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West Coast

This vast area has some of the best climbing in the world. Pakhuis bordering, multiday grade 6 alpine stuff, sport and everything in between.


Wagenpad is a farm on the border of the Swartland and Sandveld, about 1.5 hours drive north of Cape Town. The farm is situated in a large horse-shoe shaped valley, and the climbing is on the Southern side of the valley. It features one sport crag - the Petra Crag - and a 150-200m (5-6 pitches) wall - Aasvoelkrans- that is exclusively for trad climbing.

Petra Crag

The crag is the lowest prominent yellow/orange cliff band on the Southern side of the valley. From the farm gate, continue going straight up the main farm road. After passing a big white barn on your right, continue going straight uphill until you are near the homestead closest to the cliffs. Before reaching the homestead, there is a smaller road that turns right off the main farm road and continues directly uphill to a Dam. Park here (first parking here: https://goo.gl/maps/Y1gG1Zdjife1eURH7). If you have a 4 x 4, you can continue for another 100m uphill to a parking area near some oak trees and a spring (second parking here: https://goo.gl/maps/3qMXfSCxgcuPGhAd8) . From the parking, follow the cairns and a faint trail for 20 minutes up to the crag (Crag location here: https://goo.gl/maps/Ed31a5UQZiWKC3AH7 )

Wagenpad Petra Crag
20 Cybercoal
  1. Climb the corner to a roof (as for Wakeling-Bird). Traverse left for a few meters until able to exit left into the break at the base of the crack using creative moves. Move up 2m to a stance.

  2. Climb the crack strenuously until reaching a blank offwidth section after about 15m. Step left and climb a short face to a small ledge (may be better to stance here). Step right back into the crack and climb it for 3m until it fades, reaching a small alcove.

  3. Move diagonally up and right towards the tree. Climb up past the tree using some pockets, until reaching easier ground. Traverse right under the roof until standing directly above the anchors of Big Fish (they are on an obvious ledge below you at this point).

Descent: roped scramble down to the anchors, first tending right, then back left. Abseil (35m). Alternatively, it may be more pleasant to extend this route and climb one more pitch up the diagonal crack to reach the abseil fig tree of Wakeling-Bird. It may also be possible to directly reach the anchors of Blue Train further right instead of scrambling down.

20 Wakeling-Bird

Climb the corner to a roof. Step right. Continue up past aloe to stance on a ledge. Continue up for 1-2 more pitches more or less straight up. No anchors at the top, but there is some abseil-tat around the fig tree at the top (take back up).

17 Jou Soap

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.

20 Cold Working

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.

21 Simple Man

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.

22 Big Fish

Either scramble right to the ledge to the first bolt, or do that to clip the bolt and then descend back to the ground and climb directly up. Climb through a couple rails, hit some blank rock whilst moving slightly right and up to another rail. Correct your line back left and go through several powerful sequences ending in a big move breaking through a roof. Easier climbing after this but some of the rock is a bit weak so watch out. A final roof awaits you before the anchors.

27 Blue Train

35 m route!! This route follows the main arete.

17 Set controls for the heart of the sun

Climb the large open book crack to a bolted stance under the roof.

23 Air Karate

Start as or Set controls, climb the finger crack on the left wall at midway. Bolted stance. To be bolted.

Fraser Route

Start just right of the wide chimney,2m right of 'Set controls for the heart of the sun'. Climb the crack leading right and then the face to a bolted stance. (Can be bolted, needs ~10 bolts)

23 Solar Solace

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.

19 Dr. Pepper

Climb the layback crack in the corner to a bolted stance.

23 Hakimi-Bird

P1: Climb the crack to a bolted stance on the left. P2: Climb up past 2 bolts to the top.

22 The Crossing

Climb the hand crack through the small roof. Continue up to a bolted stance.

P2:(22/23)Trad. FFA: G.Bird & J.Wakeling 2019. Second pitch continues straight up to the top. No anchors at the top.

21 Jethro Louw

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.

17 Jitsvinger

Climb up a crack for 2m, step 2m right to the next crack system. Follow this to the top to a bolted stance. 30m

20 Sien Jou Weer

Access: The farmer welcomes climbers, just drop him a line to let him know you are coming before-hand. Email using the contact form at https://wagenpad.com. Please do not make any fires, be respectful, bury your toilet paper and don’t leave any litter. Climbing is inherently dangerous and all climbing on the farm is at your own risk.



Wagenpad Aasvoelkrans
19 Sandstone Smoothie
  1. [XX] XXm
  2. [XX] XXm
  3. [XX] XXm
  4. [XX] XXm
21 State of mind

P1: 30m, (17). Start on the prow 5m to the left of the start of Vulture Culture. Climb up to the next ledge system and continue up the orange open book to a ledge.

P2: 30m (21). Start on the left-hand end of the ledge. Pull up to a rail. A difficult move leads up to the next rail (small cams and nuts). Move 2m left to where pockets lead up to good hand-holds that can be followed left-wards to a vertical crack (green BD cam). Climb up, moving further left onto the prow before coming back onto the right face and continuing up easier ground to stance on a ledge on the prow with a big jammed block.

P3: 30m (17). Continue straight up a crack system to the big lunch ledge. From here the next pitch starts 30m to the right (past a dassie traverse).

P4: 30m (16). Start at the base of an off-width crack in an open book. Climb the open book crack to a ledge. Continue up the corner to a stance on a second ledge next to a tree.

P5: 30m (18). From the stance, traverse 3m right on good rails to a vertical crack. Follow this to a ledge.

P6: 30m (17). Follow the crack system to the top.

20 Vulture Culture

Start: This route climbs up the large brown open-book system on the left-hand side of the wall.

P1: 30m (19). Climb the recess to a ledge, continue up the crack at the centre of the open-book to a large ledge.

P2: 30m (20). Continue up the crack until forced left under the roof. Delicate moves lead to a ledge stance on the left-hand edge of the large roof.

P3: 35m (17). Climb up the corner and continue straight up to the lunch ledge.

P4: 35m (17). Climb up the crack system nearest to the arette, directly above the last pitch. After 15m, cross over to the right hand side of the arette to a scoop. Continue up, passing by the left hand end of the prominent triangular roof visible from the base of the cliff.

P5: 30m (15). Continue straight up to the top.

23 Living Shadow

P1: 35m (17). Start up the corner system 5m to the right of Vulture Culture. Climb up to a ledge and continue straight up the crack system to where it is topped by a small roof. Move 1m left to a Hanging stance.

P2: 30m (23). Move up into a corner, step right above the roof and then move back left into a crack . Follow this up to a stance below the prominent chimney/slot.

P3. 30m (18). Climb up the chimney/slot. At the top, move 2m right, pull through the overlap into a crack and follow this to stance at a ledge.

P4. 30m (17). Move 5m left. Climb the vertical recess leading up to the lunch ledge.

P5. 20m (19). At the top of P4 is a face with a set of vertical cracks. Climb the vertical crack second from the right hand edge of the face to a ledge.

P6. 15m (17). Move left to a crack system and continue 3m up to a stance.

P7. Climb up the face and traverse left into the large chimney system. Continue to the top.

21 Birdling Route

P1: 17

P2: 21

P3: 16

P4: 18


The orange buttress at the east end of the valley.

Wagenpad Vingerkop
19 Burn After Sending

Approach: When reaching Vingerkop from the viewpoint at the neck, keep walking aroung the buttress counter clockwise for about 50m.

Aspect: Pleasant climbing following an obvious natural line. Enjoy the morning shade when the rest of the valley is blasted by the sun.

  1. A couple meters right of an orange pillar is a crack and a shallow recess. Climb the recess moving slightly left until you are able to step left directly into the crack. Pull through a small roof and continue moving up past some musical flakes to a stance on a narrow ledge just above them.

  2. Traverse right for a few meters until it's possible to move up through the right side of the roof. Pull up at the obvious break using the large layback flake and follow it until the terrain eases. Scramble directly up to a large ledge.

  3. Facing the same direction you topped out the previous pitch on, walk straight 10m on the right side of some large blocks until you find a crack directly in front of you. You will be in an alley with a huge chockstone above and left of you. Climb the hand crack until it peters out, then move slighly up left to a ledge using good but lichenous cap jugs.

Descent: A roped scramble down the gully to the your immediate left brings you back to the previous level, but on the other side of the huge chockstone (abseiling would be preferable). From there, look for the obvious thicket of tree trunks to abseil from, or a large block another level down from the trees. Abseil all the way to the ground (60m ropes).

Elands Bay/Elandsbaai

Single and multi-pitch trad climbing just outside the village of Elands Bay. Bouldering can be found on blocks along the foot of the mountain.

Elands Bay/Elandsbaai
North Buttress
21 Hey You With The Broken Nose, Sing Daisy!

About 20m left of the overhangs is an obvious crack splitting a face. Climb the arête to the left of this crack to the top.

Flight of the Swallows

No access issues.

17 Gunpowder

The climb starts just to the right of Flight of the Swallows.

Climb the short, dark face (one or two strenuous moves) into a broad, open chimney. Climb the right-hand face of the chimney for about 10m, before traversing out right onto a grey pillar. Climb this straight to the top.

21 Constipation Animation

The attraction is the right-facing off-width crack left of the huge overhang (left of The Tail Wags the Dog).

Start at the beacon (cairn) and climb the crack to the top. Crux midway up.

19 The Tail Wags the Dog

This climb follows the crack system to the left of Symphony of Pistons.

  1. Climb the shallow corner pulling through to a rail. Traverse left and climb up into a scoop below a small roof.

  2. Using the crack, traverse left and then up to a small, off-balance ledge. Climb the corner crack to below a small roof. Traverse to the right and move around a corner. From here climb a sloping slab with a good crack on the right-hand side, till a good stance is reached. Step to the right across an exposed gap using a good handrail, to reach a good ledge. (This pitch may be broken into two to reduce rope drag).

  3. Climb the corner, making some awkward moves, to reach the top.

17 Symphony of Pistons

The climb starts about 5m to the right of a large overhang, and ascends the main brown faces.

  1. Climb the shallow, open-book to below a small roof. Traverse right and climb the corner to a large ledge.

  2. Take off from the high spot on the right-hand side of the ledge. Pull through the roof to a small ledge. Climb the crack/corner to below the large roof near the top of the cliff. Traverse right below the roof, and where the roof ends, move up and exit in the corner.

18 West Coast Splendour

This route follows the corner midway between Daisies Delight and Symphony of Pistons.

Follow the corner up the very steep wall, move right and climb up diagonally into the corner on the right. Exit on the right.

19 Daisies Delight

This route starts at the first left-facing corner on North Buttress.

Climb the undercut section towards the roof, lay out to the right and reach for a jug high up in the corner (crux). Climb the excellent corner above. Move out to the right underneath a huge overhang. Walk off to the right.

19 Maize Power

Starts to the right of Daisies Delight. It follows the left-hand crack on the short steep face in the descent gully.

Central Buttress
15 Up the Wall

This climb ascends the vertical face on the bottom right-hand side of the descent gully (looking from below).

  1. Take off from some large blocks and climb the very vertical face until the more broken area on top of the rock rib is reached. Climb this and make a stance.

  2. Climb the rock rib to easier ground.

14 Squiggle

Start to the left of the Mirage nose.

  1. Go 2m up the book then diagonally right to the block on the arête.

  2. Scramble to the top.

20 Muscle Beach

The left-hand side of Central Buttress extends out westwards in a prominent, fin shaped feature. Muscle Beach climbs the nose of this feature.

Start at the base of the undercut crack and climb the nose to the top.

22 Mirage

Takes the obvious corner to the right of the nose.

20 Buttercup Crack

This route starts in the second corner from the left. Beacon (cairn).

  1. Move up on the ramp like corner. At the overhang move right, up and diagonally right to a small stance below a smooth corner.

  2. Move up the corner, then through the small roof. Climb the following open-book/corner (crux) and then straight up to the top.

21 Unknown Route 1
  1. Climb the corner through a flared chimney. continue up the crack, moving past a plant hanging out the crack. Pull through the small roof above and make a stance.

  2. Continue up the open book, moving past a loose block. At the top of the open book, step slightly right and continue easily up to the summit.

26 Little Number

On Central Buttress there are two prominent, South facing walls (moving from left to right). This route follows a short hairline crack up the second South facing wall to a ledge.

24 The Snail and the Whale
  1. Start below an obvious crack with good starting jugs and pull up strenuously into the crack. Interesting climbing follows more or less directly up to a good ledge.

  2. Climb the face to a ledge under the big roof, then climb the ramp to the left, onto another ledge, and then easy climbing up the face to the top on good holds.

21 Unknown Route 2
  1. A tricky and committing start leads to the corner system. follow this up and slightly leftwards until able to mantle and make a stance.

  2. Starting on the left, continue up discontinuous corners, trending right to a fair sized ledge. Climb the short crack to a large ledge in a cave feature. the next pitch starts near the right-hand edge of the cave.

  3. Standing on a block, establish on the grey slabby corner. follow the slab until it steepens to vertical. mantle up and follow a short and gritty crack to the summit.

18 Come We Go Up De!

This route starts 10m left of the edge of the mini-amphitheatre.

Climb the face to a triangular overhang, through this and up the face to broken rock. Traverse right to a rapp point at the top of Cabbages and Kings corner.

21 Cabbages and Kings

This route takes the first corner to the right of the mini-amphitheatre.

20 Siren's Song
  1. Climb the same corner as for Unknown Route 3 but rail left before getting to the roof, then follow the break into a tricky groove and up to a big ledge below the roofs.

  2. Pull through the roof to the right of the ledge, then skirt the next roof to the right and climb up to a wide ledge. Belay from the ledge then walk left to the large cave. The next pitch starts near the right-hand edge of the cave.

  3. Standing on a block, establish on the grey slabby corner. Follow the slab until it steepens to vertical. Mantle up and follow a short and gritty crack to the summit.

22 Unknown Route 3
  1. Climb the corner until able to pull up onto a ledge on the right. Stance here beneath the roof.

  2. Climb the short crack to gain the wide rail beneath the roof. Rail right to twin seams running up the wall. layback up the seams to a ledge.

  3. Pull up onto a small ledge on the left using a pocket. step up and right, continuing diagonally right until able to go straight up to the summit.

18 Devil's Ballroom

This climb starts about 8m right of a corner, situated right of a large cave/overhang through which one walks at the base of the cliff.

  1. Climb the crack, then move slightly left and climb the dark face to a large, long ledge (dirty with bid droppings).

  2. Climb the corner crack to the roof, traverse left under the roof using a good handrail, till a small resting place is reached. Traverse out right (above the roof) and climb to a good ledge. Scramble up to a large platform.

  3. Start behind the bushes on the right-hand side of the platform. Climb up and move diagonally left up a crack. Make a strenuous pull to reach an open-book. Climb this corner to the top.

22 Rhinoforce

Climb through the roof (crux) and up the crack on the left hand side of the amphitheatre.

25 Le Afrique Physique

Climb the wall, through the overlap and up the crack to a stance

25 No Mans Land

Climb up the wall, through the overlap to a bolt. Up jugs to finish.

20 Passion the Rocks

The second line from the amphitheatre edge (4m).

  1. A difficult start then up the obvious break for 20m. Then move left into the book topped by a V-shaped block.

  2. Above these move left for 4m then straight up to the top.

17 Great Escape

The climb starts just right of the sweeping, overhanging roofs on the extreme right-hand side of the amphitheatre.

  1. Take off from the corner block, moving up and right to an obvious break. Traverse right to easier ground. Continue up and then move left into a small open-book. Climb this to reach a 'diving board' ledge.

  2. Start near the end if the 'diving board'. Climb the face to a good ledge. Follow a direct line and crack system to the summit.

South Buttress
23 Modern Babylon

The climb takes the prominent crackline on the left-hand side of the dusty amphitheatre.

  1. Climb the slab to the right of the crack moving into it as soon as possible. Climb this until it gets off-width, move right to a short crack and climb up this and then back left into the main crack. Climb to a ledge below an overhang, which undercuts the obvious crack one can see from the ground.

  2. Pull through the roof and do a layback move to gain a rail, rail right with your feet on the lip of the overhang, to a vertical crack and climb this to where it begins to steepen. Make a belay just to the right. (Beware the cammed block at the end of the rail).

  3. Continue up the crack to the top.

Descent: walk left to the min descent gully. It is not advisable to come down the first gully.

20 The Four By Four Convention

On the right-hand side of the right-hand amphitheatre is a crackline.

  1. Climb the overhanging crackline to a ledge.

  2. Rail right to a gritstone type arête. Climb this to the top.

26 Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

Just around the corner from The Four By Four Convention is a short overhanging wall. Start on the left-hand side of the upper ledge.

Do the first few moves of Happiness and Light moving out left and up to the short wall '18'. Boulder up, past the bolt, on edges and pockets to finish on the top left-hand edge of the wall.

Note: wire placements are tricky so so it might be wise to abseil down and preplace them.

24 Happiness and Light

Climb the short layback crack and up through the overlap to an overhanging corner. Climb this to the top.

23 Sunbeams and Joy

Start right of Happiness and Light. Climb up to a small overhang. Turn this on its right-hand side and climb up, past the bolt, to the top.

Note: protection isn't easily available above the bolt so it might be wise to abseil down first.

20 Let's Get Physical

This route is on the extreme right-hand side of the cliff-line of South Buttress. Look for a steepish red face capped by a grey corner/groove.

21 Get More Fun

About a 100m further to the right of Let's Get Physical is an obvious steep red pillar. Where the farm boundary fence terminates against the rockface, walk another 100m to the right. The route starts on a rock platform at the base of the 22m high pillar.

Climb this straight up the middle to the highest point. The crux is turning the small overhang three-quarters of the way up.

20 Topless Dancer

Walk along the overhanging stretch of cliffs to the right, pass an easy looking grey ramp up the middle of the face. Continue to the next easy ramp, which only goes halfway up the face. Immediately to the left of this is an overhanging corner/crack.

Start at the beacon and climb straight up, turning the overhang on the left. Scramble down on the right.


This is a vast area, with multiple landowners, see each subsection for specifics

Apollo & Luna Peak

Left of Disa Pool

Cederberg Apollo & Luna Peak
Apollo Peak

Left of Disa Pool

Cederberg Apollo & Luna Peak Apollo Peak
Front/ North Face
15 Frontal




17 - 20 Apollo Lift-Off


14 Moonboot


19 R Permission To Land


The Neck
D Original Route


25 Rocket Pig


21 Rocket-Man


East Turret
19 Dark Side Of The Moon




21 Lost In Space


19 Space Monkeys


22 Space Cowboy


22 Space-Walk


19 Space Race


24 Luna-tick


17 Apologetics


15 Standard Route


SW Sector
18 Armstrong Tactics


16 Half Moon


20 Artemis


20 Bar Fight At The End Of The Universe


23 Milky Way


Cederberg Apollo & Luna Peak
Luna Peak

Left of Disa Pool


Cormac Tooze & Brian Watts have bolted the trad routes at the request of the landowner.

Good beginner crag with one or two intermediate routes and a very easy approach. Bolting is safe glue-ins with perma draws for some of the easier routes.

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