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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 501 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Canberra Molonglo River Sewer Wall Septic Sector
15 The Problem With Poop

What looks like an interesting bouldery start is actually very easy but has some fun eliminates. Up the pocketed face trending left, traverse right (exciting) & up to ledge. From there directly up with a short layback (more exciting) & crack climb to DBB.

15/12/2019 - block with last bolt before anchor removed with bolt in situ, first bolt tagged with red tape.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 15m, 5
16 Skid Marks

Up to ledge on good (but reachy) holds then move right for a couple of moves before reaching the crack. Up the crack and arete for a tricky finish.

Named because it was first climbed on trad & there is zero protection for the first 2/3 of the climb.

FA: Chris Bennetts-Cash, 2014

Sport 10m, 3
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Niblo Below Fence
V0 Icecream Pleez?

From front of the icecream traverse boulder, up and left from a stand start, top out to the left. Straight up a fair bit harder.

Boulder 4m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Niblo Over the fence
V0 #11

Friction climb. Very slabby.

Boulder 2m
V0 #14

Easiest one on the rock. Ladder-like.

Boulder 4m
V0 #15

Somewhat forgettable with no really hard moves.

Boulder 4m
V0 Between #15 and #16

In the corner between #15 and #16. Easy moves to the top

Boulder 4m
V0 #18

Not to be confused with #14, the descent. Round the corner a little - can be climbed as an eliminate, upping the grade.

Boulder 4m
V0 #24

Go from the bottom to the top. Layback, climb the face, do what you will really.

Boulder 3m
V0 #29

Slabby and more scary than tough. Don't be fooled by the photos - it's quite tall!

Boulder 5m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering V8 Traverse
V0 #31

There are several variations along that side of the boulder, all around V0.

Boulder 3m
V0 Precarious

Left of #32, start at left side (getting on is the crux) and head on up. If you go too far right, you're headed into Brown Trouser territory!

Boulder 3m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Split Cherry
V0 Left Arete

Sit start from base of arete, climb up trending rightwards and top out.

Boulder 3m
V0 Easy Leap

Dyno variant of Cream. Place feet, jump.

Boulder 4m
V0 Cream of Some Young Climb

Straight up just left of the crack. Standing start.

Boulder 3m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Pony Boulders
V0 #55

Slabby V0 climb.

Boulder 5m
V0 #57

Slightly easy for the grade - big holds and easy going. This is also the downclimb off the boulder.

Boulder 3m
Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Horse Paddock Boulders
V0 #61

Balance problem, great training for slab climbs. Of course, friends don't let friends do slab.

Boulder 3m
V0 #62

Another slab problem. Using the crack makes it VBeginner.

Boulder 3m
V0 #63

Stay away from that crack!

Boulder 3m
V0 #64

Slabbity slab slab.

Boulder 3m
V0 #75


Boulder 4m
V0 #76

A nice little jaunt onto a jug.

Boulder 4m
Canberra Tuggeranong Hill Hobo Gully Hop on Board Boulder
V0 3.

Sit start then climb up and top out.

FA: Bevan Ashby, 14 Dec 2015

Boulder 2m
Canberra Tuggeranong Hill Hobo Gully Pride Rock
V0 Slimy yet satisfying

Stand start at the base of the main face using the right-side arete. Head to the left across the face of the boulder. Stem between the two boulders and top out on the right-side boulder. Try a sit start to make the problem harder. Assess rock quality before climbing - some holds may loosen and become unstable over time.

FA: Faith Meckley, 14 Sep 2021

Canberra Tuggeranong Hill Hobo Gully Beaver n Goose Sector
V0 Hello Mulder

Stand start then climb up and top out.

FA: Bevan Ashby, 13 Dec 2016

Boulder 3m
V0 Beaver n Goose

Stand start from base of arete then climb up and top out.

Bevan Ashby

FA: Bevan Ashby, 3 Feb 2016

Boulder 10m
V0 2.

Route is on top of Beaver n Goose block. Sit start then climb up and top out.

FA: Bevan Ashby, 30 Nov 2016

Boulder 2m
Canberra Tuggeranong Hill Hobo Gully Mattock Boulder
V0 4.

Route is one metre left of 3. Sit start then climb up and top out.

FA: Bevan Ashby, 26 Dec 2016

Boulder 2m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River Kambah Rocks
15 The Hanging Garden

In the heavily vegetated corner. Easily up wall to the ledge, then up the bottomless chimney. Not done much these days...

Top rope 11m
16 The Bummer Direct Finish

Follow The Bummer directly up to the ledge, then straight up over a mantle on obvious holds to the anchor of Vandalous Behaviour.

Top rope 14m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River Red Rocks Red Rocks Bouldering
V0 Light

Stand start and straight up.

Canberra Murrumbidgee River Red Rocks
16 Ingrid Bergmann

Originally graded 14, this is/was the easiest route on the crag. The farthest left route, trending rightwards towards the top to a lower off.

FA: Justin Ryan, 2007

Sport 10m, 4
16 Willie The Pooh

Climb The Little Unknown from the shared starting point of the far-right climbs, then stop at the chains before the overlap.

FA: Justin Ryan, 2006

Sport 15m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River Little Pine
V0 The Snek Deck L

Climb the corner from the left

Boulder 3m
V0 The Snek Deck R

Climb the corner from the right

Boulder 3m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River Bee Crag
16 Barete

To the left and down from Hivemind climb the obvious arete. Try to keep to the arete and not wander up the left. A nice and well protected sports climb with 5 bolts. Be careful not to drop rocks on your belayer. Belay back a bit and wear a helmet.

Set: Ross Davies, 30 Jun 2018

FA: Ross Davies, 14 Jul 2018

Sport 15m, 5
16 Hivemind

About 6 metres left of Honey and down the gully. Climb the crack up to the ledge and then up to the anchors. Be careful not to dislodge rocks on your belayer. Some gardening and cleaning has been performed, more may be required.

FFA: Ross Davies

Set: Ross Davies, 23 Jul 2017

FA: Ross Davies, 23 Jul 2017

Top rope 15m
Canberra Murrumbidgee River nude beach sector nude sector bouldering
V0 Problem #1

Start on crimps left of butt crack. easy and good way Practise the top out of butt crack from the jug

Canberra Mount Taylor Paddock Boulders
V0 Couch Potato

Sit start. Starting on the right hand side (on the corner) on the back of the couch boulder. Pull onto the two finger pocket with the left and the big old jug on the right with feet on the holds on the sorter side of the boulder. Move along the back of the boulder to top out at the tallest point on the left.

A nice lazy one that would probably be V0 without the pocket at the start.

FA: James Rann, 19 May 2018

V0 Choda boy

Sit start pulling on the big under-cling. Moving up and slightly to the right following the good foot holds.

FA: James Rann, 19 May 2018

Canberra Mount Mugga Mugga The Irish Block
V0 Fenian Brotherhood

Sit Start on the far left traverse right and mantle onto the ledge.

FA: Ken McKeon, Oct 2020

Boulder 3m
V0 Wired to the Moon [historical]

Sit start using the detached spike. Up and slightly right before traversing left to the mantle.

Edit 09/21: detatched spike was loose and moving, was removed. Climb no longer exists.

FA: KM, Oct 2020

Boulder 3m
Canberra Fechado Black Mountain Bouldering Main area
V0 Problem 0.1

Up face crack on right side; boulder is second (of three) on right hand side facing the lake coming down the unpaved road.

Set: John T, 2014

FFA: John T, 2014

Boulder 2m
V0 Problem 0.2

Up left hand side of same boulder for Problem 0.1, nice right hand pinch to pull up orange exposed section

Set: John T, 2014

FFA: John T, 2014

Boulder 2m
V0 Problem 0.3

Up right side arrete, easy layback up to top; boulder is the third (furthest from road), next to Problem 0.1 boulder with a small roof section

Set: John T, 2014

FFA: John T, 2014

Boulder 2m
V0 Problem 1

Sit start on positive holds then throw for the absolute apex of the boulder.

Boulder 2m
V0 Problem 3

Up and over the bulge. Sketchy mantel.

Boulder 4m
V0 Problem 4

Up the crack and its nearby features. Bonus points if you use only the crack. Sit start.

Boulder 3m
{US} V0-/0 Problem 6

Sit start, then up and stay to the right using the easy holds.

Boulder 4m
V0 Problem 7

Sit start and fairly directly up but to the right side of the arete, rather than the left.

Boulder 4m
V0-/0 Problem 9 & 3/4

From a standing start, get your hands high up on the right edge of the arete and your toes into the crack running along the bottom of the rock. Shuffle your hands up the edge until you reach the jug, get your left foot onto the crimp hold from 'Problem 9' then swing your right foot up onto the ledge and convince the rest of your body to follow it. Continue to the top.

Boulder 2m
V0 Problem 10

Climb the boulder without mantling.

Boulder 4m
V0-/0 Section 59

Same Boulder as the topo above

From a standing start, grab two big jugs on the arete and get your feet onto the sloping blocks underneath. Swing a lft foot into the little orange incut notch the the left, stand up on that and head on up.


Boulder 4m
V0 Problem 17

Start as for 'section 59', but instead of staying left at the top, swing out onto the slabby face and go straight up.

Boulder 4m
V0 Disregard the Constabulary

FA: Kaylee Verrier, 11 Jun 2018

Boulder 4m
V0 Bear hug

This climb is about 50m down the hill from section 59.

FA: Cads, 30 Jun 2018

Boulder 3m
V0 Railway

Pull up using the rail/side pulls, then gain the step before committing to the top out.

FA: Cads, 30 Jun 2018

Boulder 3m
V0 Tension

Pull up then move out right before topping out.

FA: Cads, 30 Jun 2018

Boulder 3m
Canberra Fechado Ginninderra Falls Water Wheel Wall
16 Idiot's Paradise
Sport 18m
16 Heads
Sport 18m
15 Abseil Corner

The obvious hand crack/corner below a small tree

Sport 12m
Canberra Fechado Ginninderra Falls The Pulpit
16 High Dive
Trad 35m
15 M3 Fiddler's Roof
Aid 42m
Canberra Fechado Ginninderra Falls The Pinnacle
16 Waiting for the Sun
Sport 30m
Canberra Fechado Ginninderra Falls Dog Wall
15 Bitch
Sport 12m
Canberra Buildering
15 Water Police Traverse - Lake Gininderra

This wall has been torn down in the 2010-11 renovations of the area.

A traverse of the sea-wall near the water police quarters on Lake Gininderra in Belconnen.

Boulder 25m
Canberra Buildering Alfred Deakin High School
V0 What was once Herpes is Gonorrhea

Find the largest gap in the plants behind the carpark and traverse across from left to right. Ends about 3 meters from The Swordfish Queen.

FA: 12 Jul 2023

Boulder 10m
Queanbeyan area White Rocks
15 Soda Pop

Start 1m right of Lemonade. Straight up the crack. The crux is getting into the wide crack at the start, and is poorly protected. A #3 camalot may help if you can place it, otherwise probably better to top-rope this one. Alternative start: up Fizz then step left into the wide crack.

Trad 11m
15 Tiny Tower

Climb the face of the precarious tower, then trend right to surmount the slab and up to the anchor bolts. Don't forget to stand on top of the tower. The crux is getting off the tower onto the slab above.

Variant: start at Crossover and climb the corner crack to join the route at the top of the tower.

Trad 15m
15 Inky

Start at the base of Bee Line. Climb leftwards up the blocks then straight up the slab (through the white 'Pac Man' monster), placing runners in Bee Line when needed. Above the small overhang move left or right to the fixed anchors.

Trad 13m
9 - 19 White Rocks Traverse

Traverse the crag from left to right. Difficulty depends entirely on how far you go, and the height at which you climb.

Trad 10m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Hill
V0 Face It

FA: Sarah

Boulder 2m
V0 Cubism

Sit start on the square block and climb up the crack. (Don't use the Bundy Rum wall)

FA: Graham Rose

Boulder 3m
V0 The Thimble

Right of the arete.

FA: Duncan Brown

Boulder 3m
V0 Piano Lesson

Mantle. Sit start.

FA: Andrew Richards

Boulder 2m
V0 Beginners Luck

Sit start.

Boulder 2m
V0 The Three Beginners

Sit start. Traverse from either Winner Winner Beginners Dinner or Bold Beginnings. Top out.

Boulder 4m
V0 The Ramp

Sit start.

FA: Stephanie Mundy

Boulder 3m
V0 Monkeys Don't Eat Hazelnuts

Same sit start as Jlo but use the rail on the right side, above the ledge. Follow the jugs up the left face and over.

FA: Hazel, Oct 2023

Boulder 2m
V0 To The Top

FA: Aiden Smith

V0 Churchill

FA: Ian Churchill

V0 Show and Tell

FA: Chris Lean, Aug 2014

Boulder 2m
V0 Quark Direct

Direct start to Top Quark. Sit Start on jugs.

FA: Chris Lean, Dec 2014

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Main Area
V0 Horsing About

Sit start in big low slot. Don't use the big detached flakes for feet.

FA: Angus, Jan 2023

V0 On the Fly

Start on 2 holds in middle of slab face and up.

FA: Clair, Jan 2023

V0 Marbled

Stand start and up the narrow slabby wall.

FA: Pete, 2016

Boulder 5m
V0 Easy Arete RHV

Stand start and up, staying right of the arete and rib.

FA: Pete, 2016

Boulder 3m
V0 Stone's throw back

On the back of the Stones Throw boulder. Stand start matched on scoop crimps at the left and go up trending right to top out.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 11 Nov 2016

Boulder 3m
V0 Stones Throw

FA: Duncan Brown

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Pinnacles
V0 Walk In Freezer

Sit start on the big flat edge (originally a jug) and move up the fridge to top out.

FA: Jack Folkes, 5 Oct 2014

Boulder 3m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Behind the Pinnacles
V0 Ant Hostilities

Sit start the left side of the boulder and up jugs.

FA: Pete, 26 Mar 2023

Boulder 1m
V0 Sugar Ant Direct

Sit start far right side and go directly up.

FA: Pete, 26 Mar 2023

Boulder 1m
V0 Take a Slice

Sit start on right side by huge feet and jug ledge. Traverse left and topout in the obvious groove.

FA: Pete, 26 Mar 2023

Boulder 3m
V0 Highballs are Scary (mantle)

Stand start and mantle the flat lip.

FA: Pete, 26 Mar 2023

Boulder 1m
Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Candy Mountain
V0 The Flake

FA: Andrew Richards

Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering The Asteroid
V0 Easy Launch

Sit Start

V0 Stretch Hang

FA: Sarah

Boulder 2m
V0 Probe

FA: Chris Warner

Boulder 3m
V0 Bogie

FA: Chris Warner

Boulder 3m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 501 vias.

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