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La Huasteca La Extremita Ultima Pared
5.10a La Huérfana

Plaqueta alta en un inicio sencillo.

5.8 Huasteco Miserable

Empieza donde esta el tubo. Usa la misma reunion de Kilo de Panditas, tambien puedes usar la ultima plaqueta de Kilo de Panditas. Se recomienda banda larga en la segunda plaqueta para evitar rozar la cuerda. Por esta ruta puedes conectar mas directo al 2do largo de Kilo de Panditas. Ruta hebrada.

5.10a Kilo de Panditas

1ra Ruta (5.9, 14m) va hacia la izquierda. Bien protegida. Puedes juntar 2do largo ( 5.10a, 6m) una pequeña ruta para rodear las plantas. 3er largo sin reunion y piedras sueltas( no subirse proyecto )

5.10a Jugo de Gummibaya

Ruta que empieza en un dihedro y pasa por un techo. Se recomienda usar bandas largas antes y despues del techo.

5.9 Pacheco Seguro

Ultima ruta de la zona a la derecha de jugo de gummibaya.

La Huasteca La Extremita
a la vuelta de la ultima pared

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca La Extremita a la vuelta de la ultima pared
5.8 Via Lactea

Inicio resbaladizo, escalada de travesia, la reunion tiene permanentes caseras y de dudosa calidad.

La Huasteca La Extremita
Ultimo Pilar

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca La Extremita Ultimo Pilar
5.7 Dirty Baby

Ruta que inicia con una grieta y continua con buenos agarres y pisaderas.

Recomendable para principiantes

Armadores: Jorge Humberto y Eleonor Perez

La Huasteca
Zona Extrema

Grades from 5.8 - 5.11D. A couple of clasic multi-pitch routes. You'll find lots of fun here.

La Huasteca Zona Extrema
5.8 El Güey del Jeep

Left most climb on south facing wall

5.10a Como tu mamá

Obvious roof with a big hole on it.

5.9 Manos de un Artista

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a El Chacal y la Piernuda

Este es el comienzo de un Multilargo de tres pitches, el cual no tiene nombre. Después del primer pitch, es una ruta bastante abandonada, llena de piedra suelta y mucho arbusto espinoso. Esta muy interesante como vas escalando por el filo de la montaña, con muchos balcones para descansar. Todos los pitches son 10a, con muy buenos agarres. Estaría bien limpiar la ruta, ya que es una muy buena opción para un multi para principiantes. Bajas usando las cadenas de “La Hiedra”, ya que acaban en el mismo lugar.

5.8 Kamasutra

Si evitas utilizar la rampa de la derecha, las primeras tres placas de esta ruta te dan un buen 5.10a con huecos pequeños y pisaderas de fricción.

5.9 La Hiedra

Hebrada - Runout P1: 9 bolts P2: 10 bolts P3: 9 bolts R.

Cuidado, hay roca suelta al final del tercer largo. La última reunión está ubicada dentro del canal de 4ta clase.

Watch for loose rock from last bolt to summit. Last anchorblocated in the 4th class canal.

La bajada - Descent

El segundo largo tiene una reunión intermedia (maillones) para cordadas con cuerda de 60m.

Second pitch has an intermediate anchor (mailons) for parties using 60m ropes.

Si tu cuerda es de 70m, usar la reunion que tiene un aro y cadena conectando los dos anclajes.

If your rope is 70m,use the anchors which has a ring and chain joining both anchors.

5.9 Queso Vais

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Queso Plais

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a La Selvita

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.8 La facilota de la derecha

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Rosca de Reyes

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Rosca de Reyes (extensión)

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Sendero Cacomixtlero

Cuerda de 70m mínimo para dar seguro en el primer largo.

2 largo casi terminado, falta la reunion.

5.10c El Arco


5.10d Emperador

Fun route if you stay on the face of the wall.

5.10b Carita de Feto

run out at the end. Watch for loose rock

hebrada al final y al tiro con las piedras.

5.10d Escalera del insecto

Super buena!

5.11c El Gran Maestro

6 largos los niveles son: 10a, 11c, 10-, 9, 10+ (diedro) 7 (2 plaquetas). Muy buena ruta, algo de roca suelta. Lleven unas 14 bandas, porq el 11 esta muy bien protegido.

6 pitches: 10a, 11c, 10-, 9, 10+, 7

5.10c Ácido Fólico

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Talav

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Viva la France

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Cacomixtle Huastequero


5.10c Ya no regresó

Ruta de muchos pies

5.10c Timón y Pumba

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Unknown 2

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a SinNombre

Tiene banda/cadena permanente antes del techo.

5.11 Desconocida pared chida

Cuerda de 70m obligatoria.

5.10b A mí me la pelas

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Sendero del Güero (path of the blondie)

Pitch one is a golden corner. 10b

Pitch two or better to do as an extension is 15 meteres of 11a baby tufa climbing.

This is the only golden corner at the Zona Extrema. It is in the middle of the wall.

5.10c La Nieta

Esta en una sección barrenada, Tiene una placa con su nombre.

5.10a De Cañon

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Veamos de que estas hecho

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11b Spiderman

bouldery start. if you follow the bolts then it's really a 5.11D

5.10b Patos de fuego

To the right of Spiderman

5.10d El Retorno

Perece que tiene corrosión galvánica

5.10a Guillermo Costecho

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11b Chiquita y Facilona

agarres invertidos unders y pisaderas muy tecnicas y resbalosas

5.10c Desconocida

Ruta entre chiquita y facilona y Patricio Gamboa. Reequipada.

5.10c Patricio Gamboa

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Niña en patines

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a La Cruda del Alquimista

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b La Fiesta de los Alebrijes

Usa la misma reunion que la ruta de la izquierda (la cruda del alquimista)

5.11d Don Paco

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Gravedad Cero

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Hobbit

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.8 Soldaditos

Around the right side of the main wall. 3rd pitch is rated "R" (runout) until finished (trad recomended for 3rd pitch if not done in solo). After the 3th. anchor, starts a trad multipitch, rated 5.9+ R/X. The name is Nicotina wich means nicotine. 3er largo es "R" (runout), desprotegido hasta reunion (se recomienda equipo de trad si no se quiere hacer en solo hasta reunion). Después de la tercer reunion, comienza una ruta en tradicional que va hasta la cima. Son 6 largos mas de escalada 5.9+ R/X. Nicotina es el nombre de la ruta en trad.

5.9 Nicotina

Esta ruta comienza desde el segundo largo de Soldaditos. Equipo requerido: 1 set de hexcentrics, 1 set de cams #1 - #4, 1 set de Nuts, 2 cuerdas de 70m. Para el descenso hay que caminar por la cresta hacia el este, al llegar al diedro, buscar las placas y hacer tres rapeles, el primero de 69m y dos de 50 mas.

5.9 Traditional Boy

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Mañana te digo

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a El Camino Correcto

80m rope needed. You can still climb it with a 70m rope, as you lower the climber and you run out of rope climb the easy slab to the first available ledge. From there the climber can untie and down-climb to the ground (about 3 meters)

5.10c Chulonsin

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11 Inyca

Comparte reunion con Warriors, muy bien protegida, se puede dar belay con cuerda de 70mts desde abaja o con cuerda de 60mts desde la repisa donde hay una proteccion para anclar al asegurador.

5.10b Warriors

Comparte reunion Inyca, se puede dar belay con cuerda de 70mts desde abaja o con cuerda de 60mts desde la repisa donde hay una proteccion para anclar al asegurador.

Quinta del Narco

There's a cool offwidth crack. Hay una grieta offwidth muy linda.

La Huasteca Zona Extrema Quinta del Narco
5.12c El melonismo

Ruta cortita, que sube por la grieta.

5.8 Fastlion

Hay una barda de blocks

La Huasteca Zona Extrema
Toilet Bowl

Underestimated area where you can find high quality slab 10s and 11s on the left and great overhanging 12+s on the right. Shade all year all day.

La Huasteca Zona Extrema Toilet Bowl
Pared izquierda (rappel)

Es la pared que tienes de lado izquierdo cuando entras al cañón del Excusado/Toilet Bowl.

V0 Pequeña Ruta

Es la primer ruta del lado izquierdo (cuando entras al cañón) super cortita. Ya no tiene plaquetas.

5.9 Pequeño diedro gris

Ruta corta que comienza en la pared naranja y sube a un pequeño diedro gris. Posibilidad de hacer topout y bajar por el otro lado.

5.10b Boa Boa

Es la últíma ruta antes de las estaciones de rappel.

Súper cortita.

La reunión tiene dos maillones, no tiene cadenas.

5.11b Limestone Plumber

Es la primer ruta que está más larga y termina debajo de la estación de rappel.

Se agregaron mallones a la reunión abr 2023.

5.11b Butt Rash

Es la segunda ruta que está más larga y su reunión está debajo de la estación de rappel.

5.10+ Condor

es la última ruta al fondo del cañón, tiene una reunión intermedia. La primer sección tiene muchos agarres que son artificiales. La segunda sección es una grieta muy bonita.

Ruta X

Ruta al fondo del cañon. Proyecto abierto, a Feb 2024 sin ascenso.

Pared derecha (desplome)

Es la pared que tienes a la derecha cuando entras al cañón del Excusado/Toilet Bowl con desplome casi cueva.

5.12d Golden Coneja

Es la primera ruta de esta pared de lado izquierdo de la arista quebradiza (los agarres están bastante sólidos).

5.12c Teenage Wasteland

Es la ruta qué pasa por la derecha de la arista quebradiza.

2 Bolts

Solo son 2 plaquetas.

7 Bolts

Solo son 7 plaquetas sin reunión.

Techo 1 (gris)

Es la ruta que pasa por el techo del lado izquierdo donde la pierda es muy gris.

5.12c Royal Flush

Es la ruta que pasa por el techito que está del lado derecho donde la roca es un poco más naranja.

Derecha del bloque naranja

Esta ruta pasa por la pared plana naranja y luego por el desplome para después salir por la derecha del bloque naranja de arriba.

5.12d Golden Shower

Pasa por la pared amarilla, sigue por un techo y termina en una grieta.

La Huasteca Zona Extrema

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca
Pico Tatewari (Abuelo Fuego)

This is the most impressive wall of all la Huasteca. The rock on its 550m of climbing is just fantastic.Excellent grip on dihedrsls, crimps pockets..on excellent limestone. There are around 7 or 8 routes here. We opened a couple (Nayeri and Pau).both sport climbing multi-pitch routes. Most of the routes sre sport but there are 2 or 3 mixed cñimbibg routes too. Winterbis the season to climb here


You have to drive through a gate where a man asks for donations to the community. Just give him something above 20 pesos and be friendly (just like him)

La Huasteca Guitarritas
Las Abejas

Siguiendo por el camino tras pasar el Pico, donde el camino gira hacia la derecha, la zona se encuentra justo enfrente, pared que se distingue por su color en tonalidad naranja

La Huasteca Guitarritas Las Abejas
5.11c Felicidad Noble

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a El Alemán Cagado

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

Cuerda Fija/Fixed rope

ATENCION: Ruta sin terminar WARNING: unfinished route

5.12a to 5.12b Efecto Dragon

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a (Unamed)

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11c Cordero Cerote

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c to 5.10d El Velero Varado

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c to 5.10d Otra Oportunidad

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a to 5.11b Amarga Miel

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Guitarritas
El Pico

Area localizada pasando El Jardin, a un metro del camino, roca de forma triangular, la primer ruta se encuentra sobre la cara y las otras dos estan a la vuelta por el lado izquierdo. Se podría decir que es parte de El Jardín, pero del otro lado de la cerca de alambre de puas.

La Huasteca Guitarritas El Pico
5.10b Unknown 1

Comienza a la izquierda y atrás del pico que esta alado del camino. Es complicado llegar a la base de la ruta y esta muy llena de maleza con espinas.

5.8 Agua Destilada

Ruta a la izquierda de Cushio de Xolo, primer reunion en una repisa grande, ambos largos son 5.8, muy sucia

Mostrando 301 - 400 de 2,175 nodes.

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