
Slabby Wall





The 1st cliff you encounter from the track. Take the first gully directly opersite the hospital and turn right at the bottom. The rock is a little soft and has been losing flakes for years making some of the climbs rather stiff for the grade.

Questões de acesso herdado de Nowra

This climbing area has recently become a focus spot for tension between climbers and the local Aboriginal community. Be informed and respect closures. Clean up chalk and rethink adding additional new routes to crags with access issues.

Ética herdado de Nowra

Mostly developed as a sport climbing and bouldering area. Some trad climbing exists, mainly the pure cracks. If developing new areas keep an eye and and ear out for Aboriginal cultural heritage, including cave art.

Alguns conteúdos foram fornecidos sob licença de: © Australian Climbing Association Queensland (Creative Commons, Attribution, Share-Alike 2.5 AU)


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2 bolts to chains.

FA: Nathan Bolton

Graded 17 ... going on 21!

FA: 's, 1980

FA: 's, 1980

Uses the link up bolt to Little Boxer Girl to skip the crux of Scarlet Dog. Move left to the little cave under the link up bolt, go straight up. Once past the (high) first bolt, traverse right to finish the rest of Scarlet Dog.

Nice variant for beginners.

Uses the lone ringbolt in the middle of the climbs for a linkup!

Goes from Scarlet Dog into Little Boxer Girl or vice versa - formerly 'Scarlet Poodles'. (Name change to save confusion - no link to Crashing Poodles.)

FA: 's, 1980

FA: 's, 1980

FA: 's, 1980

Left side of the arete.

FA: 's, 1980

Right side of the arete.

FA: 's, 1980

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Simon Carter, Carlie LeBreton, Rob LeBreton, Neil Monteith, Rod Young

Data: 2016

ISBN: 9780994278449

The new Nowra guide is the most comprehensive guide to one of Australias largest sport climbing destinations. Coincidently it also includes New Nowra or Braidwood Park as it is now known which contains 650 routes in itself. With over 1500 routes all up it will be impossible to run out of projects to get yourself spanked on ever again.

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Mon 5 Jun
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