
Ascensões em The Egg Boulder

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Mostrando os 5 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Wed 25th Nov 2015 - Oatlands
Bottom Dam The Egg Boulder
V4 1. Green (sds) - with matt hoschke Boulder Classic
Really fun problem. I'm pretty sure this is too easy for a V4, maybe too easy for a V3 even! Its all in the first 2 moves.

Sun 30th Jun 2013 - Oatlands
Bottom Dam The Egg Boulder
V4 4. Saddam's Slab of Torture Boulder
Tommy Krauss
log from the past

V2 3. Frixion (stand) Boulder
Tommy Krauss
log from the past

V3 2. V3 (sds) Boulder
Tommy Krauss
log from the past

V4 Easy 1. Green (sds) Boulder
Tommy Krauss
log from the past - quite easy from memory


Mostrando os 5 ascensões.

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