
Ascensão de Galaxie

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Mostrando os 1 ascensão.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Mon 6th Dec 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Main
5- A2 Galaxie - with Raimund Aid 40m
Christoph Rauch
Hasn‘t seen an ascent in a few years. The lower part can be climbed freely, but I soon decided to pull on the draws, then stepped up the aid game with a sling to step into about a third of the way up. Didn‘t require any tricks, it‘s basically just workout. And on good gear, too! Has been equipped with glue-ins, in addition to the rusty rings (and those were already replacements for even shabbier stuff). Felt a bit easier than Astronautenleiter, probably because the latter is steeper for a longer stretch.


Mostrando os 1 ascensão.

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