
The Swamp 🚫

  • Contexto da graduação: US
  • Fotos: 1
  • Ascensões: 4

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This small cliff is on private land, and climbing is forbidden by the land owner.

A small cliff (about 20m) easily just off the north side of the Lac Sam road, between the end of Lac Epinette and the main road. It is beside a swampy pond.

Top of cliff access is easy.

Questões de acesso herdado de Lac Sam

Other than The Swamp, the cliffs are on crown land.

Note: the private land sign (which appeared in 2018) on the left side of the road as you approach the parking is a lie -- that is crown land. The private land, no hunting sign on the right side of the road was not put up by the land-owner of that particular chunk of land, but by someone else -- the land-owner is unsure who, though he has a guess. (Conversation with land-owner, fall 2018.)


Skirt the pond to the visible cliff.

Ética herdado de Lac Sam

New routes welcome. Please document them on the crag.

Developer discussion: https://www.thecrag.com/discussion/3952671888

Bolting fine; rap-bolting fine. Please bolt for safe sport or mixed routes. If a route is almost completely bolted, bolt it as sport, rather than leaving just a couple of gear placements needed on an otherwise sport route.

There is lots of rock, try to avoid squeeze jobs.

If something has been climbed on gear, please don't retro-bolt without FA's consent.


Gráfico cronológico das vias

First climbed, on TR, by Kate Hunt, David Gibbs, Daniel Marques, Sophie Latreille, and Mike Cacho on April 16, 2016 -- when the road to where they wanted to go was still too snowy to pass.



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A wandering exploration up the cliff -- from a convenient tree anchor. Lower sections, probably 5.10ish, after the initial section, about 5.6.

Start about center on the cliff, below the left end of an obvious roof about 15m up. Struggle up through initial ledges, perhaps using a tree, or belayer-assist. Then aiming to head up towards a spot near the left end of the roof, pull through or avoid on the small arete to the left, then up to the top.


Another route. Start close to route one, though stay right of the tree. Pull some thin moves through the initial ledges (5.10ish, probably, if dry & cleaned) then aim for the corner to the right of the roof. Climb the corner, eventually pulling left onto the face above the roof & climb to the top. 5.7ish after the initial ledges.

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Mon 19 Jun
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