
Nodes em Puente de Dios

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Puente de Dios

Es una zona con rutas desde 5.10 a 5.13. La carretera pasa por encima del puente natural de roca en donde se escala.

5.10b Bitter Bentley

7 bolts + 2 reunión.

Esta es la primera ruta que esta separada de las demás, esta a la mera derecha.

5.10d Catholic School Girl

Start rightof Sunday School. Pull roof to interesting face above.

5.10c Sunday School

Start right of Machete. Move up through cryptic face climbing. A must do.

5.10b Machete de Don Evaristo

Start on a grey buttress to the right of a cave. Technical moves lead to steeper climbing above.

5.10b El Pulgar Negro

Bouldery start on the right edge of the small cave followed by two overhangs above. Shares anchors with El Machete.

5.10c Santo

Start up a dihedral to the left of the small cave. Tug through the roof onto delicate rock. The first route at the Puente!

5.11b Blue Demon

Start up a technical textured face and then move up and left through the crux. The climbing on the upper delicate rock is harder than it looks.

5.11c Blue Angel

Start Angel Obscuro end at Blue Demon.

5.12a Angel Obscuro

Scramble up a short dihedral and step left below a roof to the first bolt. Pull the roof and then climb up a left to the top of the cliff. The only water streak on the wall runs down this route, making it often dirty up high.

Super Fly

The bottom roof moves are bouldery and high dependant. Some locking biners on the second draw won’t hurt. Once you get the smiley, climb the face and work right past the second roof. This one ends about two-thirds of the way up the cliff.

5.12b Grindhouse Double Feature

Start on large boulder. Move up a technical face to the large roof. Pull this and finish carefully up two more bolts. Ends low because of loose rock above.

5.12a La Mala Vida

Starts off the boulder and follows the leaning crack left and then up through pumpy roofs.

5.12c Jason’s Route

The final route before the rotten cave half way up the cliff.

V1 Downtime Boulder

Start sitting with undercut feet. Left hand on edge right hand on good sloper. Pull up into huge undercling in the middle of the boulder and top out. Many variations exist.

5.12d Arch Enemigo

The rightmost route on the huge Archangel Wall. Start up a slab and work to a zigzag crack. Then follow pockets and horizontals to the anchors. Pumpy and physical. Wear long pants to maximize rests. A huge 30m rope swing can be rigged from the anchors of Arch Enemigo.

5.11b Bad Burrito

Start on the cobble wall below the slabs. Three bolts take you to the slabs and then pull on to the orange pillar that is much steeper than it seems.

5.12c The Promiseland

Start on bolts for Bad Burrito but head left at large ledge. Overhanging endurance climb on stellar rock. Big moves and big air on this Puente de Dios classic. A must do.

The Devil’s Backbone

Once you enter the Underworld, double back on a scary ledge using three bolts to gain an upper ledge and some belay bolts. Climb a fin between the cave and the Archangel wall.

Archbishop open project

Start standing on a rock, clip, grab cobbles and go. Severely overhanging endurance route. End at Archbishop’s Hat shaped hueco.

5.13a Pull and Pray

Starts immediately right of Genuflex. Start on spoogy rock to excellent horizontal jug pulling. Continuous hard moves up into the huge hole. Sustained.

Genuflex project

Please don´t litter, some crags like LaHuasteca are a little runout, but thats how they were set, please avoid adding bolts. Rebolting efforts are much apreciated, just send a heads up to the local climbing comunity for safety reasons.

5.12d Church of Satan

The second route off the lower ledge. Start a bit left of the bolts and climb out very steep rock. Long moves on big jugs. Exposed. Throw the climber a rope to avoid lowering all the way to the river.

Pinky in the Brain


5.13 Blood Baptism (proyect)

Start at the farthest point you can walk to under the arch. Climb straight up.

5.13a/b The Hanging Judge

Start at the further point you can walk to under the arch. Climb straight out left through a large horizontal pod before turn up out the arch. The climber disappears from sight up the other side. Lower across the river.

Alex's Proyect

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