
Ascensions dans Scenic Rim comme croix de types variés par Mark Gamble

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 209 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité
Sam 12 Sept 2020 - Mt Maroon
The Hourglass Cliffs Grey Wall
17 Black Munga - avec Max Sportive 42m, 13 Dans la moyenne
Rather thin crux, couldn't pull it off clean. Good lead by Max.

18 Black Velvet - avec Max Sportive 52m, 16 Dans la moyenne
Some "16". Very thin, very sustained - right to the end over the death blocks. I think I had less than 20,000 rests. But it did take me about 2hrs to second.

Bold lead by Max. Very well done matey.

Mar 1 Sept 2020 - Mt Maroon
The Hourglass Cliffs Grey Wall
17 Karma - avec Hilton Trad mixte 42m, 9
Good lead by Hilton, good gear placements.

Couldn't manage the crux without a rest. 4.5hrs sleep just doesn't cut it. :-(

16 Dogma - avec hilton Trad mixte 42m, 10 Bon
Good lead by Hilton.

Sam 22 Août 2020 - Mt Maroon
The Hourglass Cliffs Grey Wall
16 Dogma - avec Daniel Smith, Genevieve Kieseker Trad mixte 42m, 10 Bon
Almost didn't make it clean! Tough exit.

Good lead by Daniel.

14 Your Karma Ran Over My Dogma - avec Genevieve Kieseker, Daniel Smith Trad mixte 40m, 7 Excellent
Brilliant rock, brilliant climbing. Easily the best, so far, at the Grey Wall. Nice confident lead Gen.

15 Stigma - avec Genevieve Kieseker, Daniel Smith Trad mixte 45m, 7 Excellent
Lovely climbing over grippy rock.

Mer 1 Août 2018 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
13 Clockwork Orange Corner - avec peter martland Trad 15m Classique
Couldn't do it clean.

Mar 5 Juil 2011 - Mt Maroon
Grogan Wall
14 Instamatic Trad 50m Excellent
Set out to do a 30m 12, ended up with a 50m 14. Set up a belay half way up - Brian finished. The gear was pretty good on it. MEGA exposure.

Dim 1 Nov. 2009 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
20 Cock Crack Trad 38m Excellent
Wow, what a line. Pity I'm so *%$@ up at the moment, couldn't pull thru those crux moves. Nice gear all the way, just as well I had the #5 & 6 cams with for Pete to use.

Dim 18 Oct. 2009 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
16 Panic Run Trad 50m Bon
Could barely manage this pitch.

16 Panic Run P2 Trad 50m Excellent
Didn't have the stamina or guts to do this clean, but got there in the end :-(

Sam 5 Sept 2009 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 Trad 12m Excellent
Tried to get Matt's gear out but failed, it's well & truly wedged in there.

Ven 4 Sept 2009 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
15 Vegetation Row Non-défini 30m Bon
Following Steve up it this time, I would say 15, but very enjoyable & good gear.

10 Barney Rubble Non-défini 22m Bon
Nice corner, Pity it's so short.

14 Doomsday Block Non-défini 24m Pas la peine
Didn't see the huge block/flake till I got up there, pretty scary stuff. But nice offwidth, got to use my Bigbro #4 for the first time.

Mer 2 Sept 2009 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Electric Lead Trad 26m Excellent
Meinen Gotten!! My bane, my nemises & I got up it clean & without further damaging the left hand. Just have to approach that crux hold differently. Dave belayed. (The rock fall is super scarey.)

Dim 30 Août 2009 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
15 Vegetation Row Non-défini 30m Bon
Dave thought 15, I thought 13, so we split the difference. Very nice nice moves on the flake/corner once past all the vines & s**t.

Sam 11 Oct. 2008 - Mt Maroon
Grogan Wall
16 Dangleberry Trad 50m Excellent
With Andrew. Was looking for Grogan, but missed it by 10m. Andrew was pretty fit on the day.

Mer 23 Juil 2008 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
12 Witches Cauldron Trad 18m Classique
After Craig.

15 Rest Area Ahead Trad 10m Dans la moyenne
After Craig. Made a mess of the crux move.

12 Witches Cauldron Pitch 1 Trad 12m Excellent
After Craig.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classique
After Craig. Fell my way up it. Should do this more often to get that jamming technique down.

Jeu 3 Juil 2008 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
13 The Technician V & VF Trad 40m Bon
With Steve. Was a bit hot on the day. Much better quality than I had anticipated.

17 The Technician Trad mixte 35m, 1 Bon
With Steve. Better than I had expected with some interesting moves around the tree & thru the caves.

Mer 18 Juin 2008 - Mt Maroon
Paparazzi Cliff
16 18 Luftwaffel. Short Version (Luftwaffel p1 LHS) Sportive 18m, 5 Excellent
Committing crux & the loose rock meant I had to back off & re-assess. Trad = I clipped the crux bolt only.

18 19 Luftwaffel p2, Cave version (Luftwaffel) Sportive 15m, 8 Excellent
Some sexy moves coming out of the cave. Wouldn't like to have fallen whilst pulling up the rope to clip. Sharp crystals on the top section trashed my legs. Steve did well to 2nd cleanly.

18 19 Luftwaffel p2, Cave version (Luftwaffel) Sportive 15m, 8 Excellent
Couple of sexy moves at the lip, wouldn't like to have fallen while I was pulling up the rope to clip. Some very sharp crystals on the top section. Steve did well to 2nd cleanly.

17 Brunhilde Sportive 48m, 12 Excellent
With Steve. Been saving a trad onsight for a while now, only needed to clip the one bolt out of 12! Some nice moves on it.

Jeu 5 Juin 2008 - Mt Maroon
The Annex
14 Serendipity - Variant Trad 45m Bon
With Terry & Steve. Looked a bit blank from the ground, but it was good once I got into the corner, lots of gear and stances.

Jeu 5 Juin 2008 - Mt Maroon
The Insignificant Cliff
12 Tick It Easy Trad 25m Dans la moyenne
Too much shattered rock to give it a "good" rating, but I liked the arete and the moves up it. After Terry & Steve.

Mer 14 Mai 2008 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Slush Puppy Trad 25m Classique
Don't know what the F "runout" Andy was talking about when he lead this 3 years ago, there's gear all over the place! I got something like 20 pieces of gear in! Had to dog it unfortunately, think the GFs coming back ;-( Ron 2nded clean.

Mer 7 Mai 2008 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress Simon Vos Ledge
12 Chicken Run Trad 12m Dans la moyenne
Ron spotted this one after we did Dream Run, nice spot! Very short but a nice little challenge.

15 Dream Run Trad 15m Classique
Woohoo! Finally!! Went back after 10mths away and the gear was still on it - how cool is that??? No where near the 18 I thought it would be, 2nd time round, but definitely a quality route.

Mar 8 Avr 2008 - Frog Buttress
East of the access track
14 Electric Lead Trad 26m Excellent
Damien did most of the work placing gear, but even then I couldn't do it clean. Sprained the left hand again - badly. Ron belayed & 2nded.

10 Sunday Afternoon Walk Trad 12m Excellent
Ron's first lead in 33 years or so, well done & a good lead job!

10 Sunday Afternoon Walk Trad 12m Excellent
Did a run up it for Ron's sake. He did well.

Dim 10 Fév 2008 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
The Secret Cave
17 Priscilla Queen of the Moderates Sportive 28m Dans la moyenne
Almost came to grief at the start of p2 when the ledge I was standing on collapsed. Quite a bit of loose rock on p2. Some very interesting rock & the cave is awesome. Dan belayed & saw his life flash before his eyes - fortunately all of it missed him - by at least 5cm.

Dim 27 Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
The Wizard Sector Block 1 section 1
16 The Commentator Sportive 15m, 5 Excellent
With Terry & Lillian. Tricky crux = came off just above the 2nd bolt. The rock is good, some loose blocks here & there, needs a bit more traffic.

Dim 27 Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
Little Springfield
13 Marge lhv Sportive 13m Excellent
With Terry, Lillian & Dan. Ben had a go, but gave up at the crux.

17 Snowball Sportive 17m, 3 Excellent
With Dan, Terry & Lillian. couldn't make that crux move without a rest. Some tricky bridging.

Dim 20 Jan 2008 - Mt. Greville
Little Springfield
13 Marge LHV Sportive 13m Excellent
Pathetic. Dan 2nded.

Dim 16 Déc 2007 - Mt. Greville
The Wizard Sector Block 1 section 1
15 The Excavator Sportive 15m, 5 Excellent
With Dan. Good quality route with nice rock & moves.

Dim 16 Déc 2007 - Mt. Greville
Little Springfield
13 Marge LHV Sportive 13m Excellent
With Dan. Good quality rock & nice moves on this one.

Dim 11 Nov. 2007 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
17 Micron Trad 20m Excellent
This one is always a pleasure & worth 3* in my books.

18 Elastic RURP Trad 20m Excellent
With Bill & Ross. Fell my way up it - pathetic. It's much more positive than I remember it.

Dim 4 Nov. 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 The Wright Stuff Trad 40m Pas la peine
With Nick. The nasty start on On Safari, and the horrible chimney at the top make this one not worthwile, although the chimney itself is clean & interesting.

Dim 28 Oct. 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Reaching For Norm Trad 25m Dans la moyenne
Nick & I TR'd it before he tackled it head-on. I had to fall my way up it, given my present state, but found lots more gear for Nick's ascent. Good effort by him to free this bold lead.

15 Blackberry Trad 25m Dans la moyenne
Had to dog it this time. Depressing how much strength I've lost over the last few months. Nick belayed

Mer 3 Oct. 2007 - Mt Maroon
East Face
15 16 Ruby Of India Trad 210m Classique
With Bruce. He lead all but p2. Glandular is kicking in again, got my knickers in a twist at the crux & had to take the back pack off to get it. Attempted the variant P2 & backed off. Just as well, Bruce tried it on 2nd & couldn't manage it.

Dim 16 Sept 2007 - Mt Maroon
The Lost Cliff
3 Lost In A Lost World Trad 55m Pas la peine
Soloed it to check out the cliff & rock. The far LH end looks better.

Sam 15 Sept 2007 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
19 Golliwog's Gasser Non-défini 45m Dans la moyenne
I lead most of p1, but couldn't pull off the crux, neither could Brad, but he did get there in the end, bloody good effort. The giant loose flake at the crux didn't help matters.

14 Old Black Joe Non-défini 39m Excellent
Nice lead by Brad, and what a route! Definitely the best one so far.

Dim 9 Sept 2007 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
14 The Line Of Least Resistance Non-défini 40m Dans la moyenne
Pretty chossy & friable rock. The chimney had some interesting moments tho. Dave 2nded.

Sam 1 Sept 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
16 Could This Be, The Most Beautiful Mank In The World? Trad 61m Dans la moyenne
Dan belayed. It was better than it looks from the ground. Decided to run the top into it as well, could have ended off at the Slush Puppy ledge.

Dim 26 Août 2007 - Mt Maroon
East Face
15 16 Ruby Of India Trad 210m Classique
With Nick & Heather. Way off with my estimate of time, we finished 6hrs later.

Sam 4 Août 2007 - Mt Maroon
East Face
15 14 Deception I Trad 260m Bon
With Dan & Alpine Dan. Had to scurry along to get thru it, just topped out as the sun was setting. They both had a splendiferous day & I thought it much better than I had remembered it from 3 years earlier.

Dim 29 Juil 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress Simon Vos Ledge
10 Crusty's Classic Skank Trad 25m Dans la moyenne
With Dan. Pity I couldn't get that top bit, would have made the finish a bit more interesting.

Mer 4 Juil 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
15 Blackberry Trad 25m Bon
Spotted this one, looked awfully manky, but turned out to be a nice exercise in bridging and chimneying. Dan belayed & 2nded.

10 Hittin Kittens With Pitons Trad 12m Bon
Solo'd it when Dan & Owen were TRing it.

Dim 1 Juil 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress Simon Vos Ledge
15 Dream Run Trad 15m Classique
Spotted this one a while ago, finally had the chance to do it. Owen bravely belayed & 2nded with some rests.

Dim 1 Juil 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
16 Mettiste Trad 60m Bon
Lead pitch one to recheck the grade: For better or worse, it's going down to 15 in my guide. Definitely not a 17.

Sam 9 Juin 2007 - Moomank Buttress (private land)
12 The Stinger Non-défini 40m Excellent
With Geoff. What a ripper line - the broken rock and bold start spoil it a bit, but definitely a winner.

13 The Other Root Non-défini 38m Bon
2nd route of the day. Like the 1st, a hard start - the rest of the route would be 9-10. Quite vegetated at the start, but offers reasonable rock all up.

Sam 26 Mai 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 On Safari P2 Trad 36m Dans la moyenne
Terry lead it in fine style. P1 is such masochism, but then you get to pitch 2, and what a joy those twin cracks are.

Dim 20 Mai 2007 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
18 Skylark Trad 20m Bon
After Terry. He did a great job on lead, pity I couldn't emulate him. The Glandular just keeps taking its toll. Had to fall my way up it.

19 Kitsch Trad 12m Dans la moyenne
After Terry. Had to fall my way up it, I'm soooo piss weak at the moment. Nicely spotted by Terry.

Jeu 16 Nov. 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
19 Icicle Trad 35m Bon
Bloody wind was howling a gale, I honestly don't know how Scott got up it without being blown off. Man it was cold! Gear is small & finicky = had to rest several times to get it out.

21 Thaw Trad 35m Bon
Scott made this one look so easy, although I should have been alerted by the fact that he took 10min to prepare for the crux (3 #1 RPs equalised! No thanks!). I had to practically jumar my way up it. And to think, Brad wanted to lead this one!

Dim 22 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Slush Puppy Trad 25m Classique
What a fantastic little gem this one is. Laybacks, fingerlocks & underclings all combine to make this a must do. Brad lead it in fine style.

17 Atomic Bulldust Trad 62m Bon
This would/will get 3* when it gets cleaned up a bit more. Terrif laybacks and moves all the way up involve a bit of everything. Brad 2nded.

17 Mexicana Trad 60m Classique
2nded Brad up p1 of this to the Rocks of Honey ledge, then back down. A ripper of a pitch.

Ven 20 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Porn Buttress
16 Deep Throat Trad 65m Super classique
Up this again after about 3hrs on The Last Tango. This really is a mind boggling route.

Jeu 19 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Porn Buttress
16 Deep Throat Trad 65m Classique
What an incredible honour it was to do the 2nd ascent of this route (the last ascent being 32 yrs ago!). Probably the 2nd most unique route I've ever climbed! I take my hat off to Rick for putting this one up, and to Rob for his awesome lead. I couldn't even manage the chimney crux without resting 2-3 times, then again at the crux on the face.

Jeu 12 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
18 Rob S. Route #3 Trad 65m Excellent
Typical Rob runout - 8m above the tree to the next gear. P2 some big exposure, but getting that crux - what a joy!

17 Rob S. Route #2 Trad 20m Bon
Bit hairy with the crux below the first gear, but good after that flake.

Mer 11 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
18 Boti Bliss Trad 65m Excellent
Definitely one of the best routes at the crag.

17 Rob S. Route #1 Trad 45m Excellent
Very nicely picked by Rob. Aside from the initial friable flake, this is surprisingly good climbing.

Dim 8 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
Little Norway
14 Peer Gynt Trad 40m Bon
The first one of the day & not to bad actually, Terry lead it & it's definitely worth a star, a nice outing at the grade.

15 Solveig's Song Trad 22m Classique
What a ripper this turned out to be. I will give it 3* anyday! Many thanks for a great day Terry.

17 The Scream Trad 23m Excellent
Terry spotted this one & it turned out to be a winner!

Lun 2 Oct. 2006 - Mt Maroon
Paparazzi Cliff
16 Her Bliss Trad 50m Excellent
Had this one in my sights for a while now. Aside from the vegetated chimney, the moves were quite nice. Gear was rather finiky & bit run-out in places. Terry patiently belayed in the hot sun, thanks mate, you're a champ!

Sam 2 Sept 2006 - Mt Maroon
East Face
15 Deception Link Up Route Trad 280m Bon
With Stephanie. Finally got all the pitch lengths sorted. She had a great day on Queensland rock.

Dim 6 Août 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
20 Tripitaka Sportive 30m, 10 Bon
3rded Brad & Terry up this, nice face climbing, but I had to rest below the second ledge.

Dim 30 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
17 Avalanche Trad 25m Bon
Bit of a grunt in places & runout.

14 Micrococcus Trad 60m Bon
Terry & Lillian did P1. Terry & I did P2, but he bailed halfway - needs a direct finish.

Sam 29 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Soft Shoe Shuffle Trad mixte 30m, 8 Bon
With Brad. Tricky moves up to 2nd ledge and getting into the chimney, but nice chimney moves.

19 Willing Trad 20m Excellent
My arms were shot after Wednesday's marathon. Nice rock, nice moves & the gear's good all the way. Brad was totally stoked at getting the onsight.

18 Sticks And Stones Trad mixte 33m, 4 Excellent
Didn't have the strength at all in my arms after Wednesday's huge effort. One rest at the crux, then blasted on thru. Brad agrees with upping it to a 19, it is definitely as hard as P3 of Sunburnt.

Dim 23 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Big Mac VF Trad 35m Excellent
2nded Brad up it, it's a great climb with terrific moves. David 3rded.

21 21 R Fad's, Fashions & Climbing Politics (Fad's, Fashions And Climbing Politics) Trad mixte 18m, 2 Bon
Nice up to bolt, then very balancy to 2nd bolt, then committing moves to top of ledge. David from Spain belayed & 2nded then Brad showed up & 3rded.

20 Masters Of War Trad mixte 20m, 2 Bon
Not easy up to clipping 1st BR, & then very thin & sequency moves to 2nd BR, bit easier to top of ledge, but run-out. I'd never have been able to lead it. Brad did it clean on TR tho. Definitely steeper & harder than Fads, Fashions....

Sam 15 Juil 2006 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classique
After Andy, man he made light work of this. A thrutch epic for me.

18 Gladiator Trad 20m Classique
After Andy. He made light work of it. A thrutch of epic proportions for me.

Ven 14 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
North West Columns Legoland
17 Galicia Trad 25m Excellent
I'd spotted this line after 2nding Terry up Kaia, but couldn't pull it off. With lots of rock coming off, just didn't trust that flake above the horizontal break & the nasty run-out to the top. Rob lead it in style.

Ven 14 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
16 Mettiste Trad 60m Bon
3rded Rob & Terry up P1 which has great moves, up the layback flake. Then Terry & Rob up part of P2 (too much rope drag), then I lead the last part of P2 to the top. We trundled a large block from P2 corner.

Mer 12 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Egg Rock
12 11 Scrambled Trad 15m Bon
Nice moves on sharp crimpers, bit run out near top, gear's a bit fiddly.

Mer 12 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Viewpoint Buttress
17 Big Mac VF Trad 35m Excellent
3rd Rob & Terry up it, love this climb, terrific moves thru the crux. Rob made it look like a walk in the park.

Mer 12 Juil 2006 - Mt Maroon
Egg Rock
10 Boiled Trad 18m Bon
Nice moves and good gear all the way (great exposure near the top). Some lose blocks near the top make this a 1 * only.

10 Poached Trad 12m Bon
With David from Spain. Bit tricky getting into the crack (for the grade), good after that. Good gear all the way.


Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 209 ascensions.

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