
Voies dans Bluff Major North Face

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Affichant les 15 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
30 The Mule

Start up Very Anxious then before joining Anxiety Neurosis move L under the roof and blast through the roof and up the overhanging wall above staying between Kama Sutra and AN. Finish at AN p1 loweroffs or continue up any pitch above to the summit. FA early noughties IIRC ... clarification welcome.

FA: Dave Jones

Trad mixte 25m, 4
26 R Very Anxious

Sounds like it might be serious, or maybe it's just that Louise was having a go at Kim's psyche. Who knows. Start down L of AN and go straight up to join AN at it's crux. Finish at AN pitch 1 lower-offs.

FA: Kim Carrigan, 1984

Trad 20m
26 R Holy Moses

Start at the first belay of AN. Up the face just L of the arete (the arete being p2 of AN). Then join a sickle with a fixed wire. Sparse pro. Finish at lower-offs above AN pitch 2.

FA: Mark Moorhead & Kim Carrigan, 1981

Trad 20m
26 Anxiety Neurosis

Start under the R side of the low overhang on the N arete of Bluff Major.

  1. 15m (26) Head out left past 2 high FH's and an unnecessary, rusty carrot that's pulling out, then step down and left to arete before heading back upwards again to ledge with lower-offs.

  2. 12m (24) Great pitch up the arete past a few bolts, go L at the top for the grade 24 version, or direct for the grade 26 version (listed separately here but now the accepted finish), to lower-offs on top.

Trad mixte 27m, 2, 4
26 Anxiety Neurosis P2 Direct

From the anchor of Anxiety P1, head straight up the arete on its right side, but instead of deviating out left in the last two-thirds (original finish), keep trucking up the arete all the way, to lower-offs.

FA: Jill McLeod

Sportive 20m
27 Anxiety Neurosis Original Line

As for AN but follow the original aid line up leftwards from the 2nd FH - don't drop down to get to the arete. Bouldery. Start as for AN.

Sportive 20m, 2
30 Leaps and Bounds
Trad 35m
30 Leaps

Bolted by Kimbo decades ago, this long-standing problem succumbed to the short strong bloke with dreads. Start as for Anxiety Neurosis and boulder direct through the bulge to the start of Bounds and finish up it or Anticipation.

FA: Davey Jones, 1998

Sportive 10m, 3
22 Anticipation

Start 2-3m L of Missing Link.

  1. 25m (22) Up over low roof then short flake for 6m, then traverse left above the roofs past a FH to belay as for Anxiety Neurosis. A 4 camalot is handy at the start.

  2. 20m (22) Step L and climb a thin seam which is just R of pitch 2 of Kama Sutra, and just L of Holy Moses.

FA: Mark Moorhead & Kim Carrigan, 1981

Trad 45m, 2
26 Bounds

Follow Anticipation towards AN, as far as a ledge with a FH. Now go straight up disconnected seams to a bolt then step L to bulging crack, finishing at lower-offs above ND. Needs plenty of #3 RPs.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Geoff Weigand, 1984

Trad mixte 30m, 2
26 R New Diocese Bulk More Direct

Up ND but instead of trending R go up then L, very bold, to lower-offs.

Eddy Mofardin has also climbed a variant, perhaps a bit further left of Roland's line, but this could do with clarification. Eddy

FA: Roland Foster & Philby, 1984

Trad 30m
25 New Diocese

Start as for A. Up to the top of the flake then step down and go L, and up a seam with tough moves into a R-leaning sickle. This line actually joins Preservative Added about here, but next you need to trend L up the steep headwall to lower-offs.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Mark Moorhead, 1981

Trad 30m
18 R Preservative Added

An extremely rare case of Kevin aborting a ground up trad route in order to resort to a bolt placed on rap. But then again he was probably about 12 at the time so we'll excuse him this time. Start as for ML. Pro requires care before the bolt.

FA: Kevin Lindorff, Jim Grellis & John Chapman, 1975

Trad mixte 30m, 1
17 R Missing Link

The low traverse makes it essential to use double ropes if you wish to avoid groundfall potential. After that the gear becomes more heartening, and the climbing is great. Start in the middle of the West face of Bluff Major, where the ground is at it's highest point. Finish direct to chains on R side of summit boulder, or slightly easier to L side of boulder. Please don't toprope direct off the chains as they see a lot of traffic.

Ann Pauligk's bold early-mid 1970s ascent may have been the first Aussie female ascent at this grade.

FA: Reg Williams, Peter Jackson & Chris Dewhirst (1 aid piton), 1965

NA: Ann Pauligk, 1975

Trad 30m
17 R Missing Link Direct Finish

Start as for ML. After the initial traverse, go straight up the whole way, finishing 5m R of the capping boulder.

FA: Ross Cayley & Richard Chin, 1986

Trad 30m

Affichant les 15 voies total.

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