
Vias como trad em Sydney Metropolitan

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 762 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Hornsby and the North Galston Gorge The North Cliff
16 Krystal Lovelong

Up wall on jugs past 1 bolt, 0.5-1 Friend in break, then up on thin moves past 2nd bolt. DRBB on top.

Set: A.Batey

FA: W.Davis, 2013

Mixed trad 9m, 2
14 Red Light District

Layback, Stemming, a few finger locks and a fist jamb finished off with a cool view from the top. The corner crack system right of IHP. Good gear but a little damp deep in the crack.

FA: ABatey & 2nd C.Sharples, 20 Jul 2014

Trad 11m
14 Healthy Habits

Avoid the Red Light District by climbing the wall to the right on good edges and breaks. Cams in breaks or corner crack.

FA: Graham Dowden, 27 May 2018

Trad 11m
17 Ghost busters

Start as for GOG. Up to roof then left out and up the slab. Lots of good cam placements, and 2 small nuts needed

FA: Timothy Mayer, 7 Nov 2020

Trad 15m
18 Forty Years at Galston

Crack at the left of the obvious roof. Hard start then easier up wall following line of blind crack. Protect with 20-40mm cams in horizontal breaks to top, make sure you get one in at the roof of the cave.

Equalised belay from two small trees, block and single ring. Also temporary screw-in bolt further back from the top.

FA: Graham Dowden, 23 Oct 2016

Trad 15m
18 Forty Years at Galston Variant Start

Start in the corner then traverse out under roof to lip.

Trad 18m
21 Boogie Til You Roof

Combination of jamming and jugs through the roof. Old-school hard-core coarse-grained rock needs more cleaning. DRBB on top right of crack.

FFA: Zuni Dierk & Mike Lester, 17 Oct 2020

Trad 10m
Open Project - Left Crack

Straightforward hand jam crack to start, then looks like horizontal finger-locking heaven on a sharply pointed stick followed by a sloping top-out. Invert feet at the lip for extra FA kudos.

Open Project: Center Crack

Not very much to jam at all. Doable?

Open Project: Right Crack

Might be possible to climb the lichenous wall using the thin roof crack for protection.

21 The Traversing Sand Turkey

Something different Start in the corner to the left of KC. Move into horizontal crack and then head left following it around the corner and above the big roof and then head up to top once the crack runs out. Needs a clean and big gear.

FA: Timothy Mayer, 7 Nov 2020

Trad 12m
10 Junior Jam

The flared hand crack just left of "Baby's Crack". One serious jamb, then shared finish from the ledge with "Kindy Corner"

FA: Graham Dowden, 8 Oct 2016

Trad 8m
8 Baby's Crack

The finger crack at far right end of crag. A bit sandy, but not beyond redemption. Shared finish from the ledge with "Kindy Corner"

FA: Graham Dowden, 8 Oct 2016

Trad 8m
8 Kindy Corner

The corner ramp crack. Stay out of the left hand crack.

FA: A.Batey, 2013

Trad 8m
17 Needs Nuts Not Bolts

The crack on the right of the big nose. Straight up the orange corner and crack above, then right out the keyhole between the two giant stones. Protect exit through chockstones with 50-70mm cam and extend runners below to reduce otherwise excessive rope drag.

FA: Graham Dowden, 16 Oct 2016

Trad 8m
15 Chockstone II, Return of the Cowbell

Easily up twin cracks and exit via counter-intuitive move through twin chockstones directly above as for "Needs Nuts Not Bolts". Solid stoppers and cams all the way with a cowbell or large cam in the final split.

FA: Graham Dowden & Angus M, 23 Oct 2016

Trad 8m
Hornsby and the North Galston Gorge Original Crag
Wacked Wall
Fern Groove
Mad Trav
Bog Corner
13 Poxed Groove the First

Flared groove of some kind with Chouinard hex placements strong enough to hold a fall ... perhaps. Probably filled with dirt after 40 years - no need to clean it out now!

FA: Schoolboys, 1976

Trad 10m
Poxed Groove the Second
Crud Corner
Weird Wall
Hornsby and the North Berowra Pimple Buttress
20 Pimple

Hard start (bolted) then a fairly easy trad finish. No lower off.

Mixed trad 10m, 1
Hornsby and the North Berowra Ladder of Gloom Area
21 Savage Cabbage

Good crack climb, lots of nuts for reassurance.

FA: Scott Butler & James Holbrook, 1980

Trad 8m
4 Cenotaph Corner

Climb the obvious corner. Beware of the brown snake that likes the top out jug on the left hand side.

Seriously, beware in summer

Start: often used as the descent route.

Trad 8m
14 The Mantle Machine

Start just right of the 'Barrelling section' of rock. Move up leftwards mantling the overhangs to finish just right of the Ladder.

Start: 4m right of 'Ladder of Death'

FA: Hayden Brotchie, 1996

Mixed trad 12m, 2
15 Crusty the crack

Up crack system, fiddly gear in poor rock, so don't fall

Trad 12m
Hornsby and the North Berowra Cave of Soap
23 Soap

The steep overhanging crack on the left side of the cave.

Start: left hand line in the big cave 30m right of 'The Mantle Machine'.

FA: Giles Bradbury, 1980

Trad 15m
Hornsby and the North Berowra Blackboard Wall
17 Gash

Climb up into pod shaped chimney, then struggle out to continue up crack. Not well travelled, fiddly gear placments.

Start: 3m right of 'Alison'

Trad 12m
12 Marsala

Reputedly tough for the grade. Either layback, jam or face climb - whatever floats your boat.

Has been mistaken for the descent gully!!!

Start: Corner crack at the 'Blackboard' righthand end.

Trad 8m
Hornsby and the North Berowra Kid Free Area
14 Too Cold For Shandy

Up LH ramp or take direct start. Pass rock hollow and up to chicken head. Mantel platform above. Take a few slings and get creative. DUB Lower off.

FA: Brendon Flanagan & Kerrylee Kirk, 27 Jun 2020

Trad 12m
Hornsby and the North Berowra Glamorpus Area
15 R Julian's Finest Hour

Up the black wall using very marginal gear placements.

Start: 8m left of 'Grumpy Old Men' (sounds like the FA of Prowl and Prejudice)

FA: Julian Anderson, 1990

Trad 6m
17 Black hand crack

Up steep hand crack right of UtD to finish on those anchors.

Trad 10m
9 Lentil Lollipops

Marked LL. A slightly steep start followed by a thin chimney to a solid corner. Take care with pro. Tree belay at top.

FA: Geoffry Heath & James Holbrook, 1980

Trad 15m
Hornsby and the North Berowra Positive Ape Factor Area
14 Heidi Bloom

Cool trad line follows crack 2m Left on MT. Easy Climbing to face then bomber #2 protects the crux then use fixed gear to lower off and clean. Add a grade if you’re shorter. Might be historical but it’s anyone’s guess

FFA: Marcus Kumar & robin kumar, 3 Jan

Trad 10m
19 Who Cares

Steep start then up seam just right of arete. At the cave, head right (BR). Take care with pro.

Start: Left arete of nice orange wall.

Trad 12m
22 Positive Ape Factor

Easy up the cracks then a huge reach to horizontal break. Take care up the final corner - it's quite hard and runout.

Start: Below obvious orange corner.

Trad 12m
21 Positive Ape Factor (Variant Finish)

Wander up PAF to the right leading flake. Out via flake past the remnants of a bolt (well protected by any number of nuts/cams 80cm left or a bomber 0.2 cam underneath). Take care with the furthest part of the flake as it is cracked and flexing.

Trad 10m
14 Kenneth's Climb

Plenty of good protection - med/large cams and nut placements in the top half.

Start: 2m right of DG, the crack.

There is often a python (Kenneth) hanging around.

Trad 10m
4 Manufactured by Schweppes (solo)

The more commonly used access ramp / new carpark. 3m R of 'Wall Thing'. Always soloed. Be careful in the wet

FA: Unknown

Trad 10m
Hornsby and the North Turner Road
8 Easy Corner

Rounded corner then ramp

Trad 6m
Hornsby and the North Crosslands
13 Pipsqueak

Short crack at left hand end of large slab.

Trad 5m
6 Short Corner

The lower part of LTN

Trad 6m
13 Split Enzo

The left leaning crack to the right of LTN.

Trad 10m
18 Feral Fashions

Has some carrot bolts though the distance from first to second bolt is greater than the ground and first bolt so trad gear needed.

Trad 15m
12 It's Only Natural

The obvious chimney. Big gear

Trad 15m
15 Possum Hollow

Right hand end of big sandy cave. Up wall passing BR to ledge the head left and up wall using cams and wires.

Trad 12m
14 Green With Envy

Up wall as for PH past RB then tend right up shallow corner/ crack. Can be dirty at top.

Trad 12m
Hornsby and the North Du Faur walls Suffragette wall
20 Dupain Institute

the offwidth

FA: V Wills & D Westaway, 2010

Trad 10m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Fossil Wall
16 Working From Home

Rising traverse following ledge/break/crack all the way to finish anchors for 'Ruddock the Ring Wraith'. Done in two pitches, belay at Captain Underpants.

Start: As for 'Legoland'

FA: Andrew Ingles & Colin Larter

Trad 50m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Moto Cross wall
15 A dream, nothing more

Up corner crack (RB), then to up easy corner, placing gear if neeeded.

Start: At corner rt of PW.

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2003

Trad 9m
18 Two short scrambles and a long walk
1 18
2 12

Start just left of SoP.

  1. Up to ledge. Walk left along ledge to corner.

  2. Up corner

FA: Christian Diemont & Colin Larter, 2012

Trad 20m, 2
18 Pinkie Shredder

Straight up large obvious splitter crack.

Start: On the next wall

FA: duanne white & liz drummond, 2005

Trad 10m
16 X Goblin Grotto

Start in grotto/cave thing left of 'Goofy Foot', onto the ledge, up into the crack, which is fists through the roof followed by an awkward mantle and then up small gulley tending left over boulders to top.

Be careful as rock quality is poor and gear may pull. Respect the X rating, it is a hand full of sand climb.

#4's is helpful and watch out for rope drag.

First Ascensionist was Colin Larter originally gave it Aid grade 15A2

FA: Colin Larter

FFA: Luke Harrison, 12 Mar 2023

Trad 15m
16 Malibu Rider

Start as for open project, (cam in break if needed) then traverse right across slab (RB) to corner crack then easily up to lower offs.

FA: V Wills, 2004

Trad 10m
17 Grommet

Direct start to MR, straight up crack, lower offs at the top.

FA: V Wills & J Caple, 2004

Trad 12m
17 Guns, Germs and Steel

The slab to the small bulging crack line.

Start: 5m past cave

FA: Luke Atkinson, 2004

Trad 10m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Faraway Wall
18 X The Angry Goblin

Up corner crack/crack, under roof, finish at anchors for TDCOM. Be wary of loose rock when pulling on rock, belayer should wear a helmet.

Start: As for NWOL

FA: Colin Larter

Trad 15m
10 The Happy Goblin

Up corner/crack

Start: 1m R of MC

FA: Colin Larter

Trad 15m
16 R The Mischievous Leprechaun

Start in cave, swing up and out of cave then up crack. Very little protection for top half.

Start: 2m L of Peruvian Love Child.

FA: Colin Larter., 2009

Trad 10m
9 Phyto-bezoar

Up juggy crack in middle of shorter wall.

Start: 4m rt of PLC.

FA: Vanessa Wills (solo), 2004

Trad 8m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Hidden Heights
15 Blades of Grass LH Variant

Up crack to the tree then head left. Lower off gum tree.

FFA: Marty Middlebrook, 25 Nov 2020

Trad 12m
15 Blades of Grass RH Variant

Up the crack to the tree and then head right. Lower off the gum tree.

FA: Brendon Flanagan & micha middlebrook, 25 Nov 2020

Trad 12m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Lost & Found Wall
17 Shoe Lizard

Crawl up through hole then up good hand crack to ledge.

Start: At far left end of Furnace Environs in little cave under block.

FA: Colin Larter, 2008

Trad 12m
10 The Welsh Route

Up cracks on left side of gully

Start: At the right end of Furnace Environs.

FA: Bryony Ruscoe, 2007

Trad 8m
15 Bumphlegm

Scramble up short chimney to top of block. Up seam to top.

Start: At base of big block 3m left of 'Goblin Horde'.

FA: Colin Larter, 2007

Trad 10m
8 Goblin Horde

Start: Chimney 1m left of Lactose Free.

FA: Colin Larter, 2007

Trad 10m
13 Pig Shootin'

Start: 15m right of project past cave around corner. Trad route up nice looking crack with bomber pro.

FA: Dale Tweedie, 2004

Trad 15m
15 Kodak Moment

Trad route up a nice looking crack

FA: Elliot Braham, 2004

Trad 15m
14 Shake it like a polaroid picture

Start as for Kodak moment, and then head right once your standing on top of 3m boulder, head to the back of the ledge and then up the corner crack, finishing at the tree.

FA: Tim Mayer, 21 Apr

Trad 20m
11 Wackjob Warren

Start 15m right of Kodak Moment, just left of the walk down path in the cave. High step off the ground onto the slab, and then follow ramp and chimney up and left passed a rope sling until you reach the flake. Stuff flake with a couple of cams, and then up passed bolt and another rope sling and head up and left until you reach the belay tree. Single rack of cams to size 2 enough.

FA: Tim Mayer, 18 May

Mixed trad 23m, 1
15 Nutcase Nick

Start as for Wackjob Warren but take more vertical right hand path, past rope slings and two bolts, finishing up and left at same belay tree as WW. A 1.2 metre sling over a bollard helps protect the crux.

FA: Tim Mayer, 18 May

Mixed trad 22m, 2
15 Lost property

Start 2m right of F. Up obvious crack tending left to finish up arête of Foundlings. Crack eats medium nuts. 4 meter run out scramble to arete.

FA: V Wills & T Tang, 2006

Mixed trad 15m, 1
15 Worth the walk?

Obvious off width roof crack. Not the most glorious of routes, but fun little moves and surprisingly easy.

Start: 20m left of Bill.

FA: Greg Hislop, 2008

Trad 6m
14 Bill

Wide Flared Crack. mmmm, sounds great !

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2006

Trad 10m
17 Ben

Start: 2m right of B. Up crack with a steepish start.

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2006

Trad 10m
9 Ficus

Start: Up easy corner right of Dendrobium. Sounds like another classic !!

FA: Vanessa Wills (solo), 2006

Trad 12m
17 Zozo Tries Yuzu

Just like yuzu, this isn't for everyone. Committing, but there's enough holds and okay (if well spaced) gear. Straight up the middle, using the Mandarin crack for gear until it'd feel like cheating. Romp up on 3D holds staying right of ferny break, and either straight up above scoop, or thinly over the greenery. Bring slings for the horns and small to medium cams for the pockets. If it looks friable, it definitely is.

Trad 16m
18 Zozo the Mandarin Fiend

Start: 100m right of WC, past big cave, Up obvious right leaning orange crack to top.

FA: Vanessa Wills & Anthony Geogheghan, 2007

Trad 16m
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai The Very Far, Far Away Crag
16 The Three Hundred Thousand Dollar Man

Start at the right hand end of the main wall. Up crack to ledge and tree then continue up chimney.

FA: Colin Larter, Jul 2015

Trad 18m
18 Snakes and Ladders
Trad 20m, 2
17 Hey Man Nice Shot
18 Third Time Lucky

Left facing corner capped by a roof.

FA: Colin Larter, Aug 2015

Trad 18m
18 Bandicute
Hornsby and the North Mt Ku-ring-gai Short Sharp Loud Wall
8 Leaf it

Up the obvious wide crack to anchors of 'Victory Beers'.

FA: Adrian Kladnig, 17 Oct 2015

Trad 7m
15 Severus

The corner crack behind the detached boulder. Up corner to ledge, then right and up, taking care with the loose stuff.

FA: Colin Larter, Jul 2015

Trad 10m
15 Asgaeirr

The crack in the middle of the wall. Step left on ledge to anchors for "Sweet 'n Tasty".

FA: Colin Larter, Jun 2015

Trad 8m
20 Kiss Your Cousin

Start just left of Meet Your Master, and traverse up and left passed very bad gear, to finish up Backstabbing Cousins. A thread runner comes in handy. Rock quality is horrible. Best you don't fall.

FA: Timothy Mayer, 30 May 2021

Trad 10m
Hornsby and the North The Motherlode Lasseters Reef
24 The Midas Thrutch

The token trad route. Follows the flared crack through the roof, then up to the anchors of 'Pyrites of the Caribbean', or continue all the way to the top near 'Dwarvish Poetry'. Reasonably well protected but watch for the piece at the lip being lifted out by the rope. Be aware that the flaring means you need much smaller gear than appearances would suggest.

FA: D. Hughes, 2012

Trad 15m
Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Planet Clare
25 The Desire Factor

FA: Steve Kelly

Trad 12m
Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase Terrey Hills
17 Renovators Delight

Dirty corner about 20m Left of the descent, to the right of Tangerine Canard

Friends and one bolt - up grovelly corner

FA: Jeffrey Crass & R.Crass, 1985

Mixed trad 9m, 1
10 Stud Cola

Crack about 10m left of Swan Premium FA solo

FA: R.Crass & Jeffrey Crass, 1985

Trad 8m
10 The Off-width

Off width crack to the right of Sunday Lawn Clippings

FA solo

FA: Jeffrey Crass, 1984

Trad 7m
14 Sundays Lawn Clippings

Start on right side of arete. Up wall, on to slab, Friend placement, plus manky bolt, climbing RHS of arete

FA: Jeffrey Crass, 1985

Mixed trad 7m, 1
18 Gecko Crack

Start: Crack with wide and narrow sections in the middle of the wall.

FA: K.Lenglett & Jeffrey Crass, 1985

Trad 9m
19 Perfect Snatch

Start: Thin flared overhanging crack with Cryptostylis orchids growing in the top - can we leave them alone?

Note - Original FA exited to the right at top.

FA: K.Lenglett & Jeffrey Crass, 1987

Trad 7m
15 Contrived

Start: Left end of pocketed wall Thin crack just right corner. (solo by FA's)

Trad 8m
15 Corniferous

Two move left-leaning corner crack with with good edges on the face.

Corner solo by W.Paton, J.Crass + various others

Trad 6m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 762 vias.

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