
Vias como boulder em Mt Yarrowyck

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 236 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Car Park Boulders Where Trees Come To Die
V0 Phytopthera

Stand up on sloping ledge, reach high to top of route and walk feet up slap before topping out

FA: Andrew Woolley & Vaschka Koboroff, 1 Jun 2019

Boulder 4m
V0 Glyphosate

1m right of phytopthera. Start matched on good hold before high stepping and up slab on crimps.

FA: Andrew Woolley & Vaschka Koboroff, 1 Jun 2019

Boulder 4m
V0 Tordon

palm down onto nice ledge and up rock on good holds

FA: Andrew Woolley & Vaschka Koboroff, 1 Jun 2019

Boulder 4m
Car Park Boulders Candy For Jeff Boulder
V12 Il Globo

6 moves, SDS

FA: Fred Nicole, 2000

V6 More Candy

Same start as C.F.J, at the vertical side-pull (above second dish) reach out right to a good crimper on the face, top out using a high left killer crystal.

FFA: Ben Vincent, 2012

Boulder 3m
V6 Candy for Jeff
Boulder 3m
V7 Candy for Jeff link Up

Do the Jeff's Traverse and Candy For Jeff.

Boulder 4m
V4 Jeff's Traverse
Boulder 3m
V6 Nervous energy

Mantle at large hold for left hand into scoop

Open project
Car Park Boulders Karma boulder
V1 Warmup

Up rough nodules, down climb for other problems

Boulder 3m
V9 Rama

Up left side of overhang

Boulder 4m
V3 Keith the Moravian Swearing Bear

Mantle at right side of overhang

Boulder 4m
Car Park Boulders Tim's/Jeff's Boulder
V0 Rooflet
Boulder 3m
V0 Pete's layaway
Boulder 3m
V1 T3

Mantle up the Arete

Boulder 2m
V0 T4

Mantle on face

Boulder 3m

Very low SDS (AKA Liedown) if you are keen

V0 Pancaked

The arete diagonally opposite the rooflet. Using the obvious handholds, smear feet to a high step rock over and mantle to the top.

FA: Bec Cowell, 18 Feb 2018

Boulder 2m
V0 T6

Start right hand on RH Arete then jump high to left arete then up

Boulder 2m
V1 T7

Up crimps to horn, avoid crack

Boulder 2m
V0 T8

Layback up short crack

Boulder 2m
V0 J1

Easy mantle from Jug then up slab

Boulder 2m
V5 Jeff's Crimp Problem
Boulder 3m
V2 Stolen moments

Start right hand on RH Arete then jump high to left arete then up, to blunt arete and either mantel or rock-up onto left foot.

Boulder 3m
V2 Scoop

Sit start on obvious feature with jug in left hand and rail in right. Up to the horn then mantel. Walk off.

Boulder 3m
V0- Bloody Simon

Sit start at the obvious crack, left up to under cling, decent crimp top right and beach whale or mantle over the top

Car Park Boulders Ben's Boulder
V0 Fun if you are bored
Boulder 3m
V0 Sit down if you are bored
Boulder 3m
Boulder 3m
Car Park Boulders Mike's crack boulders
V3 M1

Mantle at obvious holds

V2 Fists of fury

Start in cave, fist / hand jam traverse right and up

Boulder 4m
V6 Withering Heights

Line of edges up high face (top-rope problem)

Boulder 4m
V0 The crack
Boulder 4m
V6 Cirque du Soleil

Hard at top but with a good rest in the middle

V2 Ben's blunt arete

Thin edging up slab on blunt arete

Boulder 4m
V5 Thin Slab

Thin slab at start tending towards M6 to finish

V0 M4

The arete

V0- M5

Undercling overlap and up

Car Park Boulders Warmup boulder
V1 Jeff's Warm-up Traverse

Traverse the lip from left or right

Car Park Boulders Carl's boulder
V0 C1 Bit of a bummer

Start with left on incut sidepull at face level. Mantle.

Boulder 3m
V0 C2 Blinkers

Both hands on high edge and top out

Boulder 3m
C3 Project

Lower start for C2 off sloping edges

Boulder 3m
Car Park Boulders Actively Eroding Boulder
V4 Slimpy

Sit start off the obvious jug, move up and left to the lip and mantle up and right.

FA: Ben Vincent, 5 Apr 2018

Boulder 3m
VB Jugs and cups

A juggy stair case, quite a good kids intro problem

Boulder 3m
VB Jam Slam

A few jams to the top, up and over to finish on the jugs top right

Car Park Boulders Ant eater Boulder
V3 The Ant Eater
Boulder 5m
V0 Traverse

Underling lip and traverse

Boulder 6m
V0 Finger crack

Sit start, layback the thin crack on the right

Boulder 3m
Car Park Boulders Ant Mound Boulder
V1 Feeling Antsy

SDS and follow thin crack across and up to reach the rock clumps on top

V0+ Honey, where are my ants?

SDS then follow the horizontal crack around further, mantle, and top out.

Car Park Boulders Highball boulder

Up right Arete


Up crimps to easy slab

V5 Magic garden

Jump to the large edge then a couple of hard moves then easy to the top. Please dont hurt the plant.

Boulder 6m

Bulging start on small crimps

V7 Foot fighter

Start on sidepull to the left of arete then up to finish on ramp

V2 Tumbler

On the north side of the second highball boulder opposite 'Foot fighter'. Up the arete. If you want traverse all the way to the top along the ridge.

Boulder 4m
Car Park Boulders Matt's Very nice boulder
V5 M1 Blue haired Matt

Stars standing on the ground with boulder close behind

Boulder 4m
V6 M2 Cubin **

Obvious. a little scary

Boulder 4m
V4 VN1 Scott's mantle *

Start on large flake at chest height

Boulder 2m
V3 VN2
Boulder 3m
V1 VN3

Left side of face

Boulder 3m
V2 VN4

Right side of face

Boulder 3m
V3 VN5 Jeff's excellent problem ***

Straight up from right sidepull

Boulder 3m
V4 VN6

Pull on with undercling and thin sidepull at full span.

Boulder 3m
Car Park Boulders Denial Boulder
V1 Denied

Starts on Obvious slopers at lip, then jumps high to a jug on the Arete.

Car Park Boulders Fully Cracked
V0 Cracked at Fortnite

East Side Crack - SDS up to top

V0 Fence Crack

Crack just on the fence

VB Fully cracked warmup

Right side of the crack, pretty easy up

V0+ The nose

Up the point near the fence

V0- FC warmup 2

On the left side of the West crack

Car Park Boulders TSR Boulder
V0 TSR1 Bensday


TSR5 Wednesday

SDS Start low on edges then high with left hand to small sloper

Car Park Boulders Mantle Boulder
V1 MB1 Two palms down

Up the obvious scoop

V2 One palm down
Boulder 3m
V0 Arête MB3
Boulder 3m
V1 Van's Ascent
Boulder 3m
V3 MB5
{US} V0- MB6
Car Park Boulders Gordo's Bloc
V0 GB3 Tim's Bum

Up bum

Boulder 3m
V5 GB2 The sound of one hand slapping

Same as gordo's bloc but with direct finish

Boulder 3m
V4 Gordo's Block

Sit start in crack, up under roof then very burly like, get out from under roof to a very long reach to an edge, then up.

Boulder 3m
V6 A1 Angela's mantle

Impossible! Mantle on large edge at head height.

Boulder 4m
V5 A2 Tim's poxy problem
Boulder 4m
V3 The starfish

Sit start the crack and traverse left around bulge and finish as for the V0

Boulder 4m
Car Park Boulders Group Effort Boulder
V7 Feisty
V5 American Matt
V3 G3 Gordo's #1
V2 G4 Gordo's #2
V1 Dihedral

Climb the dihedral.

Boulder 3m
V3 Outer lip

Through the friction pads along the dihedral lip

Boulder 3m
V5 Tim's Face

Left hand crimp, high right hand edge for move up face.

Boulder 3m
V6 Ben's Slab
Boulder 3m
V6 Ben's Face
V4 G9 Roscoe's Mantle
Boulder 2m
G10 Matt's mantle

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 236 vias.

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