
Vias como boulder em Il Polei

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Mostrando os 18 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Oldonyo Olowaa Hilltop Unnamed Boulder
{US} V0 The Warmup

Stand start on valley-facing side and climb jugs to topout.

FA: Blake Stanley, Jan 2017

{US} V2 Crumblefish

Stand start on the hill-facing side between some shrubs with a solid left facing sidepull. Climb edges and incuts to the gradual and tall topout rife with iffy flakes. This would be a decent problem with some cleaning but currently suffers from scary amounts of loose rock up high.

FA: Nathan Sick, Jan 2017

Oldonyo Olowaa Hilltop Cat Boulder
{US} V2 Puss'n'boots

Left-most line on the boulder. Sit start on positive edges and make a big move up and left to a good edge over the scoop. Top out.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

{US} V2 Polecat

Sit start on good holds and climb straight up to gradual top out, avoiding some loose holds.

FA: Blake Stanley, Jan 2017

{US} V4 Musclecat

About 5 meters right of Polecat. Sit start on positive crimps. Make a move up and right to a good edge and then climb tenuous slopers straight up to top out. An area classic.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

Scenic Ridgeline Picture This
{US} V0 Picture This

Stand start on the positive but slopey arete and use good feet to climb to the top. Wear your Sunday best and have a photoshoot.

FA: Nathan Sick, Jan 2017

Scenic Ridgeline Nascar Boulder
{US} V6 No Mercy on the Moon

Furthest left (uphill) line on the boulder. Sit start at the blunt arete on a left-hand sidepull and sharp right-hand crimp. Climb the arete to the obvious finishing jug with wide moves and heelhooks.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

{US} V4 Dirt Track

Middle line. Sit start very low on sharp crimps. Make a tricky initial move to another sharp crimp and then climb straight up the face.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

{US} V2 If it's good enough for 3, it's good enough for me

Right-most line. Sit start on the flat edge, climb crimps and slopers to the top.

FA: Blake Stanley, Jan 2017

Endonyo Eshoilaa Ridgeline Egg
{US} V3 Bird-Up

Stand start on slopey ripple crimps high on the bulge. Use bad feet to jump to the jugs and then trend slightly left to delicately top out over some loose rock.

FA: Nathan Sick, Jan 2017

The Broken Egg Project

This was an elegant V7/8 that was very nearly sent before suffering from a key broken hold. It is still doable and is likely a quality V9 (or harder). Sit start with bad feet and matched on the obvious edge with shallow thumb catches. Get off the ground and make a difficult pull up and right to a poor gaston (originally a good crimp). From there jump to the jug and then traverse left a few feet to finish on the Bird-Up topout.

Endonyo Eshoilaa Ridgeline Testosterone
{US} V0 T, Got Any?

Left-most line on the corridor face. Climb good holds to the top.

FA: Blake Stanley, Jan 2017

{US} V2 Man Juice

Stand start matched on a jug. Move straight up with balancy pulls on edges and slopers. This is a fun problem.

FA: Blake Stanley, Jan 2017

{US} V5 Low-T

Sit start low with left hand on good slanting edge and right hand on a very sharp crimp. Make a hard move to gain the slopey arete and climb the rest of the balancy arete to topout.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

Endonyo Eshoilaa Ridgeline Loaf
{US} V3 Slice of Life

Start on sloping rail and loaf. Move straight up to crimps and top out.

FA: Blake Stanley

{US} V5 Manuel's Hamster

Sit start on a left-hand edge and with a right hand/heel match on the obvious ledge. Cross up to the pinch and move left to the loaf. Make a big move to a good crimp and then finish up on the same terrain as Slice of Life. Fun and natural movement.

FA: Nathan Sick, Jan 2017

Endonyo Eshoilaa Ridgeline Bear Hug
{US} V5 Bear Hug

Sit start on a pinch and a good edge on the left face of the boulder. Make a huge move left to a sharp crimp hidden around the blunt arete, and then top out. Height dependent for sure.

FA: Nathan Brand, Jan 2017

Arete Project

This will be a proud line somewhere in the V4-V8 range. Climbs the right arete of the boulder out to the obvious prow. Sit start on good left hand crimp and with your right hand on the best part of the arete. Use a poor blocky left hand edge on the face and right hand slopers to gain quartz jugs and pockets above. Continue to move up and left out the arete to the prow and top out. Alternatively, after the first few moves escape onto the quartz slab. Tall, but with a decently flat landing.


Mostrando os 18 vias.

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