
Vias como sport em The Grotto Cliffline

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 246 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
22 The Devious Crack of Sirius Black

Start just left of Wingardium Leviosa. Up the crack line

FA: P.Rattenbury, 2011

Sport 12m
13 Wingardium Leviosa

Start under the roof on the left side of the crag. Traverse out the roof and once on the headwall follow the left line of bolts

FA: M LeBreton, 2011

Sport 12m
14 Expelliarmus

Same start as Wingardium Leviosa but at the headwall follow the right set of bolts.

FA: M LeBreton, 2011

Sport 12m
20 The Golden Snitch

FA: 2011

Sport 12m
15 Sirius Black

Start 1m right of the corner. Straight up to the left line of scoops.

FA: 2011

Sport 12m, 5
21 Is Graeme Hill Severus Snape?

Pretty epic moves at the start and bomber rock on the headwall! Starts in the obvious scoop right of the 15. Stick clip first bolt and launch out the steepest part of the bulge. Shares anchor with the 15.

FA: Alec Landstra & Match, 24 Aug 2020

Sport 12m
24 Mr Mojo

FA: George Fieg, 1993

Sport 10m
25 Squeeze The Trigger

Impressive roof route in the cave just south of the descent rungs. Has been rebolted recently.

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1993

Sport 15m
21 Blue Vein Custard Chucker

A classic Nowra name. The route however has been mostly reclaimed by nature.

FA: Peter Wriggly & Steve Barry, 1991

Sport 15m
28 Big, Thick And Powerful

Start to the left of Fukdifino and join this route at the ledge.

FA: Graham Fairbairn, 1993

Sport 15m
22 Fukdifino

The only 'easy' route at the crag, and a good warm-up. This is the well-chalked overhung corner crack at the far left end of the cliff. Some of the bolts on this route are looking worse for wear - best not to lob on them all day. The anchors are a bit of a squeeze to get your rope and a biner through as well.

FA: Paul Westwood, 1991

Sport 15m
PC Project 1
26 Done Walker

Start in the tree.

FA: Sharik Walker, 2010

Sport 12m
31/32 Kamikaze Critter Sport
32 The Divine Wind SportProjeto
PC Project 3
32 Attack Mode

The best bits of White Ladder. Historic, the first 32 climbed in Australia by an Australian.

Daniel Fisher

Rose Weller

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1994

NA: Rose Weller, Jun 2021

Sport 9m
34 White Ladder

Short but desperately powerful climbing. Excellent. Originally climbed as Attack Mode to the fixed biner and given grade 32. Start at the huge handlebar jug right of the massive fallen boulder.

FA: Chris Webb

Sport 13m
34 The White Ladder

Climb original White Ladder then continue via one more boulder problem to the ledge.

Jake Bresnehan

NA: Jorge Diaz-Rullo

Set: Ben Cossey

FA: Jake Bresnehan, 13 Jul 2019

Sport 17m
33/34 Direct Attack

Start Attack mode but go direct.

PC Project 5
30 Spineless SportProjeto
29 Dude Food

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1991

Sport 11m
31 Dedicated to Dude

A long link-up worthy of mention as it covers some amazing country. Start up Dude Food, to go through Vogue and up Church Of Christ to anchors. Head right across Turn Your Eyes Insane to finish up Hopelessly Devoted To You anchors.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2010

Sport 20m
29 Vogue

Super bouldery roof. The original flake in the roof broke and has now been replaced by a drilled pocket.

FA: Stuart Wyithe, 1992

Sport 12m
26 Church Of Christ

Start with a big throw around the lip heading left past rings. Gather your thoughts, bust through the crux and keep trucking to the end.

FA: Graham Fairbairn, 1991

Sport 15m
26 Turn Your Eyes Insane

Bang out the steep start, break right and keep pumping.

FA: Dave Filan, 1991

Sport 16m
29 Hopelessly Devoted To You

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1996

Sport 18m
25 Thank You, Come Again

3 bolt boulder problem. Soft if you can reach the big pocket.

FA: Paul Westwood, 1996

Sport 8m
27 Hard Candy

A pocket boulder gem. Tricky and funky start getting easier leading up to the sand pit. Get a good rest then knuckle down through and couple big moves and a wicked stretchy pocket boulder top.

FA: Steve Bullen, 1991

Sport 18m
26 Shocked

Out small roof and up lovely face to glory.

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1992

Sport 18m
27 Super Shocked

The extension to Shocked. No anchor so jump off.

FA: Rob Lebreton, 1997

Sport 21m
26 Gay Porn is Art

A bouldery start leads to some excellent moves in steepy, pumpy territory. Save some for the top. If it's all too hard clip the anchors on Bachelor's Ball, but for the full experience tick go all the way.

Set: Luke, 2012

FA: Danny Ewald, 7 Mar 2015

Sport 20m, 11
25 Bachelor's Ball

Starts as for Bachelor Busted Balling Bimbo but breaks left at mid height and and finishes above the crux on Shocked. Was 24 for years but most people feel it's fair at 25.

FA: Stuart Wyithe, 1992

Sport 18m
25 Bachelor Busted Balling Bimbo

The hardest of the three 25s in this section. Climb first two bolts of BB, then go direct up the wall just left of Trigga.

FA: Paul Westwood, 1996

Sport 20m
25 Escape From the Drilling Fields

Cue '90s era gangsta rap. Originally given a different name, the first ascentionist has requested that it now be known by this name. Excellent steep climbing, and the classic Nowra 25. Start where the undercut roof touches the ground (at a ring bolt).

FA: Andrew Bull, 1992

Sport 20m
28 Brother

Don't go getting offended by the route name, once again this was comment on what was happening in society (Black Death in Custody) when the routes were climbed and the music being listened to. Continuing the tradition of excellent 28's at Nowra. Backup anchor added in 2004. Start: Start 2m to the right of EFTDF. The undercling at the crux snapped off around 2012-13, but there's still a sequence.

FA: George Fieg, 1995

Sport 17m
28 Meet The G

Start just right of Brother in a Body Bag. A series of boulder problems that get harder the higher you get. Finish at anchors below rooflet.

Sport 17m
31 Meet the G that Killed Me

The original line. From Meet The G anchors, climb around rooflet onto upper face to high anchor.

FA: Chris Webb

Sport 20m
30 The Master Cylinder

The line just to the right of Meet The G. Fun climbing via some sandy sections to a heartbreaker ending. Conditions help. Previously known by another name. The first ascentionist has requested that the route be known by the original name given to it by the equipper.

FA: Nathan Hoette

Sport 20m
25 Super Geek

FA: Julie Anderson, 1997

Sport 10m
25 Pauls With A Permit

FA: Julian Saunders, 1996

Sport 10m
25 Bullet With Butterfly Wings

FA: Julie Anderson, 1996

Sport 12m
25 Super Weak

FA: Unknown, 2000

Sport 10m, 7
24 Kattack Mode

FA: Brian Rattenbury, 1997

Sport 10m
26 Don't Tell the Priest, but it's a Boy

FA: Brian Rattenbury, 1996

Sport 15m
26 No Notice

FA: Stuart Wyithe, 1993

Sport 20m
23 Sunroom Wanker

FA: Mark Weiser, 1996

Sport 20m
Powerlines Area
20 X-Ray Ted

Beware loose rock in the flake & choss on the runout headwall.

FA: Michael Fawcett, 1999

Sport 26m, 6

Surely someone has done this, it looks pretty straight forward.

19 Pick The Nose

FA: John Koster, 1999

Sport 12m
The Colosseum
Project (A)

One of the 'unknown' project routes, located just West of The Colosseum main routes.

SportProjeto 6
22 Slimey Ken's Knob

The first route here.

FA: Will Monks, Andrew Duckworth & Peter Monks, 1999

Sport 9m, 3
22 Barbie's Bitchin'

FA: Andrew Duckworth, 1999

Sport 9m, 3
25 Teflon Barbie

Giles Bradbury was called in to free either this line or Seven Eleven at grade 25 in mid-late 1999 and he named it Teflon Barbie.

FA: Giles Bradbury, 1999

Sport 11m, 4
25 Seven Eleven

FA: David Brown, 2000

Sport 11m, 5
23 Chocolate Jollies

A wall for the slope specialist. Deserves more ascents to keep it clean but probably won’t get em until people stop worrying about the grade!

Start: The next route right of SE.

FA: G Hill

Sport 11m, 3
22 Pole Knots

Similar climbing although not so desperate.

Start: Right of CJ.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

FA: G Hill

Sport 11m, 4
22 Too Cute Too Shoot

You guessed it crimping and slope slapping at its best.

Start: Next line right of PS

Hard 22

FA: G Hill

Sport 9m, 4
20 Trust

A little more reasonable still hard enough to have fun on.

Start: Next right of TCTS.

Hard last move

FA: V Hill

Sport 11m, 5
22 Fantastiffy

A lot better in that its hard in places. Do not let that put you off think strong and its easy.

Start: Yep right again from T.

FA: G Hill

Sport 11m, 4
22 Wonderfully Wicked Women
  1. 23m (22)

  2. -m (-) Project

FA: John Koster, 1999

Sport 23m, 2, 7
Project (B)

One of the 'unknown' project routes, located at the far East of The Colosseum at the scramble gully.

Donutland Leftside
22 I Balled A Bullfighter

FA: Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 7m, 2
22 Born On Christmas Eve

FA: Veronique Hill, 1990

Sport 7m, 3
23 Poupee Gonflabee

2 chain anchor.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 8m, 3
25 Quarter Horse

FA: Rod Young, 2002

Sport 12m
Project (A)
23 Half A Cow

FA: Rod Young, 1999

Sport 17m, 5
19 Apple Related Tragedy

FA: Rod Young, 1999

Sport 22m, 6
13 Blade Flake

FA: Rod Young & Alistair Fogg, 1999

Sport 22m, 6
16 Beans on Toast

Two carrot bolts up a slab, then up and left to the steeper flake with three more carrots to a single U anchor. The relatively easy middle bit can be optionally protected with a few cams from camalot .3-3

Warning: Large flake near the last bolt is broken and loose in the crack.

FA: Veronique Hill, 1990

Sport 18m, 5
22 Taste Of Mexican Meat

FA: Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 18m
22 Snot And Udders

Warning: Fixed protection need replacing.

Warning: Massive beehive 2m right of the route. Beesuit is advised when climbing.

Route name changed at the request of the first ascentionist.

FA: Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 10m
17 Kisses And Cuddles

FA: Veronique Hill & Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 12m
19 Hugging And Fucking

FA: Veronique Hill & Graeme Hill, 1990

Sport 12m
25 Hit the Deck

The steep arête & hanging lip starting just R of Jammer, with heaps of fixed nonsense.

24 Rainbow Wreckage

Fully ringbolted as of 2011. A striking splitter handcrack through one of the biggest, chossiest caves in Nowra, but amazingly the rock in the crack itself actually looks sorta ok.

FA: Rod Young, 2000

Sport 25m, 10
23 Airpower

FA: Andy, 1997

Sport 15m
21 Sinucab

FA: Rod Young, 1989

Sport 18m
20 Where There's Pork There's Fire

Hard little move off the deck then it gives up.

Start: At little corner crack right of S.

FA: G Hill

Sport 10m
23 Flirt & Squirt

Only goes up to the same level as where there's Pork. Rope drag (and ability)prevented continuation.

FA: G Hill

Sport 15m
23 Rambone Machine
Sport 30m
23 Pulling Off The Rambone Machine

The first climb i bolted with the petrol drill and carrots, then later filled it with rings. Really good climbing after the slightly flaky lower section.

Start: At the bottom of the slot right of the arete.

FA: G Hill, 1989

Sport 30m
25 Rambos Got Me By The Nuts -Open Project

Up scoop then over to the crack at the top of this traverse to the left and onto the wall above.

Start: Same as POTRM.

FA: Doddy will give it a burn.., 2000

Sport 30m
Donutland Rightside
26 Wolfgang Donut

One of the early hard routes in 'Nowra'. Up past some hard (big) moves past a few RBs. Bundy Rebolted 03-08-2006, prob a waste of steel and no one will ever climb it.

Start: Start around the corner of the Green Slab, 2m R of the awesome walk-down slot.

FA: Ant Prehn, 1989

Sport 10m, 3
19 Chopper Chicks From Zombie Town

Thin stuff.

Start: Start on the left hand side of the wall almost on the arete. [The topos for the routes on this wall are a bit of a guess, to give the gist of the wall. Please update the topos if you know what route goes where].

FA: G Hill

Sport 14m
16 Roy's Rectal Ring Balm

Head up right at mid height.

Start: Start as for CC.

FA: G Hill

Sport 14m, 6
20 Roy's Rectal Ring Balm direct

Start: Start a few meters right of RRRB and climb into that route.

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
22 Johny Mantackle

Wanders a bit down low until you pass a small pocket.

FA: G Hill

Sport 15m
22 Johny Mantackle Right Hand Start

FA: G Hill

Sport 15m
20 Saving Ryan's Privates

Bouldery start, up past overlap, then straight up.

FA: G Hill

Sport 15m
20 Spurt Reynolds

Up to a vague groove and then through a small headwall.

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
21 Jack the Dripper

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
22 Dance of the Ballrags

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
21 Abswing

Up, then head right at the flake, then up.

FA: G Hill & G Hill

Sport 25m
23 Abtronics

Start: Start as for 'Abswing'.

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
23 Abflex

Awaits a direct start.

Start: Start as for 'Abswing'.

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m
17 Abduct

Start: Start just left of the corner.

FA: G Hill

Sport 25m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 246 vias.

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