
Noeuds dans The Pinnacles

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Affichant les 71 noeuds total.

Fermé The Pinnacles

From the mountain carpark take the lookout track. This ascends some stairs at a water tower past a rusty boiler and then along a flat track. All the pinnacles are downhill to the left of the track- the town side. The first small pinnacle is 20 metres along. The remainder are after you walk under a cliff on the right of the track. Most climbs are on the town facing side and get afternoon sun. Climbs for each pinnacle are described from carpark side towards lookout side of pinnacle.

Fermé First Pinnacle

On the left of the higher walking track- the first small pinnacle. Can be approached easier from lower walking track. past old water tower. About 50 metres from car park.

Fermé First Pinnacle
4 Backside

The scramble up the back of the pinnacle. Not sure why it has bolts, but could be good for kiddies or used to set up top rope.

17 First pinnacle spiral

Start on left wall, left of slightly misplaced bolts and after second bolt head right to, and around arete. To shared chain on top of pinnacle

22 Botched bolting

A mixture of bolts due to the habit of this rock chewing up drill bits. Now fully bolted and safe to lead. Undercut start trending left past 2nd bolt. Finish on old chain anchor or new anchor to right.

25 Harder than Diamonds

The rock that is, used 4new drill bits. Great moves to nice easy finish on slab. The route that starts under the right leaning crack

Fermé Belly button pinnacle

The second pinnacle, large balanced rock on top. Approach by walking to top of next pinnacle (warty tree) and around both rather than down gully between them.

Fermé Belly button pinnacle
17 Obtuse

Start up chimney to right of Venting, walk across top of block leftwards then out clipping 3 bolts on ELL and STD to sling tree and anchors of Dans 24.

23 Venting

On the right of the trench on south side of pinnacle, closest to track

17 Acute

Start right of ELL in large chasm. Chimney up left side (long sling on chockstone) then continue to ledge and up overhang crack. Stretch left to clip anchors on ELL.

24 Enhanced Like Lance

On the left of trench, shared start then veer right on smal holds to shared anchors at top

21 Spitting the Dummy

Shared start up flake feature steeping left into seam, over bulge to shared finish

24 Route Poachers

Powerful moves up undercut start to ledge at half height, then easier climbing to anchors above second ledge

23 Drongo

Start 1m right of the prominent bolted groove.Up white seam and through roof passing 5 bolts to ledge, and continue up juggy common upper wall to anchors

22 Mean Streak

Up open corner past hard moves at 4th bolt. Ignore anchors to left, step right and continue up the finish of Dans face climb

22 Johns Groove direct finish

After surmounting groove (crux) instead of stepping right continue up arete and head onto left following homemade fixed hangers and slighly friable rock.

John Project

After first 5 bolts of the crack step left to DBB. CLimb up orange overhung wall.

18 The Cleavage

Follow trad groove/crack system past first set of anchors at 12m, up left hand crack to anchors on top. 28m to ground.

22 Old Mate

From near lowest part of pinnacle amble up diagonal the reach left and onto wall. Pumpy moves past 2 bolts then up, moving slightly right into corner then slab and anchors to left

22 Trotters half bolted route on carrots

The extension to this has been bolted and is still a project

22 Extension to route on carrots

Continue up route on carrots (4) then 2 old RBs then 6 new ones, past first set of anchors to anchors ontop of pinnacle. A 70m rope will just get you down.

20 Naval Lint

Start in middle of grass tree stand. Up groove and onto R face before heading left back to arete. Shared anchor on ledge.

21 Pot Belly

Start to the left of the grass tree cluster. Joins the route to the right around arete at about 5 th bolt, unless you have some trad gear with you. Spaced bolting.

21 Gastroschisis

Start 1m right of BB and head up prow. 2-3 small cams (under finger size) needed for middle section to ledge to avoid retrobolting. Then pass 2 more bolts to right of flake to anchors

16 Belly Button

Starts up thin crack on north side of pinnacle. Belay on ledge and rap off to climbers left. Not a good lead for beginners due to average gear.

22 Meckels Diverticulum

Start 1m left of BB at white face, trending left past first 4 bolts then up to anchors.

23 Transvision Vamp

Thin wall 5m right of Bulahdelah Flyways

23 Bulahdelah Flyways

Up the gully from BB. Climbs the old abseil line, descent from tree. Thin start and a bitrun out to anchors.

Fermé Warty tree pinnacle

Third pinnacle, close to second. Flat top and no anchors on either route. Can sling large block on top of pinnacle

Fermé Warty tree pinnacle
24 Flying Fox

The arete in front of large warty tree. 2 carrots and 2 ring bolts. Can now use lower offs from VW project to left. Take care getting to 2nd RB.

23 Warty Tree

Up right side of buttress on RBs. The hanging arete is challenging but contrived

17 Monkey Bars

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

15 Slippery Slide Slab

Up the grey groove on sketchy looking gear

Fermé Lichen pinnacle

Fourth pinnacle. Quite wide, the brushed streak of the first two climbs is visible from the track. Go down hill as for Bellybutton and warty tree pinnacles and contour across and around downhill side of pinnacle for other routes

Fermé Lichen pinnacle
14 Trent The Trench Cleaner

The diagonal left wards crack finishing on anchors of ROR

20 The Market Gardener

Up crack then onto flake, passing two old 1/2 inch bolts with homemade hangers.

17 Veggie Patch

Up brushed slab, second route uphill of the crack. Shares same anchors

17 A Walk In The Park

Nicely angled slab climbing, a little run out but safe.

16 Not Lichen it

The trad crack left of the bolted slab. Rusty chain anchor on ledge after Pitch 1 or continue to top and rap off tree near the route to the right

21 Magical Mystery Tour

Just around arete from Not Lichen It, on carpark side of town facing (downhill) wall. Up through small cave and through the steepening wall to tough move to pull onto slab.

23 The Double Agent

Up the initial flake on gear, then 3 fixed hangers to chain in small gully.

Project Tim

Only 2 bolts in lower crux, top cleaned.

25 Interpol

Along the low flake past 2 hangers then up through bulges. It finises at last bolt, or continue up vegetation to shared anchors on top and rappel off.

24 The Asian Informant

Start on the arete, up on thin holds to stance before groove. Up some thin moves in groove to pumpy top.

22 Frankie the Snitch

Start just right of corner, up steep wall, the move out onto arete after 4th bolt. Lower off ontop of pinicale.

16 Feral Jack

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

24 The African's Route

Start left of tree, perhaps stickclip second bolt to avoid decking when clipping. Can use a smallish cam or medium wire can add protection at the break

23 The French Connection

Starts to the left of the tree near chimney- second climb along. Up diagonal crack to dog leg, a cam handy here before second bolt. Zig zag up wall coming very close to African route in middle before heading left again. Finish on anchors of African route

25 Black Jack

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

21 Early Morning Heart Start

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

Fermé Mini trackside pinnacle

Immediately trackside there is a small pinnacle with one route on the town facing side. It is above the gully between lichen pinnacle and jumpstart pinnacle.

Fermé Mini trackside pinnacle
14 Trackside

Step to base of pinnacle then follow 3 bolts to anchors. Finish with hands on top of pinnacle to make the effort of getting the rope out worth it!

Fermé Dog Leg Pinnacle

Fifth pinnacle. The next big pinnacle north along, most climbs on lookout/Pickpocket wall side. The baby pinnacle is tucked in at its base and 2 routes start atop this, or climb the easy route up the baby pinnacle first.

Fermé Dog Leg Pinnacle
21 Green Corduroy Trousers

Interesting climbing to the R side of the arete, straight up through several bulges to lower off.

22 Green Corduroy Trousers (Left Finish)

Start as for arete but at second last bolt 9on route head left along airy travere to finish at anchors above small pinnacle

21 Road To Nowhere

Up past 3 fixed hangers then out left to ring the step back onto block.

20 Stepping Out

Clip bolt then step across chasm and into bolted crack

20 Fucka

Step off the top of the block, the right hand route.

23 Frankie And Johnny

Tough move to get past 3rd bolt then keep moven.

24 John Project

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

21 Dog Leg

Major access issues in all areas at present. Walking through the state forest is fine but DO NOT CLIMB south of the lookout. Permission has been granted by the new landholders to climb on the northern part of the cliffs. This includes the Beehive, Fiegs overhang and the Cave. However getting there is tricky. A landowner to the north is alleging climbers have damaged his property. Do not cross at the water reservoir or trespass on the northwest side of the ridge. Parking down near the golf course, then skirting the southern boundary of the golf course will keep you on the land we have permission to access. Hopefully a map of this will appear soon.

Fermé Baby pinnacle

Sixth pinnacle, at base of 5th

Fermé Baby pinnacle
16 One For The Road

The small slab on the left of the white cave. Able to walk off top or continue up 2nd pitch to lower off at top of cliff.

Fermé Little Weed Pinnacle

Small pinnacle with scoop in the centre. Climbs on downhill side. Described left to right.

Fermé Little Weed Pinnacle
19 Ted

to the left of the Bill and Ben scoop on the little weed pinnacle. Has its own anchor

18 Ben

The middle route on the small pinicale. Up slab and right of the small cave.

18 Bill

Right side of small pinicale. Slab to start then thin moves to lower off.

Fermé Frankies pinnacle

Downhill from Little Weed pinnacle, 3 routes on overhanging face. Another block to its north has no routes as yet.

Fermé Frankies pinnacle
25 Slap It Up

The thin left route on the boulder down hill.

21 Frankie

The middle route on the downhill boulder. Up to break then right up sloping ramp to jug then back to anchors.

23 Caligraphy

The lower route on this boulder. Up steadily to second bolt then tough moves to shared finish and anchors.

Affichant les 71 noeuds total.

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