
Voies bloc dans Mushroom boulder

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Affichant les 16 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
V3 Compression Sit Start

Sit start on the boulder to the right of the warmup boulder with the V5s. Start compressing between a left and right jug and straight up via a powerful throw. - EDIT: Suspect a crucial starting hold for this has broken off making it MUCH harder if still possible at all!

FA: Alex Mougenot, Oct. 2016

V3 Baader Meinhof

Sit start with low RH sidepull jug and big LH sidepull. Straight up over the small prow.

Bloc 2m
Offwidth Roof

Crawl into the cave and start in the middle point, and climb your way out. The rock is sharp, so wrap yourself up like a mummy and get ready to destroy yourself!

BlocProjet 3m
V2 Upper Terrace Arete

Sit start on the sloper shelf and up using an awesome high pocket!

FA: Alex Mougenot, 2016

Bloc 2m
V6 Enoki

Sit start on the left side of the boulder with good crimp on white streak for RH, and LH on the nicest part of the crumbly break slightly lower. Decent knobby footers exist out right.

Move up and left via crimps and a shallow pocket. A tension-y foot traverse and exciting dyno guard the juggy lip. Iain Hunter

Bloc 3m
V5 Kinoko

Sit start on the arete with slopey pocket for RH and thin crystal-embedded low crimp for LH. Follow the natural line of crimps up and left, topping out in the centre of the wall.

Stack pads creatively to ensure a comfortable sit position. Iain Hunter


Bloc 4m
V1 Warmup

Short, easy. Climbs the obvious arete of the boulder opposite The Mushroom.

Bloc 4m
V1 Warmup #2

The line right of the arete, starting on the juggy flake.

Bloc 3m
V4 Mushroom Magic

This is the natural version of The Mushroom, without using the chipped pockets. Sit start at the back wall on a side pull and sloper, move onto the good juggy break with your right hand. Avoid the chipped holds and mantle over the blunt nose.

Bloc 4m
V2 The Mushroom

Start on the slopers at the back, or on the big jug, a couple moves through the roof on suspiciously artificial holds, then mantle up to the right.

Bloc 3m
V4 Toadstool

Sit start in the pocket formed at the base of the crack to the left of Mushroom Magic. Move up the crack with a few layback and heel hook moves to reach a pair of slopers on the shelf. From here, gain the sharp slopers over the lip and anxiously mantle out.

FA: David Jefferson, 25 Avr 2020

Bloc 3m
V2 Shiitake

Start with LH on a prominent knob on the arête shelf, with RH in a slopey dish. Make a big move RH and gain a right heel hook on the middle shelf. Top out straight up the arête on positive yet balancey slopers and pockets.

FA: David Jefferson, 25 Avr 2020

Bloc 3m
V3 Trippin

Start with both hands on the under cling, go straight over the lip to jugs using precise foot placements through a tricky middle, ending with a juggy top out.

FA: Jeffrey Olivier & John Godwin, 8 Juin 2022

Bloc 4m
V3 Truffle
V3 Truffles

Start low on the obvious shelf. Left hand to a rough pocket and continue up and slightly left.

FA: LachlanC

Bloc 3m
Long Epic Traverse!

Start on the start of the lip at the back of the boulder, then traverse left until the shelf runs out, use a perfectly placed face hold to reach the next juggy shelf. From this top out with the arete. Will be a cracker!


Affichant les 16 voies total.

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