
St. Gotthard Boulders

  • Contexte de la cotation : UK


Located above the Circle Area and accessible through St. Gotthard Tunnel, you will find a range of lesser-known boulders that are worth exploring. While some of the problems may require additional lighting, a few of them may still offer a bit of an easier challenge but are still enjoyable and climbable.

Limit. de l'accès hérité de Harrison's Rocks

Harrison's Rocks is owned by climbers and is managed on their behalf by the British Mountaineering Council with funding from the English Sports Council. Car Parking is Pay and Display. If approaching from the train station, do not trespass the private property to get to zig-zag wall, instead follow the path to the left.


Either go through St. Gotthard Tunnel from the lower path or conveniently reach them from the top path approach. Both routes provide access to the bouldering area.

Éthique hérité de Harrison's Rocks

The Sandstone is very soft -- leading is not allowed. Most climbs are top-roped, and ropes should be extended over the edge and set up in a way such as to minimize the wear on the rock. Top-out and down-climb is preferred to lowering. Abseiling is, also, forbidden.

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Hidden from plain sight. Begin with a sit-start and mantel over

Ascend the left side of the arête starting from a standing position

Ascend the arête, utilising its right side

Ascend the left crack by laybacking

Ascend the vertical crack

Ascend directly up the face

Brief, straightforward, and ideal for small individuals

Ascend the boulder's side starting from a seated position.

brief and enjoyable, particularly suitable for children

The variation on the right-hand side of Haribo

Begin by utilising a solid side-pull

Ascend by utilising the arete

A brief mantel challenge

Move horizontally from left of the boulder and conclude on the upper portion of Leukwarm

Utilise the large break primarily for footholds.

Climb by leveraging the right crack via laybacking

Begin with hands in the vertical slot and then proceed upwards

Climb upwards along the ramp-line, moving towards the right.

Mantel to reach the ledge.

Begin beneath the roof by initiating a pull-up using a double toe hook.

Utilise some contortion to reach the lip, ensuring the correct orientation, and proceed to climb the original problem.

FA: Tom Gore, 20 Août 2023

Climb the space between Grimey Grimsel Right and Eigerrrr, without relying on either crack system.

Initiate a forceful sit start from an undercut and a fist jam to grasp a pinch, then execute a technical and challenging exit utilising sloper.

FA: Tom Gore, 30 Août 2023

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