
Publications linked in Slovakia

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Author(s): V. Linek

Data: 2022

Comprehensive climbing guidebook for the Small Carpathians (near Bratislava) - 12 climbing areas located south of Záhorie Skaly.

Setores: Záhorie

Author(s): Vladimir Linek

Data: 2022

Climbing guide for 5 climbing areas in the Low Tatras - Machnaté, Siná, Repiská, Ostredok and Ertoid - a total of 482 routes in almost all grades.

Setores: Machnatô , Demänovská dolina

Author(s): Peter Simkanin

Data: 2018

ISBN: 9788097201777

16 climbing areas in eastern Slovakia and one area in northern Hungary - almost 1,300 well drilled single pitches.

Setores: Slovenský raj , Muránská planina , Slovenský kras , Volovské vrchy , Slanské vrchy , Nízke Tatry

Mostrando os 3 publications.

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