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Affichant les 75 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
Blues Point Life Aquatic Wall
V6/7 Date on the Bay

Some very tricky climbing. Start at the dyno hole and avoid the dyno ledge as well as the better holds out right. A little easier for the tall.

Note: This should appear before Dump Divers Dyno (currently No.8)

Bloc 5m
V6 Dislocation Irritation

The cherry on the cake of bad simon traverse

Same as for "Dislocation Station" but once you have stuck the final ledge and your arms are screaming at you, continue to grind your way to the right following the solid ledges.

Finish by reversing "STWS" in a controlled manner


Bloc 7m
Blues Point Peeking Patch
V6 Pockets of Power

Affectionately called Pockets of Power, this climb will leave you pumped, gazing at the pulsating two fingers on each of your hands!

the first few moves involve some creative thinking - start in front of scoop, using weird undercling and solid ledge, enjoy your way up using the two/three finger pockets piercing the wall. With 3 awesome pockets,a few razor sharp crimpers and a slight overhang this climb with test you. Top out has some good slaps and crimps, but may need some brush work

Down climb via the Jurrasic Tree Root to the right of 'Coal Train Blues'.



Bloc 4m
The Spit Sandy Bay
V6 13

Several juggy moves directly in the centre of the wall from a standing start leading into some small overhung crimps and a long reach to the ledge. Topout over the second section or crawl around the gap to the right.

Bloc 7m
V6 The Sandy Bay Roof

Start on the obvious triangle jug towards the back of the roof near the middle of the cave and move to the right side via the lowest chalked rail to the far right side lip. Turn the lip and move directly up the remaining slab to top out.

FA: Unknown

Bloc 6m
V6 Summer Daze

Sit start then climb the arete to a tricky mantle.

The Spit Pearl Bay The Pearl Bay Quarry
V6 Eucalyptus

Up the face to the break before a big lock off to a slope below the eucalypt. Clean the top hold before attempt. Controversially, use the tree to top out.

The Spit Pearl Bay Pearl Bay Climbing
26 Convulsive Eggplant

Initialled start, L of HIE. Up and dyno to BR with fixed hanger. Mantle, move left then up and right (2 BRs one with fixed hanger) to tree.

FA: Julian McGee & Early 1990s

Sportive 10m
Balmoral Lawry Plunkett Reserve
V6 Balmoral 6

Start as for Lover's Tiff but keep traversing left to top at the end of the cave.

Middle Cove Harold Reid Reserve Middle Cove Crag
26 Pulpy Kidney Part II

Start: Up center of red-streaked wall. 2 carrots then chain lower off.

FA: Michael Law, 1988

Sportive 8m
West Roseville Graffiti Wall
V6 Graffiti Wall Warm Up 3

Stand start in low break, head up via small holds to top out.

Bloc 5m
Lindfield Rocks Kenny Boulder
V6 7

Layback and undercling the long overlap to the finish of #5

Bloc 3m
V6 12 Variant

Same as '12' except both aretes are off.

Bloc 3m
V6 Freedom Day

As if any more classics could be found on the glorious Kenny Boulder! From common undercling start, trend up and across slopers to same exit as "13" on left of boulder when looking at problem.

FA: Jack Woodley, 18 Nov. 2021

Bloc 3m
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse

Anti-clockwise traverse of the boulder (stays below top). Hard traverse on the back end of the boulder.

Bloc 6m
V6 The Nose linked into 3
V6 Sit-start to 7
Bloc 3m
Lindfield Rocks One Hold Wall
V6 R Orange Arete Variant

Hard sit start variant on 'Orange Arete'

Bloc 5m
Lindfield Rocks Pipeline Wall
V6 9. Variant

Holding sloping pocket with L.

Bloc 4m
Lindfield Rocks Isolated Rock/Overhang
V6 9 - Impossible

Desperate sit start up the crack. Tape up, and use some crimps near the top for this grade. May not be doable pure.

Bloc 3m
Killara Fermé The Big Pump
V6 Dragon's Den

Start on the jug/slot on the right, head up then traverse left to join the V3.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 4m
V5/6 Pogona

Start as for 'Dragon's Den' then traverse left along the bottom lip holds joining into 'Lower Cave B'. The bottom ledge is off.

FA: Unknown

Équip.: Phillip Booth

Killara The Block
V6 King Wally
V6 Date work
V6 Grand final fever
V6 The brown
V6 Head high

About half way between the arete and Bog On Up is a faint feature around head height with two slopes on either side. Grab the slopes and make a series of desperate slaps to the right finishing up Bog On Up.

V6 Dying to know

Sit start and a long reach. The arete and the big edge half way up on its left are off. Mike Croker

Bloc 3m
V6 Beyoncé’s Factory Workers

Start on obvious jug. Needs some repeats to confirm grade. Good start sequence.

Eson Zhao

Équip.: Eson Zhao

FA: Eson, 3 Sept 2021

Bloc 2m
St Ives Fragmented Heart The Birds Nest
V6 Magpie

Sit start on the lower rail, and continue upwards. Finish and top out directly upwards. The lip to the far left is out.

East Killara The Promised Land Top Tier King Davids Overhang
V6 Giant Slayer

For those shorter of stature but still mighty of heart

Sit start at the common point under the left hand side of the first overhang.

Power straight up to the thin slot and then to the rounded pocket on the orange bulging section. The holds along the crack line in the middle are out.

Keep flowing up till you hit the long ledge line under the main section of the overhang and move left.

Throw a big deadpoint left out to the solid hold just under the lip. From here topout with some committing mantling

Power, Smooth hold placements and a committing top out, makes this an excellent problem

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Bloc 4m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Undecided Christianity
V6 Into the light

Link's Simon's Dyno into the end of Christian Brother's Brother

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2014

Bloc 4m
V6 Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip

A super sustained traverse with some focused friction and slapping.

Sit start under the left rounded arete at the jugs. Power up to the Gaston and then head left to the defined edge of the boulder

Slap and smear your way along this until you hit the bomber holds just left of the right arete. Fighting the pump, get your mantle on and love the feeling of your defiance to Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip.

Note - Clean the top before attempting, if there hasn't been much traffic

Original Problem V5 - Stand start just right of blunt arete

Équip.: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Simon, 2014

Bloc 4m
East Killara The Promised Land Middle Tier Genesis Right Wing Christianity
V6 Gomorrah

Crimps, under-clings, and a desperate snatch. Downgraded to seven from eight because general consensus seems to be it's a six. Stephen John B

FA: Neil Wallace

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Bloc 4m
V6 Mathais

Start same as Simon Magus but at lip of boulder move right 1m to topout on rounded holds while smearing the blank face

Équip.: Mathais, 2014

FA: Mathais, 2014

Bloc 3m
V6 Simon Magus

Sit Start at common low spot

power up to the arete and using the crimping side pull and small holds top out straight up all a smearing and a slapping

Équip.: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 3m
V6 Charlotte's Web

Start with both hands matched in far right jug (Charlotte's home) positioned to the right of "Can I Get A Witness". Traverse left using a pinch and a series of heels before linking back up with "Can I Get A Witness" and launching to Wilbur's snout.

Tom Ilchef

Équip.: Kieren Brodnik, 28 Août 2021

FA: Kieren Brodnik, 31 Août 2021

Bloc 4m
East Killara The Promised Land Bottom Tier Did Someone Forget Heaven Pockets Of The Apostles
V6 None The Wiser

Équip.: Simon Stevens, 2014

FA: Simon Stevens, 2014

Bloc 2m
East Killara The Queen's Hang Out
V6 eb's thumb

Classic of the area and quite techincal depending on your height. Good landing and great rock!!

FA: Mike croker, Juil 2022

Bloc 4m
Killarney Heights Crumbly
V6 Nasty

Start on two underclings at the far left side. Make a big move and head up and slightly left to finish. Don't dab the tree! Not great. Phillip Booth | Peter

FA: D.Kellerman, 2000

Bloc 3m
V6 Sushi Train (Standing start)
Bloc 3m
V6 The Traverse

Start a few metres right (just before the rock gets bad) and traverse left into the start of 'Anorexic'.

FA: T.O'neill, 2000

Forestville Sissy Crag
V6 Zac's Highball

Start up just right of 'Summer Night City' and move right through a series of two finger pockets before finishing at an obvious jug above 'The House With No Steps' with a fern stuck in it.

V6 Dentalectomy Original Finish

As for 'Dentalectomy' but traverse left across the whole sloper rail and finish at the next jug.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 3m
V6 Gladheateher

From a jug down low, go right and up the short arete.

Bloc 2m
V6 Tell Someone Who Cares

1,2,3,4 A variant of 'Jerk Off'. From the underclings, go directly to 'Bill Smith' second to last hold. Easier for the tall.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 4m
V6 Millie

Link 'Mr Smiley' into Foam - the big jug is out (use 3 finger pocket next to it).

Phillip Booth

Bloc 4m
V6 Vitamin C

M1, R2, M2, R3, M3, R4, M4, R5, M5

Good problem! Hold that last swing.

Bloc 3m
V6 Vitamin X

Same as Vitamin C, but eliminate hold 3.

V6 I've Got My Tie On

Just like 'Hands Off My Detonator' except that you start with a heel hook over left.

FA: Mike Myers, 1995

V6 Liveline

Start on the big sloper (1) and gain the tiny sloper edge left of the ear (3) with your right, then make a big move to finish on (4). All other holds are off.

This was original done as a 'no heels' problem.

Phillip Booth

FA: Scott Campbell, 1992

Bloc 2m
V6 Pants Off

Start off the two thin edges on the right side of the scoop, crimp your way up avoiding any of the holds on 'The Edge Ladder'. (use a tiny right of the triangle edge).

Original done as a 'no heels' problem.

FA: Scott Campbell, 1992

V6 Nicole

Start on the rail as for 'Nic' (6), then head left through holds (3),(2) and (1), continue left and make a cool move across the scoop to the good edge of 'Verboten' and finish as for 'Verboten'.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 5m
V6 Heavens Gate

Sit start on the undercling flake in the roof. M11, R12, L7, R6, M6, R3, L4, R5, M5. Hard first move but it's worth it!

FA: Gavin Portier

Bloc 4m
V6 Extension Ladder

Sit start as for 'Heavens Gate' and link into 'Nicky', staying low and finishing as for 'The Edge Ladder'.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 4m
V6 Depth Charge

'Mike's Five' eliminating the nasty two finger pocket.

🚫 Originally done as a 'no heels' problem.

Phillip Booth

Bloc 3m
V6 The Next Episode

If you’re ever at Sissy crag and want to climb a new classic that actually tops out then give this one a shot! (We even made the landing nice and flat 😉).

Warning 29/08/2020: the start holds are moving and will end up breaking on someone. Chossy top.

George Li

V6 Left Side Extension

As for Left Side but keep heading right to finish on the jug on the face. Peter

Bloc 2m
V6 Unknown


Cool problem I got shown by someone. Probably been done many times before. Heels are in.

26 B
Sportive 8m
Forestville The Wall
V6 Nina

A powerful roof problem. From the hueco in the roof, move out to the overlap and follow it to the lip and over.

Bloc 6m
Forestville Fox Cave
V6 Grimace

From the big hueco in the roof head straight out. Same finish as Primordial Soup and Grimacing.

V6 Greenback

From the right side of the hueco, move right and up to finish over the lip.

Forestville The Frontyard Sector 1
V6 Come on Henry

On the right hand side of the small orange cave, just left of some big protruding features are some slopers. Start here and do a big move to the lip. Mantle.

Bloc 2m
Wahroonga Browns Road Bouldering - Courtyard, The Block, Environs and other bouldering
V6 E
Wahroonga Lorna Pass
V6 Ketchup Slab

In between boulders. Stand start and desperately climb the slab via some side-pulls.

Bloc 4m
Lane Cove Blackman Park
V6 Last Words

Up the crack feature into the end of Deadringer.

FA: Connor Lucas, 12 Août 2018

Bloc 6m
Riverview Tambourine Bay Otherside
V6 Stalker

Through roof & mantle.

FA: Damo Alexander, 4 Jan 2015

Riverview Tambourine Bay Eastern Sectors
V6 High Roller

Stand start left of 'Sharik's Roof' on two small crimps, move up and right to gain the arete and top out. Bring some pads, and some spotters.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 2014

Belrose Belrose Crag
V6 The Owl

The is the must do problem of Belrose. High, scary and beautiful. Climb up the pockets and then negotiate the slab section at the top. Easier at the top for the tall.

Belrose Davidson
V6 Five Finger Discount

FA: Damien Alexander, 2009

Belrose Satan
V6 Lucifer's Loins

Some nice steep climbing out leftwards, then a longish move to the lip followed by a mantle.

V6 666

Thin and nasty. From Rosary Crucifixion's starting hold, traverse left via a sharp crimp to the jugs (start of 'Stairway to Heaven' - link them together if you're keen).

Timbarra Boulders The Throne
V6 Scoop

From the signpost next to Coconut, head right through a trail for about two minutes until you encounter a cliffline. This is the obvious line at the start of the first overhang.

Double dyno from jug at back to lip and mantle through scoop.

Phillip Booth

FA: Aurel

Bloc 4m
Timbarra Boulders Stranger Things
V6 Chippy McChip

Sit start on the ledge to the right. Move up under the roof and head left to finish up Stranger Things.

FA: Oct. 2016

Bloc 4m

Affichant les 75 voies total.

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