
Nodes em Lily Street Boulders*

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Lily Street Boulders*

The Lily Street boulders comprises of two squat Basalt blocks sitting above the Maribyrnong river.

The location consists of one short overhanging face with arete on its left side and one long overhanging nose.

Every possible combination / elimination was done back in the 90's - I recall mentioned eliminations up to V8-10 were climbed.

The blocks have been improved in November 2016 by removing a layer of soil below the boulders, mostly from underneath the nose.

Take grades listed as very loose estimates.

V0- LB1

Sit start. Very short overhanging arete facing west. Interesting mantle taken direct.

V1 LB2

Sit start. Awkward pull off the ground from the arete to the good holds on the left face.

V8 Aretism

Excellent! Sit start hands in low break. Move to rubbish lip and Direct to mantle over arete (don’t move right along lip above LB4). Much easier if long armed or if start on lip.

V7 LB3

Several variants available. Goes Direct without pocket (which may be easiest option for the tall). Sit start on good holds under lip of arete. Pocket on the right face in only after pulling on! Significantly easier starting RH in pocket (see below). Make sure to make the tricky mantle Direct (ideally channeling your 80s break dolphin!)

V4 LB3 Pocket Sit Start

Sit start with RH in pocket. Crux is mantle. V3/4.

V7 Mantlism

Unashamed eliminate and a good work up to the right face problem. Powerful sit start with RH undercling and LH on fat pinch on undercut section of arete. Nil further use of arete or of any of the sideways slopers/edges or the good holds over back. Technical to gain line of micro crimps which are all you can use to squeeze out a difficult mantle (Left foot use on arete allowed in this one).

V6 LB4

Sit start. Overhanging face right of the arete including Arete for left hand only once pulled on. Watch your head!

V6/7 LB4 Pocket Sit

Sit start with pocket for LH, RH on slimps or undercling. Arete is out. Powerful pull on then drive to lip.

The Right Face Problem

Intense eliminate. Direct up right face without left arete, the start holds of LB3 or the obvious pocket. Difficulties to lip made harder as obvious good section of lip on right also out. Use the micro crimps of mantlism to top out but this time no use of left arete for feet. Sketchy technical and hard.

V1 LB5

Sit start. Left face of the nose direct

V1 LB6

Sit start as for LB5, and then lip traverse to the tip of the nose before mantling.

V1 LB7

Sit start. Up right to positive holds on the nose then straight up.

V1 LB8

Sit start. Same start as LB6, but move to the good pocket right side of the positive rail on the nose then up

V3 LB9

Sit start. Continue right below the lip including a great pinch to top out on the nose. Cool.

V3 Well, I'm not a caving expert

Circuit problem, that starts as LB9, but instead of mantling at the nose keep going right all the way to the shelf. That's where the fun starts. Under the roof, to the starting holds.

Consider it finished as both your hands are on the good holds on the left lip (first moves of LB9)

V6 LB10

Sit start back of the roof. Out to the tip of the nose without using the positive holds on the left face of the nose used by LB9 or the right side lip. Powerful and technical but surprisingly not too hard.

V8 Coretrivance

About as hard an eliminate as I could conceive/contrive for the roof. Could just tickle over V8 but may be easier. No use of heel or toe hooks, no use of the big foot ledge near ground on right, the good foot edge 20cm up middle of face or the big ledges for your feet. Start on jugs, match undercling in roof to gain lip then difficult to avoid dab getting around lip. Oh... and if it’s not obvious enough... no use of either arete!

V3 LB10 Pike

Sit start. Instead of climbing back through underclings in roof palm off them to gain buggy right lip then continue as per LB11. Pretty ordinary.

V2 LB11

Sit start. Lip traverse the right side of the nose topping out at the tip


Sit start. Short very easy arete. Gold... waist high!

Mostrando os 21 nodes.

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