
Pantai Pelindung

  • Contexto da graduação: FR
  • Fotos: 1
  • Ascensões: 16




Sharp Granite and slopers in most of the boulders. Need some experience to climb in this type of rocks.


easy place to get by grab or car. look for SUTRAVILLA APARTMENT 1 car park and walk to the bouldering area 200mt away from car park

Onde ficar

Sutra Damai Sea view Guesthouse is just at 200m away from the beach


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start low on the crack all the way up

Start low on the side wall all the way up

Stand start

start on the nice slopper left rock right to the crag follow the crimps to the top

FA: 7 Oct 2023

Start on the good crimp throw to a small crimp poor foot hold. finish straight up

FA: Leonardo, 7 Oct 2023

Start low on the good crimp go left to the jug up on the slab

Start low on the arete slopper. can use the left side crack to step

follow the long traverse crimp from left to right.

Set: Leonardo

Sit start on two sharp crimps then a one move wonder to the slopper. Use the foot hold left side

Set: Leonardo

Start pinch straight up sloper and top out

FA: Leonardo

sitting start on the right crimp and good right hand. same top out as cubo.

Stand start, use crack hand hold all the way up.

Traverse the whole boulder all sloppers

Balance on the lower part of the rock use the crimp and straight up to right hand and undercling.~ Sloper on the top out

Sit start

FA: tiaa

Sit start

Sit Start

FA: tiaa

Stand start on two sharp side pull

FA: Fathy, 17 Feb

Sit start on a good side pull

FA: tiaa, 17 Feb

Same sit start on good side-pull as Crashpad Landing On You.

FA: Fathy, 17 Feb

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Mon 15 May
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