
Ascensões de Fruit Loops

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Mostrando os 46 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Wed 8th Mar 2017 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with TJ
1 5.7 lead by Charles Cooper
2 5.7 lead by Charles Cooper
Trad 43m Classic
Charles Cooper
Led both pitches.

Wed 1st Feb 2017 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with TJ Trad 43m Classic
Charles Cooper
Did both pitches, led the second pitch. Got both pitches clean.

Sat 4th Jul 2015 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with Jennifer Brown Trad 43m Good
Thomas Johnson
Though I've led this route prior I really wanted to practice my jamming. So i set out to do laps on it. First go was a flash.

5.7 Fruit Loops - with Jennifer Brown Trad 43m Good
Thomas Johnson
Second lap was less than stellar. Slipped on wet patch while smearing up to a crimp.

5.7 Fruit Loops - with Jennifer Brown Trad 43m Good
Thomas Johnson
Came back again for a third go and got it clean again. My jamming is getting better.

Mon 1st Dec 2014 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Jakob Kapelj
Linked pitch 1 and 2 on a 70m rope.

Fri 28th Nov 2014 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Good
Thomas Johnson
Crux is def. at the bottom.

Sun 9th Nov 2014 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with Jakob Kapelj Trad 43m Very Good
Charles Cooper
Did first pitch only

Sat 4th Jan 2014 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with Marci Westfall Trad 43m Very Good
Jakob Kapelj
Nice pitch with some thin feet and awesome fingers.

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Marci Westfall
Sun 8th Dec 2013 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Jakob Kapelj
Nice climb, suitable for beginner leader.

Sun 27th Feb 2011 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
John Saunders
Sun 6th Feb 2011 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
John Saunders
Fri 26th Nov 2010 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops - with Adra Lobdell Trad 43m Very Good
Charles Cooper
Sat 16th Oct 2010 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
John Saunders
Wed 23rd Apr 2008 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
greg hoover
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
greg hoover
Sat 28th Oct 2006 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
Jeff Mekolites
Sat 15th Oct 2005 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Chris Hill
Sat 5th Mar 2005 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
Jeff Mekolites
Wed 26th May 2004 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Daniel Carlson
Wed 26th Nov 2003 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
robbie wellman
my first climb on a real rock and loved it.

Tue 14th Oct 2003 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Robert Joppe
Fri 15th Aug 2003 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Good
Wesley Calkins
Tue 1st May 2001 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Good
Jill McFarlane
Crack climb

2000 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
walt peters
Wed 1st Jul 1998 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Dave Frederick
Thu 10th Jul 1997 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Thomas Forrest Lannin
Sun 2nd Jul 1989 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Dave Frederick
Tue 13th Apr 2010 - Rumbling Bald
Cereal Buttress
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Sara Harris
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Good
Fun, easy climb

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
Sean Cobourn
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
Nick Brown

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Mega Classic
michael reitermayer
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Josh Odom
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Classic
sara g
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Brian Hedrick
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Chad Morgan
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Average
ben johnson
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
Bradley D. Scott
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
Austin Field

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Very Good
5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m
scott basso
great gear. not that hard but nice climb and it gets busy on the weekend, beucase the younger crowds like RB.

5.7 Fruit Loops Trad 43m Good
Brad Caldwell

Mostrando os 46 ascensões.

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