
Noeuds dans La Tasajera

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Affichant les 14 noeuds total.

La Tasajera

This crag has been bolted by some guy from Bogota and Juan Guillermo Correa, the owner of Altitud Mountain Climbing School and Boulder Gym in Medellin.

5.11a/b Ruta 1
5.10a Ramón

Misma estación que el almorzadero

5.10d Almorzadero
5.11c No contaban con mi astucia
5.11b Danna
5.11a Ruta 5
5.10b La Grieta
5.12a El Espejo (Eliminación)

Don't hold and don't stand or rest on the good jug / ledge on the right side shortly before the final crux in the upper part.

5.11d El Espejo
5.10c La Araña
5.10a La Chica Fácil
5.9 Ruta 10
5.9 Ruta 11

Often (unless cleaned) this route starts behind some scrub. It shares the last meters on a slab and the top with the route to the left.

Affichant les 14 noeuds total.

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