
Ascensões em The Crackhouse como Lead

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Mostrando os 3 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sat 3rd Oct 2020 - Hospital Flat
The Crackhouse
21 20 Critics' Choice - with joe Wearne Sport 30m, 8 Average
A few cruxy bits with run out bolts. I wouldn't want to fall on this route.

Tue 10th Sep 2019 - Hospital Flat
The Crackhouse
19 Wanna Be A Crack Climber Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Camilo Cabrera
Fri 13th Apr 2018 - Hospital Flat
The Crackhouse
22 Karearea Crack Trad 20m Very Good
Max Gordon
Failed onsight attempt getting super pumped beneath the crux and not having the mental game to commit to it, had to weight the gear. Placed all the gear on lead for the tick. Interesting, fun climbing with bomber gear bottom to top. I only placed one small alien cam after the crux but came aren't needed.


Mostrando os 3 ascensões.

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