
Mixed copyright supports mixed copyright, where some content owned by (under the Creative Commons - Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike licence), and some content owned by publishers, clubs and other websites.

The general premise of the mixed copyright is that the overall document has multiple copyrights, while individual pieces of copyrightable content within the document have specific copyright.

In the system copyright content includes:

  • area descriptions
  • route descriptions
  • topos
  • photos
  • maps
  • comments

(Note that route names are not copyrightable, because like street names they are community facts).

Where copyright content is distributed by it includes a reference to a copyright statement.

Where copyright content is displayed in's portals a reference to the copyright is made on the page on which it is displayed. Where multiple copyright material is displayed (eg crag guide showing content and publisherX content) then both copyrights are displayed as a 'mixed' copyright.

For reference to's content see copyright statement. Our general philosophy is to make our content available for the benefit of the rock climbing community for non-commercial channels, however because of this mixed copyright we need to know and monitor its use. Therefore we require you to ask permission before you start using our material.

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