
Ascensions de Erkerweg

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  • Exploit
  • Moyen de transport
  • Protection
  • Accessoires

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Affichant les 2 ascensions total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Qualité Grimpeur
Dim 19 Sept 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Right
6+ Erkerweg - avec Harald Trad mixte 16m, 1 Bon
Christoph Rauch
Open book dihedral with good jams in the crack, relatively easy to protect. If you lower from the ledge, you're missing out on the bold top part, which is the unprotected overhanging prow above the bolt of "Eibenkante" (marked with a faint red arrow). The holds are good, but it's basically a solo, falling off should be painful due to the ledge. Again, no anchor.

1977 - Frankenjura Nord
Fränkische Schweiz Unteres Trubachtal Wichsenstein Röthelfels Right
6+ Erkerweg Trad mixte 16m, 1
Kurt Albert †


Affichant les 2 ascensions total.

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