches. Took the slab on the last section rather than the crack - lots of lichen, no gear, prob would follow the crack next time.

Fun way to wrap up a couple of days of climbing!

Tue 7th Jul 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Rachael Brock, Mike Trad 55m Good
Brendan Coulter
It started sprinkling as I was racking up, but being the badass I am, I decide to do it anyway! Pro-tip: I’m not a badass, and granite friction slab is not fun when wet! The sprinkle turned into a downpour, and I bailed from the top of pitch 1. We came back the next day for the tick 😂

Fri 12th Jun 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Kai Mundsinger
Set up a belay about 15m off the ground on easy slab. From there linked both pitches to the top. Anchor above the loose flakes in crack left. Easy solo to the summit from there. Really nice climbing.

Wed 18th Mar 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Matt Martin Trad 55m Classic
after the daunting initial blank slab great fun with clean classy moves and sufficient protection

Tue 3rd Mar 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Matt Martin
Had to bail ~10m from top as the weather was turning sour and time was tight. Started from the first obvious crack feature ~20m up from ground. First half quite run-out with a spicy, no gear, walk up the wall in the first 10m to kick things off. A confident lead needed as falls would be messy (it's so rampy) and it feels a little more demanding than 14. I'll be back in a fortnight to finish and collect bail gear!

Fri 1st Nov 2019 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Segolene Trad 55m Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
Nice slab to the summit - spacious gear first pitch, crux thin seem 35-40mts! Second pitch was nice laybacking 40mts to top of flake, easy slab 100mts to the summit! Look forward to getting Scimitar next trip out with a little more smaller gear

Tue 17th Jul 2018 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Dani Hess Trad 55m Mega Classic
Josiah Hess
Absolutely loved it! Makes me keen to go to yosemite one day.

Mon 16th Jul 2018 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Josiah Hess Trad 55m Very Good
Dani Hess
Tue 8th May 2018 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Alex Mougenot
Followed Blake's solid lead, after much shenanigans involving 3 of us on the slab cooperating to launch a small cam to him at one point! This felt like a completely different climb with comfy, soft shoes as opposed to the one new miura and one brand new agro bouldering shoe I had last time around.

Fri 20th Oct 2017 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Alex Mougenot
I really enjoyed this, but would have enjoyed it more if I weren't wearing one decent slab shoes, and a brand new aggressive sport/boulder shoe. What fantastic climbing, though, with gear just spaced to make it engaging. Oh yeah, I did the most horrific and gut-wrenching move that I've ever experienced on this route ... ask me in person if you're interested.

Sun 30th Apr 2017 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift P2 - with Quentin
2 lead by Quentin
Trad 55m Classic
Daniel Rantala
Went up original route to the left to top off a good day out of adventure. Then had an interesting time figuring out how to scramble down

14 Roarke's Rift (Roarke's Rift P1) - with Quentin
1 lead by Me
Trad 55m Classic
Daniel Rantala
Scary stuff trying to run it out on small gear to get to the crack. Just managed to keep my head and commit to it. Set up anchor at second good vegetated ledge with loose flake in the crack.

Tue 18th Apr 2017 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Lachlan Gardiner, foztr, Jackson McCutchen Trad 55m Classic
Lachlan Gardiner
Great morning on the Girra Granite. Managed to fumble my feet & punt on pitch one, in the process discovering my suspect 00 C3 placement was actually bomber... Then lead pitch two clean.

14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Party of 4! As good as I remembered

Wed 3rd Sep 2014 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Tom Semple
Another Girraween classic, and definitely deserves the title. Ignore the grade as far as fear factor and exposure goes!

14 Roarke's Rift - with Tom Trad 55m Mega Classic
Cameron Semple
As per other comments. 14? Not likely. Scary slab runout near the bottom and I made another for myself transferring to the left hand crack/flake system closer to the top. Blowing a gale.

Fri 28th Feb 2014 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Shannon Lever
What an adventure! this was my introduction to slab climbing. felt very hard for the grade. Leading this would have been scary. The second pitch is awesome!!! Interesting decent.

Wed 26th Feb 2014 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
The hardest, scariest and best 14 I have ever done. Run out the slab, stop to reflect on your decision to lead this, then start up the beautiful corner. A brilliant line

Tue 1st Oct 2013 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Brian Cork
Tested my long neglected slab skills. Loved it.

Sat 4th May 2013 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Bo Palmer
Calf pumper!!!

Sat 2nd Mar 2013 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with dan Trad 55m Mega Classic
one of the best 14 in qld ??

2013 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
daniel heggie
very scary

Mon 9th Apr 2012 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift - with Taib Trad 55m Classic
Really enjoyed this climb. A little bit of crack, lots of smearing. Loved using palm of hand, some great advice from a local.

14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
2nd up with Taib and Leanne. Very nice climbing

Sat 2nd Jul 2011 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Steve Kloske
It was F*&^ COLD but sooo much fun!

Tue 3rd May 2011 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Michael Carlotto
Sun 17th Oct 2010 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Scott Godwin
Nice, well protected most of the way. Best to belay in the grass at the top of flakes, rather than trying to run it out up to the top. There's nothing to belay from up there.

Mon 29th Mar 2010 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
interesting decent....

Tue 2nd Jun 2009 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Pete McGrath
Sun 24th Jun 2007 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
Trent Williams
Lead p1. The second pyramids easiest route up is a lot more funer.

Sat 1st Apr 2006 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
run out at start

Sat 2nd Apr 2005 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Gareth Llewellin
with Ady just on sunset. Beautiful!!

Wed 2nd Feb 2005 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
Hugh Russell
Take sliding nuts x heaps!

2005 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
Tim Rowe
Sun 10th Oct 2004 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Damien Ayers
Glad I wasn't leading, would have been mega scary

14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Tristan Baskerville
Nice, very run out at sections. Did it in one pitch.

Sun 2nd May 2004 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Mark Gamble
This classic line at Giraween still taunts me. This, the 2nd time I attempted it (first time - 2002 - I didn't have enough gear), this time I just couldn't handle that friggin runout up to the crack. My shoes were slipping on the rock, so Girraween man I ain't.

Mon 29th Dec 2003 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Matt Boulton
Right hand variant finish (15)

Sun 14th Sep 2003 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
ben devine
this was very enjoyable

Mon 8th Sep 2003 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Simon Vos
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Classic
Jeremy Goble
Don't fall on the first pitch if you value your skin

14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Stephen Parker
Classic slab climbing. Seconded first pitch, onsighted second pitch.

Sun 4th May 2003 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Joanna Parker
Thu 1st Aug 2002 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Mon 1st Jul 2002 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
Cameron Alexander
2002 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Laurie Barram
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Brenton Searle "B"
Sun 27th May 2001 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Scott Fielding
With Peter Robey - I led first pitch, felt 10 grades harder but thats slab climbing for you

2001 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Mega Classic
Glen Eaton
Sun 1st Oct 2000 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Crap
Tim Nicholson
This must be the hardest 14 in the world

Sat 1st May 1999 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Very Good
Lee Cujes
Sun 8th Jun 1997 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
peta barrett
never do this climb in a t-shirt, late in the afternoon, with 3 people...mainly because you will freeze to death...for a very long time

Sat 28th Dec 1996 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
Ray Bisschop
1973 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Ian Thomas
Wed 1st Jul 2020 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Leandro Scholz
Thu 20th Jun 2019 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Keith Davison
Tue 13th Apr 2010 - Girraween
Second Pyramid
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Mark Hateley
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
craig pohlman
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Michael Weare
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Scott Fielding
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Michael 'Wonderdog' Woodrow
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
Adam Bramwell
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m Good
muki Woods
14 Roarke's Rift Trad 55m
warm up


Mostrando os 81 ascensões.

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