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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 192 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Cairns Barron Gorge The Boulder Field
V6 Banana Split

Stand start on two edges above your head. Go up through sharp sidepull crimp and mantle left on slightly better holds.

Callum Mather

Boulder 4m
V6 Crystal Meth

Sit start with small LH sidepull crimp and RH crimp. Up through cystal crimp features, to flake. Top out out on series of shallow slopey holds.

Jared Tyerman

FA: Cameron Wycherley, Oct 2017

Boulder 4m
V6 Rowing from Squamish

Sit start at base of arete with RH crimp sidepull, and LH crimp on main face. Pull a long move into crimp pocket on face before using good hold to gain sloping ledge for topout.

FA: Hugo Leroy, 9 Jul 2018

Boulder 4m
V6 Sanctuary

Sweet slappin'! Hug your way up the immaculate fridge feature.

Boulder 6m
V6 Ripple Effect

Start at head height on lowest set of good slots, go up right to edge then left to pinch. Move back right on good slopers and mantle.

Boulder 3m
V6 Tadpole

Start in the middle of the roof on good edges. Move up and left to finish on RH edge and LH sloper with a left knee-bar in.

Boulder 3m
V6 Bull Frog

Start on set of small crimps, move up and right through shouldery climbing, finish on undercling.

Boulder 4m
Cairns Barron Gorge Radiation Wall
26 Silently Mystified (Link-up)

Climb ST until 3rd bolt, then go right to 3rd bolt of Mystic. Go to its anchor. Goes through all the cruxes.

Jared Tyerman

Sport 12m
Cairns Barron Gorge The Zen Garden
V6 Samsara Sit

Sit start to the classic Samsara on left side pull and right edge. Move up on left slopers to get into the start of Samsara.

Callum Mather Arlen Breeze

Boulder 3m
V6 Shambhala Arete

Stand start with RH crimp and LH on arete at the same height as the crimp. Up through weird balancey climbing.

Boulder 4m
V6 Wishing Well

Starting from the start holds of Fontain Of Youth, traverse left on slopey holds and finish as for Wish You Well.

Boulder 3m
V6 Soft wood

Direct start to Below the Surface. Start on low crimps with big right bulge for foot.

Glen Hayford Kieran Pates

FA: Glen Hayford & Suhas Sharma, 4 Jul 2020

Boulder 3m
Cairns Barron Gorge The Secret Garden
V6 Oddity

Start very low with set of sidepull edges, work your way up the arete to the awesome scoopy undercling before moving a little left on slopers to mantle.

Boulder 3m
Cairns Barron Gorge Tureaud Cluster
V6 Captain Underpants

Only undies ascents allowed. Sit start low on feature. Then uses right jug, a high left moderate edge, another higher right edge, and the two usable slopers to get to top out (stays as left as possible - contrived).

FA: Jared Tyerman, 26 Dec 2021

Boulder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge The Floating World
V6 Raging Thunder

Start low on good right edge and slopey left sidepull. Big throw with right hand leads to easier terrain to top.

Boulder 2m
V6 Surface Tension

Sit/crouch start under roof with right hand in obvious pocket on face and left hand on sloped edge at the same level. Heads up and left through sloper crimps and jugs along the arete to top out as for Washed Away. Mind the dab.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 22 Apr 2023

Boulder 3m
Cairns Barron Gorge Split Rock Area
V6 Cyclone Warning

Sit start on set of underlings, up on sidepulls and edges.

Boulder 3m
V6 The Departure

Begining on good holds at the far right arete, traverse left along the lip on the series of diminishing slopers. Pull through the crux at the crimps to gain the obvious flake in the middle of the lip. Tops out up the cruisy slab above the flake.

Cameron Whycherley Callum Mather

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 5 Mar 2019

Boulder 5m
V6 Oblivion

Start wide on sidepulls, throw a heel to reach edge before launching up to sidepull. Top out through the vines.

Boulder 4m
V6 Memory Wipe

Stand start with low RH undercling jug and mid-height LH undercling. Establish and make a big move to just below lip before mantling.

Just left of Achilles Heel.

Boulder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge Calmer Waters
V6 Swan Sit

Sit start to Black Swan. Start on low slopey diagonal edges, and move into the start of Black Swan.

Boulder 3m
V6 Schism (Stand Start)

The stand start begins with large sloped sidepull for R hand, and high sloping crimp, left of the sharp flake, for L hand. Move slightly R through series of sloped features, then up through the scooped slab with vertical sidepull rails on either side. Some great movement down low on insecure holds.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 18 Oct 2018

Boulder 4m
Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Northern Retreat
V5/6 Magical Monday

Direct finish to Coccyx. Move straight up through fingery holds. A hold broke, potentialy harder now.

FA: Oliver Rickford, 24 Mar

Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Below and Beyond Beyond
V6 Ancestral Supervision

Sit start with good edge and low jug, up on some cool pinches and sharp crimps. Stay right of the arete.

Boulder 4m
Cairns North Wangetti Turtle Creek Beach & Ratchet Bay
V6 Inner Space

Start as for TAT. Traverse low and downwards to reach the starting flake of Falcon 9. Finish up Falcon 9 either via the right hand crimp (as per normal) or crossing through with the right hand into the undercut pocket on the sloping rail/crack (easier).

FA: Peter Reynolds, 9 Jul 2019

V6 Rocket Man

Match start on low obvious slopey horizontal rail, moving directly up through the tension on slopey pockets to good holds up high and mantle finish.

Cameron Whycherley Kieran Pates Jared Tyerman Nick Springall

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 10 Feb 2018

Boulder 2m
V6 Ziggy Stardust

Start as for Rocket Man, get to mid-height pinch then go through right diagonal slot and good upper lip hold. Mantle directly up and over.

Jared Tyerman

FA: Jared Tyerman, 19 May

Boulder 3m
Cairns North Wangetti Slip Cliff Point
V6 Pink Moon

Sit start with obvious flake in middle of overhung face. Make a long move into sloping constriction in crack (tape up left index finger thoroughly), through to pocket and top out. A beaut, steep line up the 45' face. Grade could be harder for the shorter folks.

Cameron Whycherley

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 28 May 2018

Boulder 3m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Davies Creek
26 As Good As It Gets
Top rope 12m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Granite Gorge
V6 Rock Wallaby

Sit start with gaston and crimp, head straight up on small edges.

Boulder 4m
Cairns Trinity Beach North Trinity Bouldering Main Stack
V6 Sheba Direct

Sit at low left diagonal crack. Move up and right to dihedral finger crack opening using foot holds on face only (right opposing wall is OUT). Gain higher vertical rail and above edge. High right diagonal pinch and/or lip for topout.

FA: Jared Tyerman, 26 Mar 2019

Boulder 3m
Cairns Sunny Bay The Fish Bowl
V6 Beast Boy

Sit start on the obvious blocky feature with a good crimp, move up and left through small crimps to finish as for The Beast.

Boulder 4m
Cairns Sunny Bay The Easterlies Lower Easterlies
V6/7 The Eastern Outlook

Sit start on pair of low undercling jugs in middle of face. Traverse out right along obvious horizontal rail to gain the right arete. Trend slightly left to gain edges over lip, before heading up and right to top out.

Falling from above the lip is likely to land you in the ankle breaking pit behind, be careful.

Found just on the uphill side of the Understing boulder.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 11 Dec 2022

Boulder 4m
V6 Geomorph

Sit start matched on right hand side pulls in seam. Span out to gain the left arete and compress your way up the slopers.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 11 Dec 2022

Boulder 4m
Cairns Port Douglas
V6 Tide Line

As for Foreshore but from the sloper-pinch, cross up and over for a good hold with the left (near the crack). Finish direct. Committing but amazing.

Jared Tyerman

Boulder 4m
V6 Opal

Sitstart on positive holds. Move up to layaway and then to the jug rail just above and right. Finish direct through semi-reachy edges. Dont use either arete. Topout at prow.

Approach from Rex Smeal Park (see Approach).

Jared Tyerman

Boulder 5m
Cairns Fitzroy Island White Rocks
V6 Elbow Grease

Start low on jug rail, use small sidepull in seam and slopey left gaston to follow the corner up and out. Goodluck keeping your left elbow from dabbing.

Boulder 3m
Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Fun Parlour
V6/7 Arc

Continue "Fall from Grace" left along the slopey lip till you reach the other arete and mantle here.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2004

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Embankment
V6 Snorkel Variant #2

Variant of “Snorkel”. Low start eliminating starting edge of original problem.

V6 Fate

Essentially “Mr Angry Head” without the swing start; In other words establish yourself on the rock and then dyno for the top. Technical and fun.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

V6 Slow Progress

Same sit-start as “Squatting Bear”, only move right into 'Trixter', moving right along crimps to the slab and up this. Technical and good.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2002

V6 Launch Pad

Face and arete with a long floaty dynamic crux. The small block directly below the arete is in for feet at the start.

Note: the right-hand start hold broke mid-2022. The problem still goes at around V10.

FA: Syeve Baskerville, 2001

V5/6 Spring Loaded

The face and arête just left of tree. Start standing on the flake embedded in the ground, with slopey sidepull for left-hand and incut tooth for right-hand. Reachy and hard move up and right to the sidepull and up. Reach dependant start.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Stack
V6 Fart and Fall

Sit-start to “Rice Bubbles” using the underclings.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2004

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle Middle Marsh
V6 Madi's Traverse

Start as for Nahaul and keep go left to finish above “Girl’s Time” on slopey holds.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2002

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Snooze Boulders
V6 Wondergirl

Sit-start in the middle of undercut slab. Move right to the arete and up via hard last move. Easier in winter.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2001

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Cow Paddock
V5/6 Whining Shorties

Essentially Nasty Knob, without the right-hand sidepulls. Sit start below the horn, with the slopers at the base of the vague arête. Now go straight up via some small divots and slopers to gain the horn. Reachy last move.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Boulder 3m
V6 The right cheek

Start 2m right of "Bum Crack" with a high slopey left-hand pinch, and a bad lower right-hand hold. Paste your feet and up to some slopes and a tricky mantle. Stack mats or blocks to reach the left-hand start hold if you are too short - see "The right cheek high start".

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Boulder 3m
V6 The Good Wife

Starting 2m right of "The Divorce". A steep highball face with good edges and sidepulls, just left of the obvious flake, with the crux at the top. Standing start off the pair of chunky edges. A super classic!

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2001

Boulder 7m
V6 The Oddity

Interesting. Start by establishing yourself on the detached block beneath the left leaning overhung arête. Now move right and onto the vertical face, going up this at the good flake.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Castle
V6 Xibalba Zig Zag

Very contrived. Start with the Xibalba starting hold for your left-hand, and your right-hand on a crimp in the roof. Awkwardly pull on and throw for the right-hand sloper, before a big move brings you back left. Continue traversing left all the way to the arête and an EASY mantle on some good holds.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Alley Way Boulders
V6 Morning Glory

Desperate thin and slopey RH arete, starting from LH side. Hard move to get chunky sidepull, followed by a blank top section.

FA: MS, 2002

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Lower Terrace
V6 Schlappy

Dynamic move just left of “False Pretences”. Standing start and then up the flake to finish. Fun.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2002

V6 Dust Storm

Face just right, between obvious right-hand arête and vague left-hand arête. Standing start and up anyway you can.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2002

V6 State of Mind

Starts between “More Mats Please” and “Mr Stupid”. Low crouched start with left hand on the curving undercling flake, and right hand on the tiny edge. Move up via good left-hand edge and slopey right-hand pinch, then a crux slap left for a better hold and straight up.

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2002

V6 Free The Refugees Variant

Start with right-hand below the roof on the small flake for a tougher low start.

FA: Tully Rohrer

V6 Escape From Woomera

As for “Free the Refugees” but instead of mantling, continue traversing right to the big jug and then mantle. Nice easy tick and excellent fun.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2002

V6 Split Pea

The sit start just left of the Sydney Six, finishing a couple of moves up with 2 small edges. Unfortunately the wall opposite makes any top out very unlikely.

V6 Sydney Six Point Five

Using the block for feet, start a couple of moves lower on Sydney Six. (See original guidebook).

FA: Steve Baskerville

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Upper Terrace
V6 Mike Delta X-Ray

Starts slightly on the right hand side under the obvious overhanging prow. Jump up to the lip to a sloper and mantle to the scoop. See also "Mike Delta X-Ray Variant"

FA: Aaron Jones, 2000

V6 Font Dreaming

Start as for “Super Double With a Twist” but go up and Left, via some fantastic slopers, and mantling via jugs for Left-hand Fun.

FA: SB, 2003

V5/6 Of Mice and Men

Short wall just L of the above problem. Starts off a small edge and then up via some slopey dishes. Desperate.

FA: MS, 2002

V6 Collateral Damage

2m L of Delicate Connection. Up, starting off high LH slopey pocket and undercling for RH. Don't move R to arête - if you do, you're doing "Collateral Damage Variant" - rather go straight up to a precise deadpoint then a desperate finish.

FA: MS, 2001

V6 Nasty Barstard

Sit start off the block to above problem, using tiny RH sidepull and LH pinch.

FA: SB, 2004

V6 Best In Show

Classic line just L of Best In Tension, sharing some holds.

FA: Spenser, 2011

Boulder 4m
V6 Imported Products

Starts in the middle of the steep wall off the in-cut edges with a lack of feet. Big moves to the top. Sharp but good.

FA: Matt Zimmerman, 2001

V6 Battle Of The Bulge

RHV of Imported Products. Start with your LH on the obvious sharp incut. Paste a foot and jump start up and R, then a slopey finish coming back L.

FA: SB, 2004

V6 Sleight of Hand

Start with the good RH sidepull about 3m R of Battle Of The Bulge, pretty much in front of the tree. Swing start, (one foot on the wall and jump) to a good LH hold. Up and L to the good holds above Imported Products.

FA: SB, 2003

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Little Boulders
V5/6 Effervescence

Slopey pocket mantle L of the big tree and prominent nose (opposite side of boulder to above problems), not using the flake embedded in the ground. V12 if you use Madoc's original sequence and stick your R Foot above your head!

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2003

V5/6 Bubblewrap

Sit start just right of ‘effervescence”, (just left of tree), using the flake embedded into the ground for your left Hand and feet, and the edge for your right Hand. Steep start up into “Effervescence”.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle Sunny Side
V6 Tendon Terrorist

Reachy and a little contrived. The face with the high and tiny RH sidepull. Starts using a slopey LH pinch, Tough. Jug above and R of sidepull and arête of pinch are both off.

FA: SB, 2002

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Gallery The Red Boulder
V6 Point of Interest

Thumb destroying fun on the downhill side of the boulder.

FA: Spenser Tang-Smith

V6 V6 mantle

Starting low on sidepulls to mantle.

V6 Golden Orb

Middle of face. Classic. A recent broken hold has made it harder.


Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Gallery Walk The Line
V6 Bulletproof

Starts with small crimps and then up to featured line of small holds.


V6 Sloper Sit

Sit start on the arête with big ledge for feet and then move left through the bulge.


V6 Who Needs Tendons?

A very tough single move with a very small LH crimp and terrible feet.


V6 Disintegration

Steep sit start off low edge; watch the holds. Up to the lip & mantle. See also Disintegration VS.


Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Gallery Alley Of The Giants
V6 Hanging By a Thread
V6 Parallel Universe

Tough, thin slab with some cool little holds.


V6 The Dali
V6 Sloper Madness

Slopey arête and finish.

FA: Rob Saunders

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter Lovely Legs
V6/7 Lovely Legs Low

Low crouched start off RH sidepull and little LH sloper. Up and across into Lovely Legs.


V6 Chocolate Frogs

Classic two mover with little scoops and crimps.

FA: Rob Saunders

V6 Orchid

Powerful crux down low. Technical crux up high. Very good. From the slopey edges up and L slightly.


Boulder 4m
V6 Chili Chalk
Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Grill
V6 The Grill LHV

LHV of The Grill. High start (stack mats).


V6 The Grill

Up grill feature from holds at lip. A little sharp but such a cool feature.

FA: Rob Saunders

V5/6 Sorbet
V6 Jack Hammer


Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Neglected Boulders
V6 Overtime

Arete, super techy footwork

FA: Tyson

Boulder 5m
V6 Right of Blockbuster

Tiny sit start.

V6 Tully's

Start on arête with Big RH hold.

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Black Boulders
V6 The Busted Gasket

Using the low boulder for feet pull up and R onto the arête and slopey mantle to finish.


Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter Floyd Boulders
V6 Absolution

Face just L of tree starting with undercling and crimp. Up via some tough moves.


Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Serious Boulders
V6 Next To Nothing

Vague slopey arête.

FA: Madoc Sheehan

V6 Life Is Beautiful Sit

SS to “life is Beautiful”

V6 Lower Serious

FA: Tristan Baskerville

V6 High Society

Stand start with the frightening drop off behind you! Don't fall off.

FA: Rob Saunders

Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The West Bank Saddle Sector
V6 Beta Man

Good moves though a little sharp. From the break, use RH sloping crimp and make big move up to good edges.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 192 vias.

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