
Ascensions dans Mt Abrupt comme Working

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  • Moyen de transport
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Affichant les 4 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Dim 16 Juin 2019 - South-Eastern Grampians
Mt Abrupt Bernard's Boulders Jimmy's Bloc
V5 The History of Screaming Bloc 6m Excellent
Tom Hodges
Got to the mantel but backed off without a spotter.

Lun 13 Mars 2017 - South-Eastern Grampians
Mt Abrupt Bernard's Boulders Jimmy's Bloc
V6 Reclusive Genius Bloc 5m Classique
Dim 12 Mars 2017 - South-Eastern Grampians
Mt Abrupt Bernard's Boulders Jimmy's Bloc
V7 Journey Through the Cosmoss Bloc 4m Excellent
Mar 3 Jan 2017 - South-Eastern Grampians
Mt Abrupt Bernard's Boulders Jimmy's Bloc
V3 Leather Bound Pound Bloc 5m Bon

Affichant les 4 ascensions total.

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