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Mostrando os 90 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Frog Buttress East of the access track
19 Blood Brothers

The obvious 10m wide crack 15m left of the arête of 'Parasite Drag'. The wide upper half is protectable by RP's, if you don't have big gear larger than a #6. After the initial difficulties, scramble up over blocks to decent fig tree. Take care with the loose rocks.

FA: Alex Mougenot & Ross Ferguson, 2 Jun 2020

Trad 25m
19 Monty Python's Flying Circus

Really good. The desperate blank V-groove once had a piton in it, although the "Ethics Police" removed it... 3 times! (It had been climbed for 15 years without need of a piton!) Despite appearances, the groove can be climbed quite safely using friction, prayer and a whole bunch of RP's and micro cams. Flop onto the ledge, whimper and gaze upwards! From here a magnificent corner featuring 3 cracks and classic climbing await you.

FA: Ted Cais & Ian Cameron, 1972

Trad 25m
19 John Cleese's Python

A variant finish to MPFC. Start up MPFC, from the ledge turn away from the amazing corner on the left and tear up the grotty crack on the right wall.

FA: Marty Beare & Dave Moss, 1980

Trad 22m
19 Peaches and Cream

Some people really like this climb; I don't. Climb the shallow corner 5m R of DR2000 and then follow the line. Fiddly pro and dirty rock add to the experience. Belay either hanging from the tree (desperate but strangely cool), or get onto the ledge R of the tree and belay from there.

FA: Bill Noris & Sally Norris, 1980

Trad 20m
19 R Cheetah

The R hand line on the same buttress. Disgusting, confused climbing that goes nowhere.

FA: Andrew Barry, 1982

Trad 10m
19 Inquisition

Really good climbing that deserves to be more popular. Follow the crack system to the large ledge. From here, blast up the off-width corner, stopping to wonder how people stay attached to WK! Step R up a face crack, to anchors on ledge (60m rope needed). Multiple pieces of 5 camalot size are essential to do this route safely.

FA: Rick White & Ted Cais, 1973

Trad 27m
19 Bloody Red Rooster

Complete and utter mank. A vine-filled pile of crap that should never have been climbed.

FA: Joe Friend & Kim Carrigan, 1973

Trad 25m
19 R Suggestive Poses

Not a whole lot better. Climb OF for the first few meters to a ledge. From there, step R into a dark corner and up. Halfway up the corner, step R at a piton that may hold an ant's body weight. Scarily up the arete to the top of the pillar. Down climb this easily to get off.

FA: Joe Lynch, Roger Bourne & Margert Smith, 1983

Trad 25m
19 Lord of the Flies Variant Start

The rarely done bread stroker's alternate start was the original start...not recommended. Start up the off-width 1m to the L at the V-Groove.

FA: Ted Cais, 1974

Trad 8m
19 Onlooker's Omelette Left Side

Was the scene of a freak accident in 2006.

Climber survived a ground fall after his rope was sliced in two by the sharp edge.

A good place to practice placing big bros etc. This short very wide crack is an absolute must for all aspiring masters of the trutch!

FA: Ted Cais, Jim Bright & Rick White, 1973

Trad 10m
19 Off the Wall

Classy climbing unfortunately marred by a ledge at half height. Bridge desperately or layback the thin crack up the dark corner to a ledge. Rest here and then launch up the classy line above. One tricky move sees you to the top. A little weird to protect in places. But the gear is great once you figure it out.

FA: Nic Taylor & Rick White, 1976

Trad 13m
19 Southern Comfort

The best line off the ledge. A very smooth corner with some grunty finger locking the key to success. Great gear and movement make this a must do. Rap anchor.

FA: Nic Taylor & Rick White, 1976

Trad 15m
19 The Kiwi Experience

Takes the crack revealed by the old rock fall right of Southern Comfort. Looks quite good until you look at the large rock only just held in by a tree root directly above it.

FA: Merry & Dan (NZ), 2009

Trad 12m
Frog Buttress West of the access track
19 Nemesis

This wide and daunting crack has seen more than its fair share of aspiring leaders turned into a dribbling, pumped, senseless mass of despair! The gear is excellent, but make sure you take up plenty of big gear to protect this climb adequately. Without this protection, a ground fall is extremely probable. Lay back up the first crack on polished foot holds to a ledge at 6m. From here, thrash up the wide crack until it is possible to step R. Easily to the top.

FA: Ted Cais & Mike Meadows, 1969

Trad 25m
19 R Non Compos Mentis

A blight on the face of the world. 10 sticks of dynamite could only assist in making this climb slightly better. The wide, loose, dark line, full of loose blocks and worse!

FA: Joe Lynch & Jeff Morgan., 1981

Trad 25m
19 Electronic Flag DS - RHS

Instead of climbing left of it, go straight up the almost perfect crack in the almost perfect corner. This used to be graded 17, but the thrashing feet of 10 thousand struggling leaders have reduced this to a spit polished sandbag.

Trad 10m
19 Wango Tango

A variant finish to Piranha. It features quite nice climbing, but the rock quality is questionable in places. Off the ledge, climb Piranha until it steps L, and keep going out L across the wall. Breathe a sigh of relief when you reach the crack, bumble up above with great moves and gear.

FA: Dave Moss & Paul Hoskins., 1982

Trad 15m
19 Infinity

A contender for the best 19 in the country! The old school off-width is the only way to go for apprentice gruntologists. All the sane people start in the corner to the R. Up this past a tricky move out of a cave at 1/3 height to a stance (crux). From here, up the beautifully sculpted line to the top. Simply magnificent climbing. Rapping on a 70m rope will get you to the middle of the scramble at the base of the climb.

FA: Ross Allen & Rick White., 1970

Trad 40m
19 Jigsaw

An absolutely brutal start up the narrow V-groove splitting the pillar to the L of WC. From here easily up to the level of WC ledge. Follow up a short hard corner, with the last moves at the top keeping things interesting.

FA: Rick White & Ian Cameron, 1971

Trad 35m
19 Humility

A classic one-move wonder, the face R of WC. Start off the ledge on the R. Wobble up on thin and balancy moves until a jug on the L arete comes to hand. Easily up the line past a piton (hidden from view) to a tricky little mantle move at the ledge. Easily up to Plume ledge.

FA: Ross Allen, 1970

Trad 15m
19 Midnight Express

Innocently evil! This fine-looking hand crack very quickly turns into a fiendish off-width. Some loose choss to negotiate when first entering the body crack. Most chock stones wobble until up high. Committing

FA: Ted Cais & Ian Thomas, 1973

Trad 23m
19 Psychedelic Apricot Pitch Two

Although the climbing is actually quite good, the rock on this orange corner at half height is loose and hollow, so be cautious on the lead.

FA: Rick White & Ian Cameron (some aid)

Trad 25m
19 Sorcerer's Apprentice

Classic crack climbing, an excellent example of jamming at Frog. Start at the obvious crack on the far L of Warlock Ledge. A tricky start to get established in the crack (watch out for the loose rock), and then magnificent jamming up the line. Finish at the ledge and rap chains above.

FA: Henry Barber., 1975

Trad 30m
19 Thor

Very nice! Step in from the left, and boulder R to the jug. From here, climb the beautiful line and finger crack to a stance below a corner. This corner provides beautiful positions and stances, and finishes up an easier crack to the top.

FA: Henry Barber, 1975

Trad 30m
19 Shocking Blue

Not pleasant. Up the initial fist crack to a horror blank corner above the fig.

FA: Fred From, 1978

Trad 25m
19 Magical Mystery Tour

Classic crack climbing. Start at the finger crack as it continues to widen the whole way up the route. Don't be fooled by the wide nature of the top, although big gear is essential to protect this route (#4 and #5 BD cams won't go astray), you are able to bridge past almost all of the wide thrashing! A 70m rope will get you back to the ground from the chain around the tree.

FA: Rick White & Ross Allen (yoyo)., 1969

Trad 34m
19 Myopia

A real waste of 2 bolts. Start up the same arete as BS. Clip the first bolt of BS, then up the poxy little line to another bolt. Step R and get off as soon as you can.

FA: Andrew Barry, 1984

Sport 5m
19 Hello Sailor

Used to be graded 18, so it was the scene of many a bruised and battered ego. Start up the initial corner to a gruntologist's fantasy move. Finish with much style to the top. There is a bolted rap station at the top of the route to get off.

FA: Rick McGregor, Lincoln Hall & Len Gillman, 1976

Trad 20m
19 Hollywood Rattlesnake

A strenuous and rewarding test piece jamming problem. Brilliant gear and tricky finger locks see you to a good stance at 2/3 height. Finish easily. Rap off DBB directly above the route.

FA: Nic Taylor & Rick White, 1976

Trad 18m
19 R Sweet Transvestite

Yet more crap. The disgusting groove directly above OOAL. Why would you do this to yourself?

FA: Kevin Pearl & Ken McLean., 1978

Trad 18m
19 Catharsis Variant Finish

Crap. Blast up one off-width, and then, just as it gets good, traverse L at a grotty horizontal to yet another off-width! No real quality movement can be found on this route.

FA: Fred From & Kevin Pearl, 1978

Trad 7m
19 Colour Me Dead

Starts about 6m R of IOTN, just before the track veers L. Up a crappy, grunty short crack to the arete. Up this past 1 bolt. Not very good.

FA: Richard Henderson & Scott Camps., 1986

Mixed trad 9m, 1
19 R Bits and Pieces

What a contrived waste of time. Go up the moss-laden slab to the R of MB on to a ledge. From there, go easily up a fun little pocketed wall to the finish. No worthwhile protection can be found in the bottom 2/3 of this route.

FA: Stuart Camps, 1983

Trad 15m
19 Cold Turkey

Absolutely brutal and unrelenting off-width climbing at its worst. Feels closer to 23. The chockstones mentioned in the Joe Lynch guide must have fallen out! Take big gear, elbow pads, grim determination and a vomit bag. You can get off this disgusting pile of crap as for BB.

FA: Ross Allen & Rob Staszewski, 1970

Trad 27m
19 Drop Out

Really good climbing that deserves to be done more often! Climb the tricky crack system to where it widens for a metre at about 1/2 height. Whack in a big cam and climb the tricky constricting bottleneck to a good jam and stance. Whimper for joy and continue easily to a big ledge. Finish here or, for full value, do the direct finish! Rap as for NP.

FA: Trevor Gynther & Steve Bell, 1983

Trad 24m
19 Pibrock

Funny twin corner systems with a tiny arete in between making use of both at the same time challenging! Up these (wondering how this route was ever graded 12) to ledge then continue up crack past tree to ledge at top of Ethicmans Dilemma.

FA: Mac Thompson & Glen Burns, 1969

Trad 20m
19 R Bite Free

A crappy little climb. Start on the R side of the pillar. Go up the micro seam 2m L of the arete, stepping up and around L to a stance, and a now completely pointless 1st bolt at knee height. Finish easily.

FA: Richard Henderson & Scott Camps, 1986

Trad 9m
Flinders Peak (limited access) Sanctuary
19 Catastrophist

Climb the obvious tower 40m left across the talus field from the “Freeloader” arete. Straight up the middle of the face to an exposed finale on the free standing tower. Can gain the top of the tower for a great seat and view.

Sport 20m, 9
19 Platycerium

Named after the Staghorn above the anchors. Climbs right side of arete. First bolt stick clip or reach off the slab. Tricky moves up the arete as you roll around the arete onto the face. Fancy face climbing to the chains. Well protected for the grade.

Set: Rob Saunders, 20 Dec 2020

FA: Ethan Naylor, 27 Dec 2020

Sport 23m
Mt Barney Mt Gillies
V1 Bare foot bandit
Boulder 5m
Mt. Greville The Grey Wall
19 Stone Cold

Belay from the ledge and not the ground, it's a long 30m. Without clipping any FH on Ain't No Sunshine. Stay in the corner and climb it on good holds passing 2 FH. Continue up tending left on quite thin edges and pockets. Past another 5 FH. Continue up and left. Another two FH and good holds up to mallions. Start: Left of Ain't No Sunshine

FA: Ross Ferguson & Daniel Schmidt, 2003

Sport 30m
Mt. Greville Little Springfield
19 Krusty Burger

Climb through a small overhang in a corner on some crusty holds.

FA: 2014

Sport 12m
19 Maggies Dummy Spit

Up face of detached pillar on good holds to FH. A bunch of brutal moves takes you past the final 2 FH. Carefully exit left over easy terrain to find a pair of mallions.

Start: Near the large boulder.

FA: Ross Ferguson, Guy Pearce & Craig Pohlman, 2003

Sport 11m
Mt. Greville The Wizard Sector Block 1 section 1
19 The Warden

Start: Just right of the impressive rock spire housing The Imperial Wizard. Thin fingers needed for the thin crack at the top. Stick clipping might not be a bad idea. Chains beneath the overhang.

FA: Steve Waite & Herb Brandmeier, 2005

Sport 15m, 5
Mt. Greville The Wizard Sector Block 1 Section 2
19 The Imperial Wizard - Left

Start: Directly below the impressive finger of rock (see cover photo above). About 8m right of "CK".

Up the left side of the impressive and rather phallic looking wizard.

13 FHs to the top, chains and U-bolt at the anchor. Lower off using a 70m with a few meters to spare.

FA: Herb Brandmeier & Steve Waite, 2005

Sport 40m, 13
Mt. Greville The Wizard Sector Block 2
19 A Friend In The Fridge

Start: 2m right of Short Ganged, on the other side of the bush.

Note: there is a bounty of trad gear placements on this route, if one so chooses.

FA: Herb Brandmeier & Joan Vickers, 2005

Sport 25m, 7
Mt. Greville Sector 1
19 A Long Lay
Trad 19m
Mt. Greville Sector 6
19 Still Ginger
Unknown 12m
19 Funktastic
Unknown 23m
Mt Maroon North West Columns Legoland
19 Icicle

Start: The front of the pillar that constitutes Green Line.

Up the face, trending slightly Right, passing 2 horizontal breaks, then straight up, some thin cracks & gear on the Right, to a shallow crack on top & top-out.

Small gear.

FA: Scott Camps & Mark Gamble, 2006

Trad 35m
Mt Maroon North West Columns Porn Buttress
19 Last Tango

P1 20m - Up Deep Throat to chamber & belay. P2 45m - Exit this out right to broken rock & up this to positive ledge & belay.

FA: Rick White & John Hattink, 1974

Trad 65m, 2
Mt Maroon The Graveyard Ridge
19 The Avion Flew

Start 8m Left of TLS.

Take wires and small cams. You can approach the overhang from either side, the crux is after the overhang. Plenty of gear higher up. Re-equipped with RBs in 2020.

FA: Herb & John, 2005

Mixed trad 40m, 11
Mt Maroon Paparazzi Cliff
19 Adagio

Up right side edge of big cave.

FFA: Herb Brandmeier & John Du Bont

Sport 50m, 15
19 Luftwaffel. Long version.

Starts from the bottom, up right bypass the cave.

Sport 50m, 13
19 Luftwaffel p2, Cave version

In the cave above are some acrobatic moves at the start of the second pitch. Easy finish up the face to the top. Great photo opportunity. Can be done from the bottom of the cave (Alison's Variant) or the ledge above depending on your vertical disadvantage. This cave also serves as a rap station for a single 50m rope.

FFA: Herb Brandmeier & Riccarda

Sport 15m, 8
19 Across The Path Of Lichen

Starts below the third cave. Half-way up it crosses the Path of Lichen and goes on up past the right side of the cave

FFA: Alison & Cathy

Sport 50m, 15
19 Pro Bono

Starts right 15m up hill at the big pointy flake of rock leaning against the wall, which aids the vertically challenged

FFA: Herb & John

Sport 38m, 13
19 Undecided

Starts at the same pointy flake as PB

FFA: John & Herb

FA: Herb & John

Sport 35m, 11
Mt Maroon Tiger Face
19 Plate Of Vegetables
  1. 30m 19 - Start at vague left facing corner 100m left of The Graveyard Ridge (wait for photo upload). Crux pitch; up this on thin holds & run-out gear to easier ground.

  2. 45m - Up the slab, trending toward the prominent right facing corner & crack above. Sparse gear.

  3. 20m - Up the crack corner (off-width) to ledge.

  4. 12m - Up the short face above to top-out

(Route lengths are approximate, but can be done in 3 pitches on today's 60m ropes.)

Named at the restaurant in Beaudesert, after the FA.

Tony took a big fall on pitch 2, running it out with no modern gear back then & ended up straddling a Bushboy stump.

FA: Tony Kelly & Trevor Gynther, 1972

Trad 120m, 4
19 Kelvinator Country
  1. Start right of POV, route trends right across the blank face

  2. Unknown

  3. Ending up in the trees & vegetation on the right.

FA: evan bieske & Peter Lehman, 1987

Trad 120m, 3
Mt Maroon North East Buttress
19 Too Much Talk

Right of Outish Bong, around the middle of the N.E. Buttress.

FA: Glen Sharrock & Matt Rogerson

Mixed trad 70m, 2, 2
Mt Maroon Wedgie's Place Lower
19 Strike Me Down Now Lord

Off the pillar (committing move), then follow the crack to the top - as shown in the topo.

FA: evan bieske & Dave Moss, 1983

Trad 18m
19 Nothing Much

The prominent crack in the middle of the lower cliff, R of Something Special. A beautiful line up the leaning flake/crack. Rap off small tree on ledge above - out right.

FA: Robbie Allen, 1982

Trad 20m
Mt Maroon East Face
19 Roy Boy

Start: At 5th belay of Beau Brummel

  1. __m gr? Straight up from belay following a crack line.

  2. __m gr? Continue to top.

2 pitches, about 60m, the grade is around 19ish.

FA: Paul Hoskins

Trad 60m, 2
19 Vindaloo Surprise

Start: same as Ruby Of India

  1. 45m 14 - Pitch 1 of ROI

  2. 35m 14 - Up through the crux, up the Left leaning ledge for a few metres, then make your way up Right to the base of the cliff above as per topo.

  3. 50m 19 - Up the wall below the big off-width as per the topo, do not get entangled in the nasty off-width, then out Left on face, then up to the vegetated ledge above. cross the vegetated veranda

  4. 50m 12 - Up the broken wall as per the topo, arriving at the belay ledge for DII

  5. 50m 19 - From the belay, out Left, following the Deception Link-Up Route for a few metres, then up the first prominent crack to top.

FA: Bill Strachan, Nikki Strachan & Bret Jewel, 2007

Trad 230m, 5
Mt Maroon Viewpoint Buttress
19 The Real Thing

The thin crack in a small alcove, about 20m left of Skylark. Up the crack on small gear & inventive moves to the overhanging tree.

FA: Rick White & Paul Caffyn, 1969

FFA: Terry Svingen & Mark Gamble, 2007

Trad 12m
Mt Maroon Viewpoint Buttress Skylark Ledge
19 Remus

Start just r. of Romulus, up the scooped wall to the FH, then out r. & up (some gear) to same TB as Romulus.

FA: Herb Brandmeier & Paul Wright, 1995

Mixed trad 10m, 1
Mt Maroon Viewpoint Buttress
19 Feeble Man

Thin crack 2m left of Slush Puppy. Up face, following weakness & crack, with adequate gear, traverse left onto big L facing ledge near the top, finish up this. Belay from cable on tree above Slush Puppy. A single 50m rope will get you to the ground.

FA: Robert Stazewski & Ron Collett, 2009

Trad 30m
19 Alzheimer's Flash

Scooped left facing crack, 2m r. of Ghostly Hand DS. Up the thin crack on small gear, step r. onto face at diagonal crack, then easier moves to chains at top.

FA: Kevin Pearl & John Gardiner

Trad 20m
Mt Maroon Waterfall Wall
19 Midnight Rambler
  1. As for Yoni

  2. As for Yoni

  3. As for Yoni

  4. unknown

  5. unknown

FA: Rick White & John Hattink, 1974

Trad 250m
Mt Maroon Ronin Wall
19 Boom Boom
Trad 65m
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm Temple of Golgotha
19 Rasp

The Left-most of the 2 main cracks.

A 4" overhung crack, rather strenuous. Nice layback start. Offers a chockstone at half height.

FA: Rick White & Ted Cais, 1972

Trad 10m
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm Main Wall
17 Ground Effect

Thin finger crack Left of OBC. Up to same ledge as OBC & TB.

FA: Joe Lynch & Rob Staszewski, 1980

Trad 45m
19 Snake Belly

Locate the flake Right of OBC.

Up Right side of flake, then Left across ledge to thin handcrack & up to ledge & TB.

FA: Robert Staszewski & Joe Lynch, 1980

Trad 45m
19 Condemned Cell

"The best, first, & hardest route here. Three hard pitches up this magnificent corner." (Rick's original entry for RURP magazine September 1972.)

The 2nd prominent Right facing corner, Left of SHB. Straight up the manky chimney/corner passing an overhanging block at 40-50m.

Has the distinction of being the very first route established at Maggie's Farm.

FA: Ted Cais & Rick White, 1972

Trad 91m, 3
19 Right Cross
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm Widow Maker Buttress
19 Asps Only

Start: at the yellow corner below Widow Maker (see topo).

Diagonal hand & finger crack that splits a slab then up a pillar to a ledge. After the ledge, up another diagonal to the Right.

FA: Rob Staszewski & Joe Lynch, 1980

Trad 45m
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm Speed Buttress
19 Speed Crack

2 short pitches following a delightful crack-line splitting the main buttress.

  1. Easily up to top of small pillar, then straight up hand crack splitting the face to a small ledge & loose block. Then up the wider crack to a large ledge.

  2. Up over large blocks to the next ledge, then ascend the 3" crack splitting the face.

The route ends at same ledge as Mother Superior: TB. Lower off back down the route, or down MS & walk back down hill to the start.

FA: Rick White & Ted Cais, 1972

Trad 30m, 2
19 Mother Superior

Up above Speed Crack. Walk up to Tough Mamma Wall, tben follow the ledge back up left.

Initialled "MI" - A short, hard, 5" crack narrows to 3" at the top. A #5 cam is handy.

Rap off tree. Speed Crack joins this at the top.

FA: Ted Cais & Rick White, 1972

Trad 25m
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm Tough Mamma Wall
19 Unknown - PV variant

FA: Joe Lynch & Rob Staszewski

Trad 35m
19 Unknown corner-flake

Inside corner just Left of Dutch Courage. The dodgy corner crack with a deadly flake.

FA: Rick White

Trad 60m
Mt Maroon Maggie's Farm End Gully
19 Dutch Courage

Up the delicious crack at the bottom of the gully to a bushy ledge.

Hard, very sustained fist jambing. A second pitch is possible - of poor quality.

FA: Rick White & Robert Staszewski, 1972

Trad 28m
19 unknown-2

FA: Joe Lynch & Rob Staszewski

Trad 20m
Mt May Slopey Wall
V1 Between the webs

Clean thoroughly with a brush beforehand to temporarily vacate the spiders.

Start matching on a flake, head up with a few jugs and crimps to a slopey match at the horizontal seam.

FA: notlongnotstrong, 31 Dec 2020

Boulder 3m
Mt May Waterfall area
V1 Warm up crack

Sit start in the crack and head straight up.

The Steamers The Prow Forecastle Barnacles
19 Cyprid

The line between Nauplius and WFLB, straight up to TB above the overhang

Set: Alexander Xavier, 27 Jan 2019

FFA: Alexander Xavier, 27 Jan 2019

FA: Alexander Xavier, 27 Jan 2019

Trad 12m
Hamarney (Private Land) Main wall
19 Disequilibrium

Was originally intended as 'the warm-up climb', turning out to be a great line with lots of character. It earned its name due to the balance required in several places throughout the line. 4m left of GCR, to start. Top belay is possible from the very convenient ledge, if you wish to share an awesome view with your climbing buddy.

FFA: HM, 2012

FA: HM, 2012

Sport 17m, 8
Moomank Buttress (private land)
19 Golliwog's Gasser

FA: Trevor Gynther & Rhys Davies

Unknown 45m
MacKrag (Private Land)
19 The Siga Cigar

Scott earnt his slow cigar on this one. Almost 30years for his first FFA. More pockets and fun times.

FA: Scott Hailstone, 2 Nov 2020

Sport 18m, 8
19 Flight of Fridges

Dedicated to the former block of dubious integrity. May be harder, depending on the path you choose.

Sport 18m, 9

Mostrando os 90 vias.

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