
Discussion: Wasp nest

  • Started: about a year ago on Mon 28th Nov 2022

Public discussion This is a public discussion for 6a Fondue d'écureuil.

Thibaud logged a warning about a year ago. Resolved

Flora and Fauna Wasp nest

There is a big wasp nest in the middle of the climb. It is recommended to avoid climbing it.

Resolved Fri Feb 17 2023

Florence Agnes Konig replied about a year ago.

There is still a wasp nest but it was empty / no wasps

Sơn replied about a year ago.

did u see a sling on the way up, before the nest?

Florence Agnes Konig replied about a year ago.

No gear up there!

Bradley Ransom replied about a year ago.

The wasp nest is empty and you can climb safely 👍

Resolved Thibaud - Fri Feb 17 2023

Jon T replied about a year ago.

Sơn did you find your gear back?

Sơn replied about a year ago.

I dont know who took it

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