
Ascensões em Ilkley

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 216 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Aug 2023 - Ilkley
The Quarry
VS 4c Napoleon Trad 15m Very Good
Wed 7th Jun 2023 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
S The Flake Climb - with scott Trad 15m
Connor Williamson
Sat 9th Jul 2022 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
S The Flake Climb Trad 15m
Connor Williamson
Sat 9th Jul 2022 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Two Buttress
4b HS 4b The Strid Trad 10m
Connor Williamson
Sat 2nd Apr 2022 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
MS Three Slabs Route Trad 11m
Connor Williamson
Sat 2nd Apr 2022 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Six Buttress
D Holly Tree Route Trad 15m
Connor Williamson
Wed 16th Jun 2021 - Ilkley
The Quarry
VS VS 4c Blucher Trad 15m
Rory Anderson
on adam's gear. nice climbing towards the top

Tue 23rd Jun 2020 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
S The Flake Climb Trad 15m Very Good
Luke Chaffee
First trad lead of the year! Cool moves at the end!

Thu 28th May 2020 - Ilkley
The Quarry
E4 5c E4 5c Wellington Crack Trad 16m Classic
Michael Lehmann
E4 5c E4 5c Wellington Crack Trad 16m Classic
Michael Lehmann
E4 5c E4 5c Wellington Crack Trad 16m Classic
Michael Lehmann
E4 5c E4 5c Wellington Crack Trad 16m Classic
Michael Lehmann
Trying to get pumped to keep the endurance up.

Fri 31st Oct 2014 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c Blucher Trad 15m Average
Vincent Weight
HVD Fairy Steps Trad 15m Average
Vincent Weight
Thu 10th Sep 2009 - Ilkley
The Quarry
5c E1 5c Tufted Crack Trad 15m Classic
Jim Croft
Led to near top, took two falls, got pumped. Dogged on second after Dan led on my gear. Close, but still a bit of improvement required.

Cherry Valley Rib Trad 15m Good
Jim Croft
Dan led.

4b MVS 4b Old Crack Trad 15m Good
Jim Croft
Polished and a bit baggy.

Fri 10th Jul 2009 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b MVS 4b Josephine Superdirect Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
With Jon

Wed 10th Jun 2009 - Ilkley
The Quarry
HVD Fairy Steps Trad 15m Average
Jim Croft
Jon and Penny

VD Nailbite Trad 15m Average
Jim Croft
With Penny.

2009 - Ilkley
The Cow
E9 7b E9 7b Gerty Berwick Trad 20m
James Pearson
Thu 25th Sep 2008 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Six Buttress
4c Illegitimate Crack Trad 15m Good
Jim Croft
Finally got back to lead it and it was still damp.

Thu 25th Sep 2008 - Ilkley
The Quarry
5c Tufted Crack Trad 15m Classic
Jim Croft
Pete Harris led, glad I seconded it, very tough.

Tue 24th Jun 2008 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c Walewska Trad 15m Mega Classic
Jim Croft
Bloody classic mate.

Letter Box Crack Trad 9m Good
Jim Croft
Offwidth, say no more.

4c VS 4c Blucher Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
Good gear.

Josephine Superdirect Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
Have led before.

5a HVS 5a Peg Crack Trad 7m Good
Jim Croft
Hard finger locking and flary.

Letter Box Crack Trad 9m Good
Jim Croft
Tenk led, finished up top of Curving Cracks.

Wed 26th Sep 2007 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
MS Oak Tree Slab Unknown 10m Average
Jim Croft
A bit greenand slippy, was very windy, so we drove over to Chevin to do Chevin Buttress. Better, but still cold out of the wind. A turn in the weather.

Sat 23rd Sep 2006 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4a HS 4a Flake Crack Trad 10m Good
Jim Croft
Slightly damp, but very positive holds on the side of the flake. Stu seconded.

Sat 23rd Sep 2006 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Six Buttress
4c Illegitimate Crack Trad 15m Good
Jim Croft
Quite hard for VS 4c, but it had been raining and some parts were slimy lichen. Luverly.

Sat 23rd Sep 2006 - Ilkley
The Cow
4c S 4c A Climb Trad 25m Mega Classic
Jim Croft
Still good after 100 years of ascents. Brian led middle pitch.

Sat 23rd Sep 2006 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number One Buttress
Beeline Trad 11m Classic
Jim Croft
A pity it had rained during the night, leaving the crux moves very insecure. Seconded clean, leading would of been tenuous, Stu did well. Pro is excellent.

Sat 23rd Sep 2006 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
S The Flake Climb Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
Had started to dry out by the time we got on it. Stu seconded.

Thu 10th Aug 2006 - Ilkley
Doris Buttress
Transparent Wall Trad 13m Average
Jim Croft
Tenk set up a top rope on this, as he remembered leading it a while back. Needs some agent orange or a flame thrower.

Thu 10th Aug 2006 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c Napoleon Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
Crux move near top.

4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m Mega Classic
Jim Croft
How can a climb that looks like this only be VS. Holds appear just when you need them with bomber protection. Best yet at Ilkley for me.

Tue 25th Jul 2006 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b HS 4b Josephine Direct Trad 16m Very Good
Jim Croft
Superb, well protected climbing.

4b HS 4b Josephine Trad 18m Very Good
Jim Croft
Great climb, despite the drunken yobs at the top of the cliff shouting at climbers and mothers following their kids around the quarry wearing stilletto shoes!

Flake Crack Trad 10m Very Good
Jim Croft
Kate led.

Sun 23rd Jul 2006 - Ilkley
Doris Buttress
VD Sinister Cracks Trad 12m Good
Jim Croft
Sun 23rd Jul 2006 - Ilkley
The Calf and Area
VD Second Arete Unknown 5m Don't Bother
Jim Croft
Sat 6th May 2006 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
MS Three Slabs Route Trad 11m Average
Jim Croft
Not as protected as the guidebook suggests.

Sat 6th May 2006 - Ilkley
The Cow
4a Chiseller Trad 10m Average
Jim Croft
Seconded Tenko

Sat 6th May 2006 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b MVS 4b Josephine Superdirect Trad 15m Very Good
Jim Croft
Polished to glass, gets VS in some books

Sat 6th May 2006 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Four Buttress
D Long Chimney Unknown 13m Very Good
Jim Croft
John Howard's second lead

S Sentry Box Trad 10m Very Good
Jim Croft
Did the direct start, seems harder than Severe. Good gear, gently overhanging.

Mon 10th Apr 2006 - Ilkley
The Quarry
6a E1 6a Peg Wall Trad 7m
Joe Alexander
4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m
Joe Alexander
D Sand Chimney Trad 14m
Joe Alexander
4a HS 4a Flake Crack Trad 10m
Joe Alexander
5c E1 5c Flake Crack Direct Trad 10m
Joe Alexander
VD Nailbite Trad 15m
Joe Alexander
5a HVS 5a Peg Crack Trad 7m
Joe Alexander
D Wellington Chimney Trad 15m
Joe Alexander
5a HVS 5a Overhanging Blocks Trad 4m
Joe Alexander
Wed 14th Sep 2005 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m Classic
Sick Tom
5c E1 5c Tufted Crack Trad 15m Classic
Sick Tom
HVD Fairy Steps Trad 15m Average
Sick Tom
Thu 12th May 2005 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c Blucher Trad 15m Good
Rob Till
VD Nailbite Trad 15m Average
Rob Till
Fri 1st Apr 2005 - Ilkley
The Quarry
Blucher Trad 15m
Sean J
Fri 1st Apr 2005 - Ilkley
Doris Buttress
S Doris Trad 17m Average
Sean J
Deathwatch Unknown 11m Very Good
Sean J
Fri 1st Apr 2005 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m Very Good
Sean J
Tue 1st Feb 2005 - Ilkley
The Quarry
5c E1 5c Tufted Crack Trad 15m Classic
Sean J
Sun 1st Aug 2004 - Ilkley
The Quarry
5a VS 5a Curving Cracks Trad 18m
Alex Lai
4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m
Alex Lai
4c VS 4c Walewska Trad 15m
Alex Lai
Sun 1st Aug 2004 - Ilkley
The Cow
4c HS 4c Ferdinand Trad 15m
Alex Lai
4c MVS 4c Evening Wall Trad 7m
Alex Lai
Sun 1st Aug 2004 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b MVS 4b Josephine Superdirect Trad 15m
Alex Lai
4b HS 4b Josephine Trad 18m
Alex Lai
Thu 13th May 2004 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b HS 4b Josephine Direct Trad 16m Very Good
Christian Richardson
VD Nailbite Trad 15m Good
Christian Richardson
Sat 5th Jul 2003 - Ilkley
The Quarry
HVD Fairy Steps Trad 15m Average
Robin Hogger
4b HS 4b Josephine Trad 18m Good
Robin Hogger
2003 - Ilkley
Doris Buttress
E3 5b E3 5b Sinister Rib Trad 15m
Karl Bromelow
Thu 6th Dec 2001 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4b MVS 4b Old Crack Trad 15m
Ian Holmes
HVD Fairy Steps Trad 15m
Ian Holmes
Fri 25th Sep 1998 - Ilkley
The Cow
4b HS 4b Cold Chisel Trad
Matt Tranter
4c S 4c A Climb Trad 25m
Matt Tranter
Fri 25th Sep 1998 - Ilkley
The Quarry
4c VS 4c S Crack Trad 15m
Matt Tranter
4b HS 4b Josephine Direct Trad 16m
Matt Tranter
Fri 25th Sep 1998 - Ilkley
The Cow
4a HS 4a Chiseller Trad 10m
Matt Tranter
Wed 25th Apr 1984 - Ilkley
The Quarry
Flake Crack Trad 10m
Andrew Stelmach
D Sand Chimney Trad 14m
Andrew Stelmach
1984 - Ilkley
The Quarry
Wellington Crack Trad 16m
Donald Gibson
5a HVS 5a Cherry Valley Rib Trad 15m
Donald Gibson
5b E3 5b High Street Trad 10m
Donald Gibson
Tue 1st Jun 1982 - Ilkley
The Quarry
Not Tonight Josephine Trad 15m Average
Donald Gibson
Seconded by Huw. Wrongly credited in Yorkshire Grit Guide but it's not a particularly good climb so I'm not too fussed. We originally called it Not Tonight (without the Josephine) as it took two evenings to put up and it was close to the various other Napoleon theme names.

Sun 16th May 1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Six Buttress
4c Illegitimate Crack Trad 15m
Donald Gibson
4c VS 4c The Ogre Trad 12m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number One Buttress
D Cooper's Slab Trad 8m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Five Buttress
S Little B Route Trad 9m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
The Quarry
6a Guillotine Trad 13m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Six Buttress
D Overhanging Chockstone Crack Unknown 7m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Two Buttress
Scoop and Hole Unknown 10m
Donald Gibson
1982 - Ilkley
Rocky Valley Number Three Buttress
S The Flake Climb Trad 15m
Donald Gibson

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 216 ascensões.

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