
Lilly boulder

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Fotos: 4
  • Ascensões: 55




Questões de acesso herdado de Apex boulders

We are climbing on Darkinjung land. Please take your rubbish and treat the land with respect


Follow the natural path down after apex till it flattens out and you will come into lilly on your right



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Low start sit/crouch R/H on slopey sidepull L/H on lowest sidepull flake, bump up right through sidepull to gain the flat edge/ bump left up through sidepull flakes then into the stand start

Stand start R/H on flat edge, L/H wide on high sidepull flake, bump R/H to arrow head pinch feature before tricky heel or toe to gain high R/H gaston, gain the jug break then out to lip and mantle

Agapanthus left exit, start as for Agapanthus sit,climb the first half of the problem then match the high left flake, then bust out to the left arete/lip, then up and over left of the nose

Stand start R/H on low sidepull sloper, L/H on crimp, match crimp then bust out left to sloper edge, traverse the lip to the nose then up and mantle. Really nice heel hooking moves

FA: Murray Taylor, 7 May 2022

Start as for Callistemon but head directly up into the dish without using the features on the right. Crafty toe hook and Slimpers

Sit start R/H on slopey sidepull and L/H low inside on the face (compression) big move up to crimp edge then climb original problem

Stand start R/H as for chrysanthemum on slopey sidepull, L/H under lip, move left hand up to crimp edge then bump R/H up a series of sidepulls and top out through feature

Sit/crouch start with L/H on undercling and R/H on incut sloper. Hard first move into sloped edge on the right then make your way left to top out around the left side of the feature.

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Sun 28 May
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