
Big White Wall

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Ascensões: 32




Routes are described RIGHT to LEFT.

Caution: All routes are 30m long so be careful when lowering.

© (Ashy)

Questões de acesso herdado de Babylon Areas

These crags are remote from civilisation. Be prepared for NO phone reception in and around the Babylon crag areas!

Ética herdado de Nowra

Mostly developed as a sport climbing and bouldering area. Some trad climbing exists, mainly the pure cracks. If developing new areas keep an eye and and ear out for Aboriginal cultural heritage, including cave art.

Alguns conteúdos foram fornecidos sob licença de: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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Climb the big flake. Put a long draw on the bolt at the top. Traverse right into the 'Garden'. Gather your thoughts, then slither your way up the slippery corner then left slightly. Gain an ok rest and punch up the overhung topwall. Impressive line!

Start: Start at base of big flake.

FA: Tony Barton, 1995

FA: George Fieg, 1994

WARNING.. Bolt got pulled out while working this 16/07/17. The bolt is the crux bolt just after the no hands rest. The bolt after also looks suspect, take care until this gets rebolted.

FA: Tony Barton, 1994

The reason you came here. Half slab, half steep mega jugs.

FA: Tony Barton, 1995

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Você sabia que pode criar uma conta para registrar, rastrear e compartilhar suas escaladas? Milhares de escaladores já estão fazendo isso.

Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Simon Carter, Carlie LeBreton, Rob LeBreton, Neil Monteith, Rod Young

Data: 2016

ISBN: 9780994278449

The new Nowra guide is the most comprehensive guide to one of Australias largest sport climbing destinations. Coincidently it also includes New Nowra or Braidwood Park as it is now known which contains 650 routes in itself. With over 1500 routes all up it will be impossible to run out of projects to get yourself spanked on ever again.

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Sat 3 Jun
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