
Nodes em Innisfail

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Mostly coastal crags with few climbs.

Flying Fish Point

Small crags offering some easy problems for those who happen to be in the area.

Flying Fish Point
Flying Fish Point North

Scattering of boulder problems north of Ella Bay

Flying Fish Point Flying Fish Point North
V0 El Slope

Stand start on the chockstone, use small pockets to head straight up and slightly left over the void to top out.

V0 Crumbly Characters

Kind of soft sandstone (a lot crumbled away on FA) but not terrible, just test your holds first. Stand start at base of wall, make your way straight up tallest part of the wall to the left of the central crack. Descend to the left.

VB- As Easy As Fishing

Sit start at base of arete, pull up, stand up, grab the top, easy mantle over.

VB The Ol' Thongsight Ascent

Sit start at base of left facing arete, pull up through jugs, stop when you reach the vegetation and jump down.

VB Jumping Starfish

Sit start on the sand on jugs and head straight up to the right of 'The Ol' Thongsight Ascent'. Stop when you get to the vegetation and jump down.

V0 Pillar Of Stinky Fish

Sit on the boulder at the base, grab the left hand arete and jugs up the face till you have both hands on the top, then climb back down. Watch out for fish hooks on the base boulder, First Ascender caught two in the hand the day it was done.

Flying Fish Point
Flying Fish Point South

Potential area just around the headland near the boat ramp at the mouth of the Johnstone River.

Flying Fish Point Flying Fish Point South
VB McCrabby Patty

On the wall facing back to the carpark. Sit start at base of flake following this up and topping out at highest point of boulder. Plenty of jugs.

V0 Pondsy Scheme

Sit start on the edge of the pond in the tiny cave. Hands on the horizontal break and smear feet, throw for the jugs above and pull up and over the top.

V0 Snap and Crab

Sit start at the base of the obvious flake on the sea side (watch for small crabs in the holds), follow this up until on top.

Browns Beach

Access by boat only, the climb is accessed via parking the boat at the nearby beach and then walking along the coastal rocks. A short climb on soft rock.

Browns Beach
14 Un-named
Etty Bay

Great seaside spot with plenty of easy through to moderate problems, and the best selection of highballs around

Etty Bay
Etty Bay North

Great seaside spot with plenty of easy through to moderate problems, and the best selection of highballs around

Etty Bay Etty Bay North
Grater Wall

The first main wall you come to, facing North-East and distinct due to it's tall problems and pocketed as hell

V0 Falling Tall

Sit start at the base of the right facing arete, head straight up and trend left up the bulge to the top. Great easy highball to get accustomed to the height.

V1 High as a Fridge

Sit start at base of right facing flake. Pull on and trend right up the tallest part of the wall hugging the bulge above the huecos/large pockets.

V1 Fly with Etty-Hard

Sit start at the base of the deep right facing flake, follow up through to the jugs and pockets up top and your topping out on the rounded horn.

VB- Gonna Need A Lawyer For That Stare-Case

The obviously easy ultra-juggy staircase face to the left. Of the corner with plenty of pockets and edges. Great for the kids. Often used as a descent route for the other problems on this face.

V2 Geckos Huecos

Sit start on the small left facing crimps and jug up to the two slopey huecos, then up left to the big hueco, and straight up through the jug pockets to top out.

V0 God Damn Flake N' Pockets!

Sit start at the base of the flake crack beside the big huecos. Follow up this trending left to join into the top of 'Geckos Huecos'. Don't damage any of the vegetation at the top, and obviously the tree is out for use as a hold.

V0 Hueco Whackos

Sit start on the big huecos to the right of the crack, trend up and right to join into 'Answer Sea Etty McGuire' to top out.

V1 Answer Sea Etty McGuire

The face between the slab and the pocketed walls. Layback and face climb to top out.

Damiens Traverse Project

Start on large pockets L of slab, traverse low around arete and move to Slab face. finish on diagonal seam up slab

V3 Seamingly Oblivious

Sit start at base of thin flake, head up until it dissapears then bridge right to the bottom of the next flake, push up through one hard move in this then top out and finally take a breath again. Pad well cause it's a long way down from the top.

V1 Face Full Of Bush

Sit start at bottom of thin seam, pull on using either the undercling to the right of the seam, or those with thin fingers use the seam. Slap up to big sloper rail, then follow seam to top out.

V1 Corn Flakes

Standing start with a left side pull and highish left foot. Theres a great left under cling to work for your next move followed by a right side pull. The feet aren't great so its mostly smearing until you reach a great right side pull. Top out into the bush.

V2 Crunchy Corn Flakes

Sit start extension into 'Corn Flakes', done barefoot originally

Under The Tide Boulder

The small overhung roof boulder facing towards 'Grater Wall'

V0 Tide Down Flat

Sit start under the low right hand side of the overhang. Pull up from flat jug and move to lip and mantle.

V0 A Crack In Tide

Sit start at base of left trending crack and follow this to top out to the left.

V1 Slope, Slink and Slap

Match start on the slopey jug, plenty of feet around, pull up and go to a variety of intermediate holds then bust to the top, or do one massive move straight to the lip and mantle out. Watch your back on the boulder behind you, best protected with a pad.

Salomon Seas Face
VB- King Salomon

Super easy juggy ramp, great for kids or helping people get used to heights over pads before trying other problems nearby.

Sit start on the ledge, grab jugs and pull up and follow up the sharp arete to the right of the descent gully.

Project 5

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 6

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 7

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 8

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

V0 Pad On The Back

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

The Watcher Face
V0 Dynamic Jug Junkies

Stand start on slopey holds, make one sizeable blind dynamic move to giant bucket above then top out via the jugs.

V0 Flake On Jugger

Sit start at the base of the flake, head straight up via several huge jugs to top out.

V0 Beanbag Slob

The hardest part about this thrutchy problem is getting off the ground.

Sit start at the base of the white line streak up the south face of the boulder. Struggle onto the boulder itself and then pretty much stand up and pull over the top.

Pockets of Rooves
Project 12

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 13

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.


Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 14

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 15

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 16

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 17

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 18

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 19

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 20

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 21

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 22

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Project 23

Keep it clean, take your rubbish and any you find out with you, plenty of tourists and locals around who could make access difficult if we don't keep it clean.

Brush off big chalk marks, don't use huge tick marks. Don't harass the big birds either.

Shit Scared Wall

Much further north beyond the boulder problems

15 Shit Scared Leader

Long coastal walk north from Etty Bay. Tide is important for not just access to the climb but also the start of the route once there. Low tide is preferable at less than .5m

Etty Bay
Etty Bay South

Southern side of Etty Bay. Much harder access compared to the north side, and so far for what's been explored doesn't really offer the same quality problems as the north side. Currently blocked by a large overhanging roof about 500m along to explore any further.

Etty Bay Etty Bay South
V0 Ants In My Pockets

Sit start with left hand in the pocket and right hand on something else. Follow the crack up to the right, topping out does meet you with a lot of green ants, your call.

V1 Direction Forgection

Sit start below the vertical crack, hands on the jugs, head up the flake and face holds until over the top then traverse right to descend.

V2 Pock It And Lock It

Slide in underneath into the little cave. Sit start as low as possible with jugs, pull through on pockets until about to hit the boulder behind then go right to mantle over the lip. Rock can be a bit soft, but with more ascents it'll clean up.

V2 Logging Sends

Sit start with hands in the horizontal break and poxy feet. Pop left following the break then pull up once at the arete and follow to the top and top out.

Unpassable Block

Or not maybe. Can either climb through the V-Hard roof and access further beyond but this is as far as has been explored for now. Could also try to push your way through the scrub on the hill to get around. May also be able to be walked around at very low tide.

Mourilyan Harbour

Seaside spot with a trad climb and bouldering.

Mourilyan Harbour
Gjibo's Crack Area

A few small cliffs and boulders around the original route here done by craig gilbert back in 1997.

17 Gjibo's Crack

Semi offwidth starting on the lower ground following the easy line below the obvious crack, up to the ledge and then through the crack to the top. Tree rap from on top.

Could be done as a boulder problem if spotters were tied in on the mid-height ledge.

V0 Cavernous

Sit start underclinging the lip of the small cave (check for spiders), use feet inside the cave, pull up and use whatever holds around to pull onto face, then slightly technical face climbing till you top out. Descend off to the left being careful of slippery leaf litter, and the army of green ants everywhere on this cliff.

V1 Gjibo's Jib

This could just be one of the many ways to start 'Gjibo's Crack', though there's several along this wall.

Sit start near the tricky undercling, and right hand side pull, using these pounce up to the good sidepull above and follow thin seam and sidepulls to the top. Careful on the top out. Descend off to the left being careful of slippery leaf litter, and the army of green ants everywhere on this cliff.

VB Holes To Hide In

Stand start in the small trench below the wall of pockets and huecos. Follow up past the huecos trending slightly right until the very top. Great fun problem for those new to bouldering.

Project 1

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 2

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 3

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 4

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 5

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

V0 Streaks of White

Enjoyable juggy problem following straight up the white quartzite streak.

Sit start on chockstone and pull the jugs up the streak till at the top.

Project 6

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 7

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

Project 8

Be careful coming through the harbour/port area and be polite to all staff and security as this could easily cause difficulty with access.

North Barnard Islands
North Barnard Islands
15 Rock Trout

Loose rock. Pro limited at the top.

Climb goes left of the obvious roof and then up to the high point.

Mostrando os 85 nodes.

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